Chapter 13: I Need a Love Coach!

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The next few days passed peacefully. I went to work, filmed fun videos with all my friends, then came home and did whatever. But it was on Wednesday evening that things changed. I was lounging on my bed, about to doze off, when my phone went off. I jolted awake and checked to find a text from Shayne. "How's it going?" The message read. 'That's kind of odd. I just spoke to him at the studio today' I thought to myself. But I texted back "Pretty good. Just lounging in my apartment. How about you?" "Doing ok. But I'm sure you know that I texted for a reason." He replied. "Yes I did. What is it?" I asked. "I'm not even going to make up a reason, cause I don't have one. Do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" I was shocked. "Like a date?" I dared to ask. "I guess so." He replied. I was in a panic. What was I supposed to say? Would it be fun, or a disaster? But I decided to tell him what I really did want to do. "Yes, I'll go with you. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other better!" "Cool. Which restaurant around here do you like?" Shayne asked. "I've been dying to try out that Chinese place around the corner from my apartment." I told him. "Yeah, that place is good. We can go there then. We can just go there right after filming is over." 'Oh god no. I need to look good. We can't do that' I thought. "Would it be okay if I could stop at my apartment first and get cleaned up?" "Ok, that's fine. And I can pick you up there say around 7:00?" "Sounds good." I agreed. "Ok, see you at the studio tomorrow!" He said. "See you then! Goodnight!" I told him, then the conversation was over. I then immediately called my best friend Melissa, to tell her what had just happened. As soon as I lost hope that she wasn't going to answer, she picked up. "Hey Viv, what's up?" She asked. "I honestly don't know. Something just happened, and I am literally shook." I replied. "Well, tell me about it!" She said. I then caught her up on everything she didn't know yet. The group outing, Shayne slipping me his number, and now his date request. "I...have no words." She said once I finished. "Do your parents know about all this?" "I just talked to them over the weekend. But I wasn't ready to tell them the whole story yet." I replied. "I don't need their criticism over a relationship that probably won't be anything at all." "It's going to turn into something. C'mon Viv, he obviously has a crush on you!" Melissa told me. "Well, then isn't that fitting? Because I already had a crush on him before I even met him!" I said. "It's wonderful that he's taking an interest in me, but terrifying at the same time! How am I supposed to act on our date? How should I dress? What do I say?" "Okay, you need to calm down. Your stress is going to show, and that's only going to make Shayne stressed, and the date will be ruined! You need to play it cool, even if you're slowly dying on the inside." I chuckled. "That's one way to put it." I said. Melissa chuckled too. "Well, it was the most accurate representation I could think of. But seriously, you need to chill. Trust me, he's going to be nervous too. He was probably terrified just asking you out." She said. "That's probably true. But I'm still going to be nervous." "Of course you will be! That's how all first dates are. But you'll get the hang of it before you know it." She told me confidently. "I hope so." I said. "Now, I better go. I need to cook dinner and get plenty of sleep for the big evening tomorrow." I told her. "Okay. Be sure to tell me how it goes." Melissa said. "I will. Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" She said back, and we hung up. 'I can help Keith with his relationships, but I can't handle my own' I thought grimly. 'I wish I had a love coach!'

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