Chapter 9: Group Outing (part 1)

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All the next day I could hardly focus on our Smosh Games quiplash filming session. I was so excited about the big night. Everyone else seemed distracted too, so at least I wasn't the only one. When the day's filming finally came to a close, everyone rushed to the bathrooms to change clothes and freshen up for the evening. We had all brought extra clothes for this reason. I now wore a a pair of black skinny jeans, a purple blouse with bell sleeves, and matching purple high-heel boots. I wore purple eyeshadow with red lipstick and eyeliner, my long hair was loose, and I also wore a pearl necklace my mother gave me. As I checked myself out in the mirror, Courtney emerged from her stall wearing an all black jumpsuit with red sandals. She looked sharp. "Wow Court, you look good!" I told her. "Thanks. So do you!" She said. Sarah came out next, wearing a rainbow striped t-shirt, jean shorts, and brown slip-ons. "Lookin' good, Sarah!" Courtney told her. "Thanks." She replied, smiling. Then Olivia came out, with neon pink leggings, a baggy patterned t-shirt, and black sneakers. "Wow, Olivia! I love that combo!" I told her. "Thank you! All you guys look great, too." She said. "Let's go see if the boys are done playing fashion show amongst themselves." I said. The girls giggled as we all left the bathroom to find the guys standing around, waiting. Matt wore black jeans with a band t-shirt and navy blue sneakers. Damien wore a plain black t-shirt with jeans and black slip-ons. Keith had on a big yellow t-shirt with jean shorts and yellow and brown sneakers. He also wore a baseball cap. Noah wore leopard print pants with black slip-ons. He had on the same shirt Keith did. Ian wore a a white shirt with a jean jacket and regular jeans, with white brown boots. And Shayne had on a purple t-shirt with black jeans and tan slip-ons. He also wore his brown ball hat turned backwards. "Aw, you and Shayne decided to match your outfits? How cute." Said Olivia. Me and Shayne's faces turned bright red. "N-no. It was just a conscience." I stuttered. "We had no intention of matching up." Shayne added. Everyone exchanged knowing glances. "Can we just go already?" I asked impatiently, feeling very embarrassed. "Sure thing. Let's go." Said Matt, leading us all outside to his huge van. "Pile on in! There's plenty of room." Matt told us, climbing into the driver's seat. Each seat fit two people, but there was enough seats that everyone could sit by themselves. But Keith and Noah didn't, who decided to sit together. I decided to sit in the seat across from them, so I could maybe watch or listen what was going on between them. After everyone was buckled up, Matt asked, "Does anyone even know where we're going first?" "A restuarant." Everyone chorused at the same time. Apparently we were all hungry after a long work week finished. "How about McDonald's? It doesn't need to be fancy." Suggested Courtney. "Yeah! I'm in!" I said. Everyone agreed to that one way or another, so that's where we headed. I watched Keith and Noah out of the corner of my eye. "I've been enjoying all this extra time with you." Noah said quietly to Keith. "Same here, man. I feel the best than I have in a long time." He replied. "Do you think the others think it's weird that our relationship has gotten extra close?" Asked Noah. "I don't think they even notice. But if they did, I'm sure they know it's only friendship." Keith told him. "I'm not saying this is true..." Began Noah. "But what if they think we're dating or something? I did just finally start to get over my bad breakup with Tiffany." "Don't worry about it, man. And even if we were, I'm sure they would understand." Keith assured him. "I love you." Noah told him, wrapping his arm around him and leaning his head against his shoulder. 'Just friends? I doubt it' I thought to myself, turning away from them. A few minutes later we arrived at McDonald's. Matt parked the huge van and we all piled out and went inside. It was pretty much just old people sitting around the restaurant, staring at us like they'd never seen a big group of friends hanging out together. We each up to the counter separately so we wouldn't have to decide which way to split the bill. After everyone had ordered, we got our drinks and looked for a table. We chose a two tables next to each other, with cushioned seats along the walls. I sat on the cushioned seat in between Sarah and Shayne. No, I didn't purposely sit next to him, it just happened. "I forgot to bring the napkins." Said Courtney. "C'mon! Who's getting up to get them?" Matt asked. "I will, since I'm in the uncomfortable hard chair." Said Ian, standing up and retrieving a pile of napkins. "Maybe I should have ordered some extra chicken nuggets for my cats." Sarah said thoughtfully. "Don't be ridiculous. Who buys chicken nuggets just for their cats?" I asked. "Me!" Replied Damien. "My cats are very privileged, and I treat them with respect." I rolled my eyes. "I should have expected that from you." A couple of them giggled. After 15 minutes, everyone had their food and started digging in. To save the waste of containers, we shared a ketchup holder in pairs of two. And everyone thought it would be hilarious if me and Shayne got paired, so that's what happened. I was chatting with Ian from across the table as I went to dip a fry in the ketchup, without bothering to look. But there was something already in it. I turned to find Shayne had been dipping a fry at the same time. So now both of us had our fries in there at the same time. "Shavian, Shavian!" Chanted Olivia. Both of our faces flushed red as we immediately lifted our fries out of the holder. Olivia giggled. "That's so cute!" She said. I just smiled and shook my head, embarrassed. I looked over to find Keith and Noah doing the same thing, but with each other's consent. "Okay, everyone can stop staring now!" I announced. "C'mon Shayne, you're supposed to be my boyfriend!" Damien teased. "Uh, actually he's supposed to be mine." Added Courtney. "So many lovers to choose from!" Exclaimed Shayne. "We'll have to do this The Bachelor style." Everyone laughed. "That's actually a good video idea. What do you say, Matt?" I asked. He laughed. "The Bachelor: Smosh edition." "Or you could do a You Posted That? Where all the tweets and Instagram posts are Shayne's, and the contestants compete to see who knows him the best." Supplied Noah. I giggled. "Yes! And the contestants would be Courtney, Damien..." "And you!" Everyone finished, looking at me. My felt my face flush red again. "Yeah, I would do it." I said. "And everybody already knows I would win, because me and Shayne have been friends the longest." Damien told us. "Yeah right!" Courtney protested, throwing a fry at him. "We're close too!" "But not as close as I am." He pointed out, throwing the fry back. "Shayne, who do you think knows you best?" Ian asked, laughing. "Honestly, probably Damien, for the same reason he said." Shayne replied. "I thought we were friends?" Asked Courtney, throwing another fry at him. "Yeah! Screw you, Shayne!" I joined in, tossing my unwanted pickle in his lap. "Guys, cut it out. This food is too expensive to be wasting on food fights." Matt said. "But we each paid for it separately. We can do what we want." Pointed out Damien, throwing a fry at Matt. "Guys, seriously. It's just a waste of your money." He said, then Shayne threw a piece of lettuce at him. "Shut up, Matt! We're not in the office anymore!" Shayne told him, before the pickle back at me. Sarah rolled her eyes. "See, Sarah agrees with me!" Matt said. "Oh no, I was rolling my eyes at you. I'm with the others." She said, throwing a chicken nugget at him. By now everybody was losing it, throwing food at each other and laughing uncontrollably. Even Matt joined the fun. All the old people watched us like we were lunatics. And maybe we were, but I didn't care. I was having one of the best nights of my life. And it was just getting started.

Word count: 1446

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