Chapter 5: Having a Good Time...Until I'm Not.

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When I got home from the studio, I decided to call my best friend Melissa and fill her on all the crazy events of the last 2 days. The phone didn't even ring twice before she answered. "Hey Viv, how's it going?" She asked. "Starting today, great!" I replied. I then proceeded to tell her eveything that had happened. "Shourtney isn't real?" She asked, devastated. She was a really hardcore shipper. "Yes. Courtney told me herself." I said. "She thought I had asked because I wanted to get with Shayne myself. Can you believe that?!" "I can. You've always had a crush on him." Melissa told me. "Yeah, but I didn't have any intention of hooking up with him as soon as we met." I said. "Do you plan on hooking up with him in the future?" She asked. "Melissa!" I exclaimed. "Of course not. He's my coworker. I would like to be friends with him, and everyone else there, but it will probably be no more than that." "Working there sounds amazing! I'll have to travel down there to visit you so I can see what it's like." She said. "Sure. The others would love to meet you!" I told her. "Okay. Then I've got to try and get down there." She said. "Alright, Mel, I'm going to let you go. I still have to eat dinner and get a good night's rest." I said. "Okey dokey. I'll talk to you later!" She told me. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" I said back, and we hung up. We had been best friends since the 9th grade. We always seemed to just click, enjoying many of the same things and sharing the same interests, such as Smosh. I made myself some spaghetti for dinner, then got in bed for another night. I decided to check my Twitter for any updates. Once I was on, I noticed Shayne had posted something. It was a group photo at the Smosh studio, with me in it. "Our new cast member Vivian is already a part of the Smosh family." He had included with the photo. I was touched by that, so I replied with, "Thank you! I FEEL like part of the family." Smiling to myself, I decided to check out Instagram, where I followed all the Smosh members. Noah had posted something on his page. I looked to find a photo of him and Keith, smiling and sitting awfully close to each other. The caption read, "Spending time with my best friend!" I thought their closeness was a little strange, but oh well. It wasn't any of my business. I turned off my phone screen and rolled over, ready to have a good night's sleep.
The next morning, I followed the daily routine. Today I wore a yellow pantsuit with brown sandals and a bracelet. I put my long brown hair in a ponytail, and I also had on pink lipstick with eyeliner and pale yellow eyeshadow. I left the apartment building and got in my car, only to find out that the engine wouldn't start. I tried several times, but it wouldn't start. 'This is just great' I thought to myself. I knew I needed to get to work so I called Uber. No one could get to me for another hour, and I had to be to work in an hour. I didn't know what else to do, so I called Ian, who's number he gave me my first day. "Hello, Vivian? What's going on?" He asked when he finally picked up. "I don't know how I'm supposed to get to work. My car won't start and I can't get an Uber here in time." I explained. He sighed heavily. "Hold on just a second." He told me. I could hear him put the phone down and speak to someone in the background. A minute later he came back. "Shayne said he would come and get you. Can you give your address?" I gave it to him, who in turn gave it to Shayne. "Okay. He'll be there as soon as possible. We won't start filming till you two get here." He said. "Thank you. I appreciate your help. See you later." I said, hanging up. 'Oh boy' I thought. 'This is going to be real fun'.

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