Chapter 24: It's Public

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On Monday, everyone in the studio was overly hyped. They were all talking about their Independence Day weekends, and all the fun stuff they did. Me and Shayne shared a glance from across the room, knowing that we couldn't give the full scoop on ours. "Hi Vivian!" Courtney said, approaching me and giving me a hug. "How was your weekend?" "Wonderful. I went out to the beach to see the fireworks with Damien and Shayne." I told her. "But they abandoned me as soon we got there." Damien butted in, walking past. Courtney looked at me. "Really? You guys ditched Damien?" "We didn't! He ran off first to go talk with some friends." I said. "But after I was done, you guys had disappeared in the crowd, and I couldn't find you!" Damien called to us. "We didn't know he was looking for us." I told Courtney. "This is the first time I've heard about this." She gave me a strange look. "I know this is kind of a nosy question, but is something going on between you and Shayne? You two have been going out alone a lot recently." "How do you know that?" I asked. "From different members of the group. Mostly Damien though." Sje replied. "Apparently Shayne talks about your outings to him a lot." "Oh." Was all I could say. "So stop avoiding my question, and tell me. Is something going on with you two?" She asked again. I wanted to tell her the truth so much, but me and Shayne had made an agreement. I knew I couldn't say anything. "No, nothing's going on. We're just really good friends. We get along really well." I said. Courtney raised an eyebrow. "Okay...". I could tell she wasn't convinced, but she didn't try and ask anymore questions. "Can I have everyone's attention please?" Ian said loudly. We all turned to look at him. "Keith and Noah have an announcement they'd like to make." 'Are they going to come out as a couple?' I asked myself. Ian stepped away, and the two of them took his place. "So...we don't really know to say this." Said Noah. "But we really want you guys to know this." Keith added. Everyone listened quietly. "We're um...we're..." Keith couldn't seem to find words. "We're dating." Blurted out Noah. The room became very silent. No one reacted. "We just became a couple a few days ago." Explained Keith. "We've been getting closer for a while now, and we now both realize it's love. So we're now a couple." "And we're very happy." Continued Noah. "And we hope you support us and understand our choice." Suddenly, everyone started clapping loudly. Olivia ran up and hugged both of them, while Shayne came and patted Keith on the shoulder. "Congratulations man." He said. "I'm so happy for you guys." I said, coming over and hugging Noah. I  looked over and smiled at Shayne. I was so glad he was understanding of their relationship. After everyone had finished showering the new couple with praise, we got down to work filming a Smosh Pit challenge.
After the work day was over, I was walking across the parking lot, jingling my keys around. I approached my car and proceeded to unlock it. Someone came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist. I smiled, knowing immediately who it was. "What are you doing?" I asked, giggling. "Just wanted to give you a kiss goodbye." Shayne answered. I turned around and and faced him. I gently brushed a piece of his hair out of his eyes. "Your hair is getting too long. You need to get it trimmed." I said. "I will eventually. I've been too busy recently." He told me. "I don't mind. I think it looks kinda cute anyway." I said, smiling. "Yeah yeah." He said, rolling his eyes. "Now how about that kiss I asked for?" "Oh you still want that?" I asked playfully. I pulled him closer and deeply kissed him. "There. Now I need to go." I told him. "Okay. See you tomorrow. Love you." He said, giving me a quick kiss before walking off. 'That's the first time he's said I love you" as a goodbye' I thought. I smiled to myself as I got in my car and headed home. My heart was still glowing for Keith and Noah publicly announcing their relationship. 'I'm so proud of them. And I'm glad I could be a part of it' I thought happily.

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