Chapter 26: Telling Mom

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A few weeks passed peacefully. Me and Shayne continued forming a closer and closer bond to one another, as it became more difficult to hide our secret. A lot of the Smosh cast and crew were raising eyebrows, but only Courtney and Olivia would ask questions, which we barely manage to answer. At the beginning of August, a month after we had started dating, Shayne took me out to Olive Garden. We were at a table, eating our meals and holding hands. Suddenly I got a strange feeling that someone was near me, watching us. "Uh...Shayne?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Is there someone behind me?" He leaned over to look behind me, then quickly dropped my hand. "What's wrong?" I asked, afraid to look. "Courtney and Sarah are behind us." He whispered urgently. My eyes widened as a put my hand under the table and turned around. Indeed, there they were, only a table away from us, looking at us strangely. "Now we seem even more obvious! Invite them over." I told Shayne. He beckoned to them to come over, to which they did. "Umm...hi guys." Sarah said uncomfortably. "Hi! How are you?" I asked cheerfully. " just saw us at the studio an hour ago. But fine I guess." Courtney replied. I laughed nervously. "Oh...I guess you're right." I said. There was a long, uncomfortable silence. "So, what are you guys doing? Were you holding hands?" Asked Sarah curiously. "Pfft. No." Shayne said. "Why would we be doing that?" "Because maybe my theory is true." Answered Courtney. I rolled my eyes. "Courtney, there is nothing going on between us. We're only friends." I told her. She raised an eyebrow. "Oh well, let's just go. They won't say anything." Said Sarah. "Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Courtney said, and they walked off back to their table behind us. "That was close." Sighed Shayne. "Yeah. We need to be more careful in public. If they don't find out themselves, the press will." I said. Shayne nodded in agreement, and we continued eating, being very cautious not to act romantic.
When we were finally out of prying eyes and back at my apartment building, Shayne came with me up the elevator to my front door. He had me against the door, and kissed me passionately. "Do you wanna come in?" I asked, smiling coyly. "Sure." He said. I dug through my purse for my keys, and accidentally hit the on button on my phone. The screen lit up, revealing I had a missed call from my mom. "Aw Shayne, you can't come in. My mom called, and I need to call her back and make sure everything is alright." I told him, showing him the screen for proof. "Okay. See you tomorrow. Love you." We kissed once more, than he left. I let myself into my apartment and called my mom, to which she answered quickly. "Hi mom. Is everybody okay?" I asked worriedly, sitting down on my bed. "We're fine. But we need to talk." She said sternly. 'What did I do?' I asked myself. "About what?" I asked her. "The other day at the grocery store, I ran into Melissa." She said. "I asked her about you, and she told me you were seeing someone. One of your co-workers. Is that true?" I sighed, knowing I was trapped. "Yes mom, it's true. His name is Shayne Topp." "Isn't that the one you had a crush on before?" She asked. "Yes mom." I repeated impatiently. "He's not good enough for you." She said firmly. "Couldn't you have done better?" "I did just fine. He's really nice, and he treats me like I'm important." I said, getting irritated. "He'd better, seeing as how you're way out of his league. And a co-worker! What were you even thinking?" "We started off as friends, but I...had growing feelings for him, as he did towards me." I explained. "How long has this been going on?" "A month." "A month! You told Melissa, but not me? How long would it have been before I'd known, if I hadn't found out myself?" She demanded. "I don't know! The only person I told was Melissa." I answered, about to lose my patience. "I'm so disappointed in you, Vivian. There's so many better men out there for you, yet you chose the first oaf that crossed your path since leaving Tennessee." Mom complained. "I love him, Mom!" I blurted out angrily. "He means the whole world to me, and I know he loves me just as much. I don't understand why you can't be more supportive of my choice! He's a great guy, and he's the nicest man I've ever met. Unfortunately you can't see that!" I hung up and slammed my phone down on the bed. I was honestly surprised at myself. I had never gotten defensive over any of my boyfriends before, and I rarely yelled at my mom. But I was just so angry at her for not even trying to be understanding of my relationship with the man I loved. And why did Melissa squeal on me when she knew I wasn't ready to tell anyone else? I felt bad about tomorrow, as I would have to call her and demand an explanation. Sometimes love does have it difficulties.

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