Chapter 28: Finding Out

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Author's note: This is the last chapter of this book. I had so much fun writing it, and the attention and love it received was incredible. Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented. My very first completed fanfiction was a success because of all of you.

On Sunday, I called my mom, telling her I was sorry I lost my temper, but could she please be more understanding of me and Shayne's relationship. She reluctantly agreed to that, and accepted my apology. Feeling more confident, I called Melissa next, and told her I was sorry, but I still didn't approve of the way she acted behind my back. After lots of tears and explanations from both of us, we agreed to move past the rough patch and continue onward. I was then able to relax in my apartment all day, not feeling guilty about my bad temper the days before.
The next day, Monday, I arrived at the studio at the usual time. As I walked into the filming room, it was deserted. I checked my phone to see if I had missed a call from Ian or any of the others, but I hadn't. Just then I heard someone come in. It was Shayne. "Hey babe." He greeted me, giving me a quick kiss. "Hi." I said, rubbing my thumb over his hand. "Where's everybody at?" "They stopped to get coffee at Starbucks before coming in." He replied. "Ian didn't text you?" "No. No one did." I said. Shayne shook his head. "Of course he forgot." I giggled. "So what? We have the place to ourselves until they get here?" He nodded. "Why didn't you go with them?" I wanted to know. "I don't know. I just figured I'd get everything set up for the day, so we wouldn't be overly behind on schedule." He answered. I smiled. "That's sweet." I told him. He smiled back. "I can be the nice guy sometimes. I usually just choose not to be." I laughed, and helped him get eveything set up. We would be filming a Smosh Pit challenge. We were finished after about 15 minutes, and the others still had not shown up yet. We decided to sit down on the couch of the set. Shayne put his arm around him, and we just chatted for a couple of mintues. Then he just kissed me suddenly, and before long, basically making out. I tousled the back of his hair because it was soft and nice as he cupped my face in his hands to reach me easier. A moment later, I heard a chorus of voices say "What the..." We quickly jerked our heads over to look, where literally the entire cast and crew stood, gawking at us. My face burned red as I quickly removed myself from Shayne. We were both speechless. "You two" Ian asked uncomfortably. I wrung my hands together. "Yes." I replied quietly. "For how long?" Asked Sarah, clearly in awe. "About a month." Shayne answered. "I knew it!" Exclaimed Courtney. "I knew there was something going on between you two." "Now you all see I was right!" She added to the others. Me and Shayne both stood up and approached them. "We were too shy to say anything. We didn't know how you'd feel about it." Said Shayne. "We know we could probably trust you guys but...we were too nervous." I added, shuffling my feet uncomfortably. There was a long moment of silence between us. Then suddenly, everyone started shouting out congratulations and words of praise to us. Me and Shayne glanced at each other shyly and smiled. Olivia came over and hugged me. "I told you he wants to fuck you." She whispered. "Shut up!" I exclaimed playfully. "I knew you could do it, man!" I overheard Damien tell Shayne. "And I wouldn't have been able to if it weren't for you letting me vent and your confident behavior." He said. "And I helped too!" Added Ian, coming between me and Shayne. "Little did you know." He said to him. "I told her about how much interest you had in her from the very beginning." "But I told Damien, not you." Shayne pointed out. "I told Ian because he wanted to hear about it and I thought I could trust him." Damien explained. Ian shrugged, and we all laughed. "You guys were SO obvious! I knew something was going on all along." Courtney continued bragging. "You should have told me about this. Maybe I could have helped you back." Keith said to me. "It's fine. I still managed your relationship better than my own." I admitted, giggling. We all continued chatting for a while longer, until we finally decided to start filming. I was so elated, knowing I could go public in my love for Shayne. And the fans and press? Well, I guess they'd have to find out too, if that's what it took. I couldn't wait to keep exploring the beautiful world of romance with my beloved Shayne, and see what crazy adventures life took us on next. There would be challenges, arguments, and some craziness, but I knew we could conquer anything, the squad with us the whole journey through. We would all stay strong. Together.


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