Chapter 25: The First Time

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I know this the part of the story you've all been waiting for lol. There will be mild, but definitely not detailed sexual content. I will include an additional warning when it begins and ends.

Another work week passed, and Saturday had arrived again before I even knew it. Which meant me and Shayne had been officially dating for a week. I decided to call him that morning and see if he wanted to do something together. "Good morning!" I said cheerfully. "Morning babe. What are you doing today?" He asked. "Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out tonight. As kind of a celebration for our 1 week anniversary." I told him. Shayne laughed lightly. "That's sweet. And I was actually going to call later today and ask you if you maybe wanted to come by my place. I could prepare a nice meal, and we can enjoy each other's company alone, without people staring." I smiled. "That sounds beautiful. What time do you want me there?" I asked. "The usual time?" "Sure. See you then!" I said, and we hung up. I tossed my phone down and clasped my hands in excitement. A relationship was always serious if you start visiting each other's homes.
At 7:00 PM sharp, I stood at the front door of Shayne's apartment. He had texted me the street address and apartment number so I knew how to get there. I wore a baggy pink t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sandals. I knew it was casual, but as I had said to Shayne before, the wooing of the other was over. So I took am even riskier chance, and wore absolutely no makeup or jewelry, with my hair loose. I hoped I would still look pleasing to him natural. I sighed deeply, then rang the bell. In a few moments, he opened the door. "Hey!" He greeted me, opening the door wider. "C'mon in." I smiled, and stepped cautiously inside. "Hi." I said shyly. "Why are you acting so shy?" He asked. I brought up the courage to look at him. "I uh...decided to try out a different look tonight." I said. He looked me over. "You're not wearing any makeup. And just causal clothes." He said. I nodded. "Ahhh. You're trying to see what my reaction will be?" He asked. I nodded again. "Well." He stepped closer to me. "I think you look beautiful, with or without makeup and fancy clothes." He stroked my cheek gently. "I'm glad you still find me...attractive. Naturally." I told him. "Of course I do. I'd be a jerk, and a stupid one, if I didn't." He said, giving me a kiss. "Now c'mon, let's go into the kitchen. Dinner's ready." I followed him a mere few steps to the kitchen. "Have a seat." He offered, pointing to a little round table. I took a seat as he set out two sets of dishes and silverware. "What's the meal tonight?" I wanted to know. "Spaghetti with salad." He said, searching the refrigerator for drinks. "What about garlic bread?" I asked. He face palmed. "I forgot the garlic bread! I remembered to make a salad with all the fixings, but forgot the bread." "It's okay." I assured him, giggling. "I'm sure the salad will be just as good." Hw poured us both some soda, since he had also forgot something fancier to drink, then filled our plates with his home cooked meal. "It looks delicious." I said, taking a bite as Shayne sat down at the table with me. He waited as I chewed and swallowed. "This is good! You did an amazing job." I told him, taking another bite. "Thanks." He said, slightly blushing and began eating. We chatted happily for the whole meal, and I was surprised that not 1 awkward moment had happened yet. "Do you want to watch TV or something?" Shayne asked when we had finished eating. "Sure." I agreed. We settled ourselves on the couch and turned on the TV to a random movie. Shayne put his arm around me, and I snuggled into him for comfort. We watched the movie for about 30 minutes before I suddenly turned it off. "This is boring. I'd rather have your company instead." I told him. He smiled. "Yeah, that movie sucked." I sat up straighter and deeply kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me as he leaned deeper into the kiss. Before long, it had kind of turned into a makeout. Beginning of scene: Shayne's weight became too heavy on me, so I leaned back and laid on the couch. He stayed above me as the kissing continued. Within a moment more, he started kissing my neck. "Shayne." I said. "What is it?" He asked, moving up to look at me. "This is a really uncomfortable place for this." I said. He laughed lightly. "Then let's move." He sat up and picked me up with him, carrying me to his bedroom. He put me on his bed, removing his shirt before getting back on top of me. I removed my own clothes, and there began the most exciting, amazing night of my life. End of scene:
I awoke the next morning somewhere that was not my own bed. I raised my head and looked around, then remembered I had stayed the night at Shayne's. I laid back down and rolled over to find Shayne laying there next to me, tousled hair and half awake. "Good morning." I said groggily, yawning. "Good morning babe." He said, rubbing his eyes. I suddenly smiled to myself. "What are you smiling about?" He asked. "Last night." I replied. "I'll always have fond memories of that." He smiled too. "Yeah. That was...amazing." He said. He leaned in and kissed me. "We should do this again." He said. "Definitely." I agreed. And that concluded the first time I'd ever slept with a famous person.

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