Chapter 3: Walking With Courtney.

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Luckily, the rest of my work day went fine. I got through filming, and actually made a few people laugh for the tntl challenge. I talked to almost everyone, though I couldn't approach Shayne again. It would have only been another train wreck. Later in the afternoon, as everyone was getting their stuff to leave, Courtney asked me if I wanted to go to Starbucks for drinks. Of course I agreed, and since it was only a few buildings away, we decided to walk there. "So, how did you like working with us?" Courtney asked as we strolled down the sidewalk. "It was just as amazing as I had imagined!" I replied. "Everyone's so nice, and it seemed more like a treat than work!" She giggled. "I know it is. Why else do you think I've stayed there for so many years?" "The only person you didn't really talk to was Shayne. How come?" She wanted to know. I felt my cheeks burn once again as I recalled the embarrassing incident. "Oh, uh...we had a little accident." Was all I said. Courtney raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" Sighing deeply, I decided to tell her the story. "Oh god...that does sound embarrassing." She said once I finished. "No offense." "I know. It was. I just didn't have the courage to try and talk to him again. I mean, he didn't seem mad or anything, but the humiliation was already overwhelming." "Shayne's a nice guy. He won't make fun of you for it, except for play." Courtney told me. "I know. But still, I couldn't do it." I said. "And since we're already discussing this, I want to let you know I have no intention of trying to butt in on your relationship." I added. "Relationship? Why would I mind?" She asked, confused. "You mean you're not dating?" I asked, now confused also. The Shourtney/Shartney ship was so strong I thought there had to be some truth to it. "I'll let you in a on a secret." She told me. "We never dated. The ship has no truth to it. I mean, we've probably been closer before then just friends are, but we never kissed or even held hands." Before I could respond she asked, "Why, do you have plans on going after him?" My face burned even hotter. "N-no. I just didn't want you to think I was intruding." Courtney's face looked coy. "But you have a crush on him, don't you?" I was going to lie and say no, but I had already told her the truth this far. "Well...I guess you could say I do. But I'm not going to try and advance on him. I'm cool with just being friends." With that the conversation was over, as we entered Starbucks and ordered our drinks. We spent a while there, chatting and getting to know each other. The sun was going down as I went back to the Smosh studio and get my car to go home.
When I arrived at my apartment, completely exhausted from the social stress and movement all day, I ate a quick dinner before showering and getting in bed, just to relax, not sleep. I decided to collect my thoughts. Do I have a crush on Shayne? I mean, I'd always checked him out, with his sandy blond hair, light blue eyes, and perfect physique. I always thought he was the funniest, and so devastated when he wasn't in a video. I had always longed to actually meet him in real life. And I had...just not under the circumstances I had envisioned. Hopefully tomorrow would be better socially. I hoped to be friends with Shayne, just like I had told Courtney. I guess I'll find out in the morning.

Author's note,
                           I'm aware that I've put down the Shourtney/Shartney ship. Please don't attack me over it. In real life, it could be real, I'm not saying it isn't. But this whole story would be ruined if they were dating in it. Well, that's all I had to say, now back to the wonderous world of Smosh fanfiction.
(That phrase is not mine)

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