Chapter 22: The Fourth Of July

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I was awoken roughly on Independence Day morning. My phone was blowing up, notification after notification. My eyes barely open, I turned on the screen to see 5 new Instagram pms from Keith. "OH MY GOD VIVIAN!! Last night! It happened!" That was basically the context of all the messages. "What are you talking about? What happened?" I asked, still half awake. "Me and Noah went out last night! He acted more interested in my romantic advances. My heart was about to burst from nervousness and excitement. So I blurted out my feelings, right in the restaurant parking lot. Noah seemed so touched, and shocked. I became even more nervous as he just stood there, a blank expression on his face. He then stepped a little closer. Then I stepped closer. Almost simultaneously, we leaned in closer and closer, then kissed. KISSED!! My heart is still skipping now!" My eyes widened as I read the message a second time. 'It worked! Your love coaching worked!' I thought excitedly to myself. "I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" I replied. "Thank you so much, Vivian. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." Keith told me. "I'm so glad I could help!" I said. "Me too. Are you gonna be at the fireworks show tonight down at the beach?" He asked. "Certainly! Damien and Shayne have already invited me." I replied. "Cool. Than we'll probably see each other tonight!" Keith said. "Talk then!" "Bye!" I said, then the conversation ended. I was wide awake now. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. After I was dressed, I opened my back doors and stepped out onto the balcony. A soft breeze blew through my hair, and not a cloud was in sight. It was going to be a beautiful Independence Day.
Throughout the day, I stayed at my apartment, calling my family and best friends back in Tennessee. "Do you think I should wear a dress or shorts?" I asked Melissa. It was later in the afternoon, and I was planning my outfit for tonight. "Probably shorts. The sand on the beach might go up a skirt." She replied. I giggled. "I guess you're right." I agreed. I pulled out a pair of clean, new jean shorts. "Do you think that white lace blouse would look nice with jean shorts?" I wanted to know, examining the blouse in question. "Yes! That would be so cute!" Melissa said. "Alright. Then I'll wear my brown heeled sandals, and some patriotic makeup!" I told her, tossing the blouse on my bed and running to my vanity to dig around in my makeup drawer. I found bright red lipstick, and white and blue eyeshadow. "Okay, I've selected my makeup and outfit." I announced to Melissa. "How do you think I should do my hair?" "Don't! Wear it down." She suggested. "No way. With the sea breeze, I'll be brushing hair whisps out of my face all night!" I said. "How about a bun twist?" "Okay, that's even better. Shayne will love that!" She told me. "Who said I was trying to impress Shayne?" I asked, making faces in the mirror. "You said you were going with him and Damien." She pointed out. "Yeah, but it's not a double date, if Damien's even bringing someone else." I told her. "And me and Shayne aren't even romantic with each other." "Hmmm." Melissa hummed. "Are you sure about that?" "I'm hanging up now. I don't need to hear that before leaving." I said. "Goodbye." "Bye lovebird!" She said, hanging up. I rolled my eyes. Melissa was always quick to jump to conclusions. I did my hair and makeup, and put on the selected outfit. Just as I was slipping on my second shoe, I received a call from Shayne. 'Oh no, something's the matter' I immediately thought, answering the phone. "Hey. Just letting you know we're outside." He said. I sighed in relief. "Okay. I'll be right out." I hung up, grabbed my purse, and locking the door, rushed outside to what I figured was Damien's car. "Hi guys!" I greeted them, climbing in the backseat, as the guys were in the front. "Hey! Happy Independence Day!" Damien told me. "Thanks. Same to both of you!" I said, as we started down the street. Shayne turned to look at me. "You look nice." He said. "Thank you." I replied, smiling. In about 20 minutes, we arrived at the beach, where a sea of cars was already parked. We finally found a spot, then got out and headed towards the shore, where everyone else was gathered. Everyone was swimming, barbecuing, talking, and lounging in lawn chairs and towels. "Where are the others?" I asked, looking around. "I don't know. Did they say they were coming?" Damien asked. "I didn't hear wether or not. But Keith said him and Noah were going to be here." I replied. "Those two have such a close relationship." Shayne commented. I chose not to tell them about their new romance. They would tell the others when they were ready. Damien waved to a group of people across the beach. "Those are some of my friends. I'll catch up with you guys later!" He told us, walking off. "Let's go sit at the water. I want to soak my feet." I told Shayne. Together, we approached the water and sat at it's shore. I took off my shoes and dipped my feet into the cool, refreshing water. "C'mon, you too." I urged Shayne. He shook his head. "I don't do that." He said. "Well, now's the time to try something new." I said. "C'mon, try it. It feels amazing." Looking uncertain, he removed his shoes and socks and dipped his feet in. "Wow." Was all he said. I giggled. "Told you it was amazing." He