Chapter 14: The Date

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I was a nervous wreck all of the next day. I was jittery, couldn't memorize my lines for a parody sketch we were filming, and just all-around not being myself. I could tell the others knew something was up, but they didn't say anything about it. At the end of the work day, as I was getting my stuff to go home, Courtney came up to me and asked, "Is everything okay, Vivian? You've been acting weird all day." "It's nothing." I lied, not looking at her. "You can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone." She said. I glanced nervously around the room, making sure no one else was close enough to eavesdrop. "Shayne asked me out on a date yesterday." I whispered. Courtney's face looked shocked. "You're kidding!" She exclaimed. Ian and Olivia looked at us. "Shush! You're the only one that knows about this, besides my best friend back home." I told her. "I'd rather the news didn't get around." "Okay. I'm sorry." She apologized. "So when's the date?" I checked my phone. "In 2 hours." I replied. "Woah! You'd better get going then. Let me know how it went tomorrow!" She said. "I will." I told her. "See you all tomorrow!" I called to everyone as I headed for the door. Everyone waved as I left the room and closed the door. Then I sprinted down the hall and out of the studio to my car. I wanted as much time as possible to get ready. I drove home, ran into my apartment, and took a shower. Then the fear really set in. I had to decide what to wear, how to do my makeup, and fix my hair, all within an hour! I spent the next 20 minutes pulling things out of my closet, trying them on, and deciding I don't like them. Eventually, I chose an all black, knee length dress, red heels, and a red jeweled choker necklace. I also wore a full face of carefully done makeup, and curled my hair and let it down. I took a photo of myself at the mirror, so I could show Courtney and Melissa how I looked. My heart was beating fast as I got a text message. "I'm at the curb waiting." The message from Shayne read. 'Crap crap crap' I thought hurriedly, grabbing my purse and locking the door. I trotted as fast as I could in my tall heels, took the elevator down, and trotted outside to where Shayne awaited on the curb in his car. "Hi." I greeted him, getting in and closing the door. "Hey." He said, looking almost starstruck as he checked me over. I smiled nervously. "You look great." He told me. "Thanks. So do you." I said back. That's when I realized all he wore was a pair of black jeans, a Hawaiian printed shirt, and loafers. And a backwards cap. "Uh...thanks." Shayne said, pulling out into traffic and driving down the street. 'Oh god. We're already off to a bad start' I thought to myself. In only a few minutes, we arrived at the Chinese restaurant. We both got out and went inside the building. It was beautiful, with oriental decor everywhere and intricate, detailed paintings. Paper lanterns hung everywhere, and waiters rushed back and forth from table to table. Everyone else in the restaurant wore just regular clothes, while I looked like I was headed to a nightclub. A waiter approached us, and we took seats at a booth, lined up next to a large window. We received our menus, then started looking them over. "I don't really eat Chinese food very much." Shayne commented, trying to break the awkward silence that had hung between us since we left my apartment building. "Neither do I." I said. "Though I've always loved it." "I do too, but I tend to go more for Mexican." He said. "Not me. I prefer Chinese." I told him. "We'll just have to respect each other's opinions on the matter." Shayne decided, smiling over his menu. I giggled. "I guess so." The waiter returned, and we ordered our meals and drinks. After he'd left, Shayne asked, "What if I called here and told them they were my favorite pizza place?" I gave him an estranged look. "But there's no pizza." I pointed out. "I know. That's the whole joke." He said, laughing. "Then the worker on the other end just starts yelling at me about how I've gone too far this time." I laughed too. "That is so stupid!" I exclaimed. "That's what makes it funny." He told me. I laughed harder. "True. But how do you come up with all the funny jokes you do? I've died laughing at your jokes more than I can count." I wanted to know. "It just comes naturally. I think of the craziest, most ridiculous things and then just say or perform them. And it hasn't failed me yet." He replied. I smiled, and he smiled back. I then tried to pick up my glass to have a drink, but the sides were freezing. I reached for a napkin to wrap around it so my hand wouldn't get cold. Shayne reached for the napkins at the same time, and his hand landed on too of mine. We both froze, staring at each other. He moved his hand first, and I quickly pulled a napkin and drawed back my hand. "I'm so sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I just wanted some napkins over here so I'm ready for when the food comes." He apologized, blushing a deep red. I laughed lightly. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. Accidents happen." I said, smiling. He looked relieved. "I'm glad." On the outside I played at cool, but on the inside I about lost my mind. We touched hands! Isn't that the beginning of a new relationship in every movie? But now wasn't the time to worry. I could fret over it later, when this date was over. The waiter returned and set down our food, and we began to eat, making pleasant small talk throughout the meal. It lasted about an hour, but we were so deep in conversation we just sat there talking for an extra hour. At that point Shayne checked his watch. "It's almost 10:00! I'd better take you home. We still have work tomorrow." "Okay. Let's go." I agreed. Leaving a tip, we left the restaurant and got back in Shayne's car, and headed to my apartment building. "I had fun." I told him. "So did I. It went better than I had hoped for." He said. "Do you want to do it again this weekend?" I asked. 'What did I just do? A girl never asks a guy out' I thought to myself frantically after I said that. But Shayne didn't seem to mind. "Sure, that sounds great." He agreed. I was surprised that he accepted so easily. But I was glad. It was exciting, getting into a close relationship with your celebrity crush. It didn't happen to just anybody, but I was one of those lucky people that it actually did happen to. Where would our friendship go after a few more dates? Just friends, or more?

Word count: 1212

Author's note: I will be updating this story more often, for all of you, and a very dedicated reader, @AllisonWadsworth. Thank you for taking an interest in one of my favorite pastimes.

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