Chapter 8: Plans

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The next day I entered the Smosh studio, wearing a a patterned top, jeans, a jean jacket, and brown ankle boots. My hair was tied up in a ponytail, and I wore eyeliner, pink eyeshadow, and darker pink lipstick. As I went into the filming room for the day, Courtney rushed up to me, phone in hand. "What's going on, Court?" I asked, setting down my purse. "Look at these comments from the Every Neigbor Ever video." She said. I took her phone and scrolled through. Almost all of them were about me and Shayne. We had such good chemistry, our scenes were the best, ect. But then I saw the worst ones. The most embarrassing, cringey comments of all.
Me and Shayne were being shipped. Our ship name was Shavian. "Oh my god." Was all I could say, handing the phone back to Courtney. Olivia then ran up to us. "Did you show her?" She asked Courtney. "Her face should answer that question for you." She told her. I hadn't realized my shocked expression was so obvious. "I think it's cute." Said Olivia. "Maybe I'll start shipping, too." "Please don't." I told her. "This is embarrassing enough. I just finally started getting a real friendship with Shayne, now this happens." "It's okay. Shayne's already seen the comments. He said he won't let it affect your relationship." Courtney told me. "That's good. But it's still going to bring more tension between us." I said. "Nonsense." Shayne's voice broke in, coming up behind Olivia. Now I felt even more embarrassed that he heard my worries. "It's cool, Vivian. We can't let these crazy fangirls get in the way of a new friendship." He told me, smiling. I smiled back. "I guess you're right. But it still makes things awkward between us." "Not really. It's not as if the shipping is actually true, so who cares?" I smiled again. "You're right, Shayne. This fame thing just gets to my head sometimes." "It's totally alright. It happens to the best of us." He said. "Now guys, I had a really fun idea." Said Courtney, changing the subject. "What is it?" Asked Olivia. "Well, I thought we could all go out someplace, sort of a group outing. Just us Smosh members. Ian already said he'd be there, and so did Keith and Noah, whom I spoke to last night. So I was wondering if any if you were free tomorrow night?" "I'm in." Said Olivia. "We haven't done an activity outside if work together in so long. It'll be fun!" I'm in too!" Shayne said. Everyone turned to me. "You mean, I get an invite?" I asked, surprised. "Of course! You're part of the Smosh family now!" Courtney replied. "Well, in that case...that sounds like a blast! Count me in!" I said. "Yay! That's everybody!" Exclaimed Courtney happily. "What about Damien and Sarah? Matt?" I asked. Courtney face-palmed. "Why didn't I think to ask them? I will right now!" Courtney then ran off to find them. "This is going to be so much fun!" I squealed to Olivia and Shayne. "I know! This will be a great chance for you to form closer relationships with everyone!" Said Shayne. "Alright everybody, play time is over! Let's get to it!" Yelled Matt. Then the filming for a video game session commenced.
After filming was over, Courtney gathered us all together before we left. "Okay guys, everyone here, and Keith and Noah, have agreed to join in a group outing tomorrow night! Now, we need to figure out how we're riding now, so we can leave straight-away tomorrow." She explained. "Anyone have any ideas?" "That's not a problem." Spoke up Matt. "I have a giant van parked at my house that can fit all of us." "10 people? Are you absolutely sure?" Sarah asked, unconvinced. "Yes Sarah, I know how to count. It used to be a church bus before I bought it from a friend." He told her. "Okay. Then that settles it! We can decide where to go tomorrow, so we can discuss it with Keith and Noah too." Courtney said. "So get some extra sleep tonight, because tomorrow will bring a wild night!" After that we all left the studio to go home. I slept soundly that night, knowing I needed my energy for the big night tomorrow.

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