That's Going To Be An Awkward Thanksgiving

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You walk back to your room in a daze.

Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo, is General Leia Organa's son.

He's Dark side of the Force, his mother is Light. Your father is Light, and also Force sensitive, apparently.

Everyone in the resistance is Kylo's enemy, including your father.

Kylo killed Leia's husband...Kylo's father that he spoke of on the ship...Han Solo. You hear he was quite the character, a scoundrel. You wish you could have known him.

Kylo is the most ruthless killer in the whole galaxy. Everyone fears him and his unpredictable temper.

And for the cherry on top, the general believes your bond is real.

Apparently, Kylo was good once. He was trained as a Jedi of the Light side of the Force. He was so powerful that Luke Skywalker was afraid of him. Kylo was tormented by voices his whole life, and Luke tried to kill him to stop the spread of the Dark side.

He tried to kill his own nephew.

That's what sent Kylo over the edge. He gave in to this Snoke guy who used him and treated him like shit, and then Kylo killed his own father because that's what Snoke told him would free him from his pain, from his past.

But it didn't.

The general believes Kylo, or Ben as she calls him, loves you, which of course, you want to deny wholeheartedly...but you can't. The bond WAS real, you know deep down that it was. He didn't make that up to seduce you. The general called you a "dyad," and it's one of the rarest connections in the history of the Force.

Two become one. One cannot exist without the other.

You shake your head to yourself as you sit on the edge of your bed. What about your father? What about Poe? What about the resistance?

You don't want to go to the Dark side. You like the Light, even though you have no powers. It's friendly here—warm, loving, comfortable.

You closed your heart off to Kylo when you found out he lied to you—you ended the relationship in your mind. Poe welcomed you with open arms, and you do like him so much. He's safe to be around, gentle, so funny. He's a good match for you, someone you can plan a future with. Except for one small detail.

He isn't Kylo Ren.

According to the general, everything Kylo has done since the Jedi temple was destroyed has been the result of years of abuse and manipulation. No one has ever treated him the way he deserved to be treated, not even his own parents.

Until you.

General Organa believes he can come back now that she sees your relationship with him—says there's still good in him. He didn't kill you, didn't torture you, didn't threaten you...well except for that nasty couch burning business, but it was on sale when you bought it, so it's not like it was a huge loss...not important right now, though.

She says he's never behaved like he did with you—-that something in him has changed, that YOU changed him. You can't figure out how or why it would be you. She asked if you love him.


More than life itself.

She wants you to be with him, to see where it can go. She believes in you and your ability to love unconditionally...

You hear shouting and people running through the hall. You jump up and open your door. Everyone is running outside, so you follow them. You should probably run in the other direction away from potential danger, but that rabid animal inside has been pacing a lot recently. You have to go.

You see it. The sight of it makes you stop running and vomit in front of everyone. After you're finished, you stand up and try to focus on the scary wings pointing straight up to the sky. It's definitely Kylo's ship. You continue forward until you slide to a stop at the shhhh sound of the opening ramp.

It seems like every resistance soldier is outside with their guns pointing at the ramp. The tension is high, and you notice you can actually sense Kylo's presence, kind of like an infrared camera. You sense his movements on the ship. He's with someone—now he's coming out.

He has your father.

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