First Sex, Then War

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You step out of the refresher and wrap yourself in a thin towel issued by the resistance. You're on base now with a room and fresh clothes that you couldn't find before your shower. You decided you'd look for them afterward. The bed isn't the most comfortable but it will do since you're in a war and all.

The base is buzzing with activity. There is an impending attack by the First Order. John still hasn't returned, and it's killing you. You got to spend approximately two minutes with your father before he vanished again. Your stomach is in knots at the thought of being left alone again. You don't want to be alone.

You think of Kylo. He's probably on the Finalizer trying to take back the First Order. You know, since that's all he cares about. Taco Supreme or whatever his title is. He can stay up there for all you care. He hurt you, badly, worse than anyone ever has, including your mother. You don't know why a three day relationship can destroy you like this, but you suppose it's just you and how swept away you were by the lies. You're so stupid sometimes.

Your dad will come back. Poe promised you. Poe...he's like a breath of fresh air. Happy, funny, kind, brave. Maybe you should let Kylo go. You probably won't ever see him again anyway. You were nothing but information to him. He just had some fun at your expense.

You're sitting on the bed when you hear a knock. You tell them to come in, and Poe steps into your room. His eyes widen and you can't figure out what's wrong.

"Well, Y/N, you're in're, well, in a towel," he stutters. You look down and remember you're basically naked.

"Oh, I couldn't find my clothes and I wanted a shower so badly. I'm sorry!"

You go to leave the room but Poe stops you.

"No, no, I have your clothes here. It took a while to find some around your size. I figure that towel can't be the warmest thing in the world, right?"

He winks and laughs. You turn back to him feeling more comfortable. You walk up to him and take the neat stack of clothes and look into his eyes a moment longer than you should. He's just so handsome, and you need to say this.

"Thank you for everything you've done," you tell him softly. He's hypnotized by your eyes as he nods.

"No thanks necessary, babe," he says, his kindness overflowing. He flashes you a genuine smile and you smile back. You're still standing there holding your stack of clothes like a moron, but you can't make yourself move.

Poe seems to notice your hesitation. He takes a step towards you and touches your face with his hand. Your breath catches in your throat at his touch, but you don't back away.

Before you know it, his lips are on yours. The kiss is passionate—basically the kind of kiss you would give someone who just saved your ass from evil lizard people and your ex.

You drop the clothes on the floor and wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls your body into his, increasing the pressure of the kiss. You feel your head start to spin.

"Y/N?" He asks against your mouth.


"You're still in a towel."

You turn red as you break the kiss and look down at yourself. You notice something else below you as well, but you don't say anything. You're no stranger to male arousal now.

You look back up to him and smile shyly. He pushes your head to the side with his own so he can kiss your neck.

"I don't mind if you don't mind," he says playfully in your ear. You giggle like a school girl. He's too cute.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now