The Warrior of the Woods

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You get to the edge of your yard and stop at the tree line, your legs frozen in place. Kylo stops and turns to you with a question on his face.

"Why are you stopping?"

Is he really this clueless?

"Because I don't have the right gear to go hiking in the woods at night," you say, trying to be a little less hostile. "There are wild animals in there."

He narrows his eyes and looks at you in that way, like he knows something you don't.

"You're scared?"

"Of wild animals? Yes," I say, frustrated. "As you should be."

He laughs. It's such a wonderful sound. If it wasn't for the terrifying woods in front of you with bobcats and bears and what not, you would try to make him laugh again. But currently, you just want him to shut up.

He takes hold of your hand. You can feel the leather of his glove scratch across your palm. Your hand is so small in his—it fits like his hand was made to hold yours. You feel yourself blush...

*Record scratch*—hold on a second.

Why aren't you scared? Why are you letting this strange man hold your hand and drag you into the woods? Isn't this the first thing you learn in fairy tales and horror movies? Don't go into the woods with a strange man?

"You don't need to be afraid when you're with me, Y/N," he says. He sounds like he's bragging.

"Look, you may be Mr. Fantastic Muscles, but I highly doubt you can fight off a black bear. Finn told me all about this. We need bear spray and a big stick..."

Your list is interrupted by the sound of something—something swooshing. There's an electric sound mixed into the swoosh sound, and you're pretty sure whatever it is has static electricity.

Then you see it.

It's a sword of some kind—that you can be sure of. It's long and thin, and it glows bright red with a cross guard at the top of the hilt. You can feel heat radiating and see waves of electricity travel along the blade violently, as if the thing could explode any moment.

He moves towards you, and you can't find your scream. So you just stand there and wait for your impending doom.

Death by sparkly glow stick.

"It's called a light saber," Kylo says over the sound, and you can hear his amusement. "It's the weapon of a Jedi."


"Okay, well I guess you can handle a bear then."

"I think I can," he says with a wink. Your knees go weak at his flirtation.

You watch as he twirls the light saber around in his hand, then he strikes a tree trunk. It slices right through it like butter.

You guess you don't need your butter knife anymore.

Kylo is smiling again as you both watch the tree fall. A huge crashing noise echoes all around as it makes contact with the ground. He looks at you. You stare back at him with your hands over your ears from the sound.

You realize he's waiting for your reaction, so you put your hands down.

"You just...just cut just cut through a tree!" You're honestly thoroughly impressed. "How did you keep from burning your wrist? Or cutting it off? That seems like the better question."

"Years and years of training, Y/N," he says. "I'm also gifted with the ability to manipulate the Force."

You notice the two of you have traveled farther into the woods. Your anxiety spikes again. You don't even know what poison ivy looks like, but you've heard it's in here. Also snakes...

The stuff Kylo is saying does sound interesting, though, so you keep walking.

"What is the Force?"

Kylo stops and turns to face you. "The Force is what drives everything in the universe. It's the push and pull of the Force that keeps the universe balanced."

"The Force..." you say out loud. It sounds ridiculous and profound at the same time.

"Others have the ability to manipulate the Force like I do," he continues. "If they are strong enough and dedicated enough, they can become a Master Jedi." His face is smug as he continues. "Or you can follow the path of the Dark side and become the most powerful being in the universe."

What? "What...?"

"I've already told you I'm the Supreme Leader, Y/N. All planets are under my rule. Now, that includes yours."

You just stand there, dumbfounded. "You can't prove any of this. Like you're some kind of galactic emperor?"

"You still don't believe me." You sense anger, and you start to wonder if you should run. Then something happens.

Kylo closes his eyes and reaches an arm out towards the fallen tree. You take a step back.

There's a moment of silence—nothing moves. You start to protest when you notice the downed tree shudder. Then it starts rising, parallel to the ground. You look over at Kylo and there are beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his arm is shaking.

"What the hell..." you murmur to yourself. You watch as the tree hovers for a moment then floats gently back to the ground. Kylo puts his arm down and wipes the sweat off his face with the sleeve of his shirt. He looks at you with one eyebrow cocked as if to say, 'I told you so.'

You feel the world start to spin. This is all too much. Reading minds and lifting trees with some "force thing" that sounds like it should be used to unclog a've reached your limit.

You hear him call your name. "Y/N? Are you alright? Y/N?"

Your eyes close. The world goes dark. You feel safe in the black void of your unconsciousness.

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