Chapter 10: Group Outing (part 2)

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After we had all finished eating, we piled back into Matt's van to head to our next location, which everyone had agreed would be the roller skating rink. It took us about 15 minutes to get there. We all climbed out and went inside the huge building. People were skating around to the loud music, there was more people in the arcade, even more at the snack bar, and some just sitting on the benches scattered around. "Wow." Was all I could say about the huge place. "I know, right? And the more people that show up, the more fun it is!" Said Sarah. We all went up to the counter and bought our skates, each of us paying separately again. After everyone had strapped their skates on, we all stepped out into the rink and started moving around, some more skilled than others. I had only skated a few times in my life, so I was very unskilled, and just took small baby steps very slowly. But I wasn't lonely. Olivia had stayed behind to help me out. "First, you need to let go of the railing. You won't get any speed that way." She told me. I nervously removed my hand from the railing and continued slowly moving around the edge of the rink. "You can go ahead if you want. I'll catch up." I said, feeling bad for keeping her there with me. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel left out." She said. "I'm sure. Go ahead. I'll catch up with everyone eventually." I toke her, smiling. So Olivia then skated away from me at an incredible pace, leaving me feeling more determined than ever to get moving. After about 15 minutes, I was finally moving at a decent pace, my feet having adjusted to the feel of the skates. I caught up to Ian. "There you are! I thought you may have given up." He said. "Nah! I was determined to get the hang of this and join the fun!" I told him. "I'll race you." He said. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet." I admitted. But he didn't listen. He just started cruising away from me. Who was I to back down from a challenge? I picked up the pace and started going after him. "Whoa, hey there!" Matt called to me as I skated past him. "Hey!" I called back. "Yes! You're moving!" Olivia cheered. I smiled at her as I struggled to keep up with Ian. He ended up winning the race. "I hate you!" I told him once he had slowed down and I caught up. He laughed. "I thought you said you weren't ready yet?" He asked. "I lied." I replied. He laughed again. I started laughing too, and all of a sudden I slipped and struggled to keep myself on my feet, and ended up falling down on my butt. "Whoaaahhh...ooopppps!" Shayne and Damien yelled together. I just laughed it off as Ian helped me back up. "Hey, the whole Smosh squad is here!" A teenage girl commented to her friend as they skated by. "Oh great. Now I'm going to be the laughingstock of all social media." I said. "Not necessarily. You might get some attention though." Ian told me. I rolled my eyes. "Great?" I said sarcastically. "Just what I need at this point." "Hey Ian!" Matt called. "Come over here!" "I'll catch up with you." I told him as he skated away. Just then I felt someone come up behind me and touch my shoulder. I spun around crazily to face Shayne. "Hey there." He greeted me, smiling. "Hello." I said back. "What's the matter? You look shocked." He asked. "No. Just surprised to have someone sneak up on me." I replied, giggling. Then together, we took off around the rink, chatting about work. After a little bit, I started to lose balance again and tipped backwards. I closed my eyes tightly, knowing I was about to fall on my butt again. But I fell against something else, not on the floor, but still standing. I opened my eyes to find myself caught in Shayne's muscular arms. He was gazing down at me, smiling coyly "I caught you just in time." He said. "I...I guess s-so." I stuttered. 'Why is this oddly nice?' I asked myself. With his help, I was back on my feet once again. "Thanks." I told him, smiling. "I don't think the middle of the rink is the place for you. Too slippery." He said. I nodded in agreement. He took my hand and led me out to the edge. His hand was cool and soft. I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had to. But then I had an idea. "Let's do a train formation." I suggested. "Yes!" He agreed. We called everyone over, and one by one, we all locked hands and formed a huge train. "Hey, at least now I won't try and fall again." I joked to Courtney, who was locked behind me. She giggled in response. We skated around like that for a a little bit, before everyone started getting tired. We agreed to take a break for a while. We all stepped off the rink and removed our skates. We put our regular shoes back on before heading to different parts of the building. "Wanna go to the arcade?" I asked Shayne and Damien. "Sure!" They both replied, so we all went in there and browsed the games. Damien went to play a racing visual game while Shayne went to the claw machine. I followed him, curious to see if he could grab something. "Which animal is the cutest?" He asked me, putting a quarter in the machine. I looked at all the stuffed animals in there before pointing to one in the middle. It was a dragon. "That one." I said. He tried for it, but got nothing. He tried 2 times after that and still got nothing. "C'mon, let's go do something else. This is a waste." I told him. "One more time." He insisted, putting in another quarter. I watched intensely as he grabbed the dragon and it successfully dropped through the chute. "Yay!" I exclaimed as he pulled it out. "Now you have a stuffed animal to put on your bed." "I think you mean you do." He said, handing the stuffed dragon to me. "Really?" I asked, smiling. "Yeah. Think of it as a souvenir from this outing." He said. Impulsively, I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. "Thank you!" I told him. Obviously he didn't mind, because he hugged tight back. He smelled like cologne. When we released each other, I was looking right into his eyes. It took all of my power to not take the next step. 'He is so irresistible' I thought. Just then Damien came over. "What's going on here..." He trailed off. "Nothing. I was just thanking Shayne for this?" I replied, showing him the dragon. "That's cute." He said. "C'mon buddy, come over here and shoot some hoops with me." He said to Shayne. "Let's do it! Catch up with you later, Vivian!" Shayne told me before walking off with his best friend. I hugged the dragon against my chest. I felt a growing admiration for Shayne in my heart at that moment. Did he feel the same about me?

Word count: 1244

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