Chapter 20: A Happy, Helpful Day

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Monday again. Officially 3 weeks since I've worked at Smosh, which made it June 22nd. Everyone that day was already discussing their plans for Independence Day, but I couldn't join the conversation, seeing as I had nothing planned but sitting in my apartment drinking and video calling with Melissa. Just then Damien approached me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked him. "Have you got plans for the 4th?" He wanted to know. "No. Just relaxing in my apartment." I replied with a chuckle. "Well...there's this really incredible fireworks show down at the ocean every year. At least a few of us go every year, and this time me and Shayne are planning on going. Do you want to come with us?" I was curious as to why Shayne didn't ask me, but I brushed it off and answered, "Yeah, I'd love to!" "Cool! It starts at 9:00 PM, and Matt can drive us all in his van, since he's going with his wife." Damien said. "Okay. That sounds so exciting!" I told him. "It will be." He said, smiling. "Thanks for inviting me!" I added. "No problem. Shayne wouldn't have allowed it if I hadn't." Damien told me, walking off. 'What does he mean by that?' I asked myself. But Ian announced it was time to start filming, and my mind became focused on my work.
At the end of the day, after filming was over and everyone was getting their things to go home, I walked out of the building and towards my car. Before I even got there, someone quickly rushed up next to me and kissed my cheek. I jumped away and looked around the parking lot frantically. It was Shayne, standing there laughing. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked, sounding offended. "Fooling with you." He replied, still laughing. "It isn't funny Shayne! The last thing we need is rumors going around here that we're dating." I told him, still offended. "It was just a joke! Look, Ian's inside laughing too!" He said, pointing to the glass front door, where Ian was chuckling and smiling. "Shayne." I said, trying to sound serious. "Me and you both know we're just goofing around, but the others may go to more serious conclusions." "I don't plan on doing it again. I just thought it'd be fun to scare you." He told me. I smiled. "Okay. Let's just forget it. But don't do it again!" I said, pointing a finger at him. "Fine." He sighed. "Good, I'm glad we agree. Have a nice night, and I'll see you tomorrow." I said, walking backwards to my car, jingling my keys. "Yep! See ya!" He called, waving before turning and going to his own car. Once I was inside my car, I let out a big goofy smile. Shayne was such a crack up. It's like I enjoyed being around him more and more...
Once I was back at my apartment, wearing my comfortable house clothes, I sat down on my bed and checked my phone. Keith had sent me a pm on Instagram. "Hey Vivian, sorry to bother you, but I need someone to talk to." The message said. "It's no problem! What's up?" I asked. " and Noah's date didn't go quite as I had planned." He replied. "Why not? Did Noah reject your advances?" I wanted to know. "No...he just...didn't understand that it was supposed to be a romantic date. He behaved like it was just another night out, and didn't even give a second thought to the compliments I gave him. Ones I usually don't give to him." Keith explained. "So it's not really his fault. He just didn't understand what you were subtly trying to tell him." I said. "Yeah." He answered. "Well, that obviously wasn't a big enough nudge. We need to take it to the next level." I decided. "And what's that?" Asked Keith. I could practically sense his nervousness through the screen. "Actually ask him on a date. Go up to him, or message him, and just ask straight-out if he wants to go on a date. Choose another romantic place, and continue with the compliments, so maybe he'll understand what you were trying to do last time. Then see what his reactions are. Pay close attention to any personality changes or anything like that. Then you can report in to me." I told him. "I'll be scared out of my mind trying to ask him on a 'real' date, but I know you're advice is good, so I'll do it." He said. "Yay! I wish you luck!" I told him. "By the way, I'm glad you messaged me and told me about this. I was waiting till the end of last week to ask you about it, but you didn't end up coming in to work." I said. "Yeah. I had some family affairs to take care of." He replied. "Well, I'd better go. I just wanted to tell you about this, and plan our next move." "Okay! Hope it goes well! Let me know!" I said. "I will. Talk soon!" With that the conversation was over. 'The love coach does it again' I thought proudly to myself, hopping off my bed and strutting to the kitchen to make my dinner. Another peaceful night then ensued for me. I mean, I had to plan everything ahead of time for the 4th of July celebration!

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