Chapter 15: Keith Makes A Move

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As soon as I was safely back in my apartment, I called Melissa to give her the details on me and Shayne's date. She answered immediately, and I told her everything, also sending her the photo of me dressed up. "Wow." She said when I finished. "Sounds like it went well! And your outfit was stunning." "Thanks." I said. "I was dressed up in that while Shayne and everyone else in the restaurant looked like they were just eating out at Burger King." Melissa giggled. "That's terrible. But at least it didn't make too much of a difference, after that embarrassing beginning." "Yeah, lucky for me. And I can't believe we're doing it again over the weekend." I said. "I know. That's so cool. Be sure to let me know how that turns out." She told me. "For sure. Okay, I better get some sleep. Talk over the weekend!" I said. "Talk then!" She agreed, and we hung up. I then got everything set up before climbing into bed and falling fast alseep.
The next day, Friday, Keith and Noah were at the studio. As soon as Keith saw me, he rushed over and quickly took me aside. "What's up? How's everything going with Noah?' I asked, as I assumed that was what he wanted to talk about. "Really good! Your advice helped a lot." He told me. "I was able to subtly ask him about his sexuality, and I found out he's gay. So there's no worrying about that." "That's great!" I told him. "Have you let him in on you're having more intentions than just friendship?" I wanted to know. "Not exactly. But we are going out to eat at this fancy bistro downtown. It's supposed to be really nice and romantic." He said. "That sounds like a good setup." I agreed. "But the problem is, I don't know how I'm supposed to act. Should I be romantic and alluring, so he knows what my angle is? Or just play it cool, and see what naturally happens in the romantic setting?" Keith asked. "In my opinion, you should just be cool about it. Act normal. If Noah is interested and the scenery sets the mood, the way he acts will tell what he's thinking and what he wants to do." I replied. "If you feel like he wants to be romantic too, make your move. But if he just acts normally and the setting doesn't quite do it, then just sit on it, and we can decide what to do next." "Sounds like a plan. What would I do without you, Vivian?" Keith asked, patting me on the shoulder. I just giggled and shrugged my shoulders. "Okay guys!" Announced Ian loudly, clapping for everyone's attention. "Let's start filming!" We then got began filming a a new every blank ever, but everyone was acting rowdy, and couldn't stay concentrated. Keith and Noah were giggling and almost acting like a couple, Shayne and Damien were losing it over each other's jokes, and Olivia kept having to go to the bathroom. "Guys! Will you stop fooling around and concentrate on our work?" Ian asked loudly. "I am!" I said in a sarcastic upset voice. And it was true, I had been paying attention the whole time. "I know you are." He said. "I meant literally everyone else in this room!" "Aw, shut up! Stop being such a sore loser!" Shayne yelled at him, then he laughed uncontrollably with Damien. Ian rolled his eyes. "You know what? Just because you're all acting like a bunch of baboons, we're doing a spelling bee-kini wax next week!" Said Sarah. "Noooo!" Everyone whined. "It was nice knowing you all." Damien said, putting a forced sad expression on his face. "Cut it out!" Sarah shouted at him, stifling a laugh. "Now let's get to it before Ian loses it." Everyone laughed, including Ian, as we all returned to the stage to actually start our work day.

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