smiled, and we stared off into the distant ocean, with people making noise all around us. We chatted for awhile, until people started saying the fireworks were going to start soon, and got settled into their seats for the show. "Let's move back a little, so we have a better view." Shayne said. We sat up, and walked with out damp feet out into the sand, and sat down again. We were far enough away from t he crowd that we could watch the fireworks in peace. Basically alone. I looked over to finally see Keith and Noah, sitting a little away from us, cuddled up against each other. I chose not to mention it to Shayne. Within a couple of minutes, the fireworks started, with loud music playing to go along with them. I looked up into the sky to see them all, exploding above our heads. The show was beautiful, though I felt Shayne twitching around next to me the entire time. "You okay?" I asked him, without moving my eyes from the fireworks. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. We continued watching in silence until he suddenly exclaimed, "You know what? No, I'm not fine! I haven't been fine for weeks! I've been a nervous wreck for a while now!" I turned my head to look at him. "What? What are you talking about?" He sighed deeply, without speaking. "Shayne, what's wrong? I don't understand." I said. "It's you!" He blurted out, not making eye contact. "Me? What did I do?" I asked, totally perplexed. I wasn't even paying attention to the fireworks anymore. "You've been on my mind for weeks." He said, sounding almost tearful. "All the dated we've gone on, the kisses on the cheek, all of it! Those were some of the best times of my life, I just...wasn't satisfied somehow." "What are you trying to say?" I asked, almost scared. "I'm trying to say I like you! A lot! I've been getting such weird feelings recently, only when I'm thinking about you, or with you. I didn't understand the feelings at first, but I do now." I gasped. That didn't just happen?! "Vivian...I don't just like you. I love you." Shayne said, sounding the most serious I'd ever heard him before. I put my hand to my heart. All the good times we had together flowed through my mind. I remembered all the strange feelings, like I didn't want to be friends, but something mysteriously more. I suddenly realized what those feelings were. It was love. I loved him, and I couldn't, wouldn't accept it. It was all so clear now. I had loved him all this time, and ignored it, because I didn't want it to happen for some reason. Afraid he wouldn't feel the same way. But he did. "Shayne I..." I struggled to find words. Shayne opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted, "I love you too." I practically whispered. Both lost, we just silently stared into each other's eyes. Then in one swift motion, before I had a chance to react, Shayne leaned in closer and gently kissed my lips. My heart exploded just like the fireworks above us. After a few seconds, he slowly moved away. My eyes were wide in surprise, and I couldn't get any words out. "Oh, I'm sorry. That was way to fast. Just forget it..." Before he could finish, I quickly leaned in and gave him a deep kiss. Without our lips parting, he moved even closer and wrapped his arms tightly around me. My heart fluttered intensely as I cautiously wrapped my arms around him too. As this was happening, the loudest bang of the show went off. We released each other and looked at the sky. It was the grand finale of the show, and bang after bang went off within 1 second of the previous one. Shayne put his arm around me, and I snuggled up against him, watching the fireworks for the remaining minutes. Once it was over, I looked up at him. "I've been so blind." I said quietly. "I had these strange feelings for weeks, but I couldn't figure out what it was. That night you asked me why I was acting weird around you, I was scared to answer because the feelings were so strong. But I know what they were now. It was love, and I didn't even cross my mind as being that, because I was trying to hide the truth from myself. But after tonight, I can't hide anymore." "You don't need too." He told me. "Because I'm also done hiding. I've just been through so many bad breakups, I didn't want to fall in love again. But you were just so captivating, it happened right before my eyes." We smiled at each other, and gently kissed. "Well, that was cheesy." I commented. "Yeah. That's not really my thing." Shayne agreed. I then looked over to where Keith and Noah were sitting. They were kissing. Shayne noticed them too. "Don't tell the others yet. I think they want to keep it a secret till they're ready." I told him. "Okay. But how do you know about it?" He asked. I smiled mysteriously. "Let's just say I played my part in their relationship." "That's a good enough answer for me." He said. We sat up, and wandered across the beach looking for Damien. We found him already in his car, waiting in the parking lot. "Let's not tell anyone about this yet." Shayne said. "Agreed. Keep it under wraps till the right time." I said. Acting like the friends we arrived as, we climbed in Damien's car and headed back home. I sighed happily from the backseat. This was the best Independence Day of my entire life, a night I would never forget.

Word count: 1941

I've been planning this climax for weeks. Please let me know what you thought about it. Criticism is welcome.

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