Chapter 23: A Date In A New Perspective

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"YOU WHAT?!" Melissa shouted into the phone. It was the next morning, and I had called her to tell her what had happened last night. "We kissed! We literally kissed!" I repeated. "Oh my god! Vivian...that's amazing! Good job for snatching your first famous boyfriend!" She exclaimed. I giggled. "This is like, so exciting! I don't even know what's going to happen next. How our relationship will progress. But that's what makes it so much fun!" I said. "Now that you're close with the whole group, how about hooking me up with one of them?" Melissa asked jokingly. "Which one?" I wanted to know, grinning. "Uhhhh...Damien?" I bursted out laughing. "That would actually be amazing! Two sets of best friends dating each other!" "Yeah! So how about it?" She wanted to know. "No." I giggled. "I'm not a professional matchmaker here." Melissa laughed. "But you have recent experience." Sje pointed out. Just then, my ringtone interrupted our call. It was Shayne. "I gotta go. Shayne's calling." I told her. "Okay, talk soon!" She said, and hung up. I then answered Shayne's call. "Hey babe." He greeted me. I smiled and sat down on my bed. "Or is too soon to call you that?" He asked. "Not at all." I replied. "What's going on?" "Not much. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner. I know we just went out for the fireworks last night but...I can't get you off my mind. I want to see you again." I smiled wider and laid down across my bed. "I'd love to go out tonight." I said. "Do you have anyplace in mind?" "Maybe Mexican?" He suggested. "Shayne." I said. "You don't have to keep taking me out to these fancy restaurants. The wooing part of our relationship is over." "So what, I'm immediately supposed to switch over to Chili's every night?" He jokingly asked. I laughed. "If you wanted to. I don't care where we go, as long as I have your company to go with it." I could practically hear him smiling on the other side. "Well, it doesn't have to be fancy Mexican food." "What, like Taco Bell?" I asked. "Yeah, something like that. Only if you're cool with it though. I'm not going to be one of those cheap boyfriends that takes their girlfriend for fast food on every date." He said. I laughed again. "Taco Bell is fine. Pick me up around 7:00, as always?" "Sounds good. See you then." He said. "Okay. Bye." I told him, and we hung up. I was curious to see how a date night in a new phase of our relationship would work.
The hours ticked by, and just as I was slipping on my shoes, the familiar car horn honked below. I chose to wear a a striped spaghetti strap top, high-waisted jean shorts, and matching slip-ons. I put my hair in a ponytail, and wore simple makeup. I took the elevator down and went outside to meet Shayne. "Hello." I greeted him, getting in the car and closing the door. "Hey Vivian." He greeted me back. He wore a plain blue t-shirt and black jeans, with black boots. "You look beautiful." He told me. I could tell in his face what he wanted. I leaned over in my seat and gently kissed him. "Thanks." I said. He smiled as he pulled out into traffic.
After our food was ready and we were comfortably seated, I noticed several people giving us stares. "Why is everyone staring for?" I asked Shayne. "Haven't they seen a couple eating out before?" "I don't know, but they're staring us down good. Especially the cashier." He said. I looked to the front counter where the woman running the register was staring intently at us, and whispering to someone else behind the counter. I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well, I'm not here to please the general public." I said. Shayne smiled, and we then proceeded to start a long conversation about being judged by people, judging other people, ect. It was a very pleasant evening. Not hectic, but smooth and peaceful. A few hours later, after arriving back at my apartment, Shayne insisted on walking me to the elevator. Hand in hand, we entered the empty lobby and I pressed the elevator button. "That was nice. I'd love to do it again sometime." I told him as we waited for the elevator. "I enjoyed it too." He agreed. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me and passionately kissed me. I kissed him back, tussling his hair with my hand. After a few moments, we released each other as the elevator doors opened. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight babe." He said back, giving me one last kiss before I stepped in the elevator and the doors closed. I leaned against the wall, sighing happily. An amazing part of my new life was just beginning.

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