Tell Him, Boy, Bye

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As soon as he steps outside, Kylo's eyes meet yours. He gives away nothing with his expression, but you feel anger radiating from his body. His red lightsaber is pointed at your father, John's, throat, and his wrists and ankles are chained much like yours were before you were rescued.

White armored soldiers run down the ramp in uniform rows and point their blasters at the crowd.

John raises his head to scan the crowd and finds you. He smiles in spite of his predicament, and you smile as tears roll down your cheeks. He's alive. Your dad is alive.

For now.

"Lower your weapons. Or, you can watch his head roll down the ramp after I cut it off."

Um, that's fucked up.

Kylo's voice is loud and rich. He still hasn't taken his eyes off of you. You hear the soldiers around you lower their weapons. General Organa appears from the crowd and walks boldly to the front of the line to address Kylo.

You notice Kylo glance away from you to view his mother, General Organa, but his eyes quickly switch back to you. You realize you no longer feel your heart—it died hours ago along with any kind of hope you had to be with him. It's like he can sense this, and the radiating anger starts to mix with bitterness.

Poe runs up behind you and grabs you by the elbow. He kisses your temple as he pushes you behind him. Kylo watches this exchange, his face never giving him away. But now you feel betrayal scream through the bond like a banshee.

Whoa. Kylo is livid.

He feels betrayed by you. YOU?!

Well get in line, jackass. This whole week has been a betrayal to you. You feel rage start to flood your body.

"Kylo Ren, what is the meaning of this?" The general's voice echoes as she gestures to your father, bruised and in chains.

Kylo finally pulls his gaze away from you to address her.

"General Organa, always lovely to see you," Kylo says sarcastically. You feel sick again.

"What are you doing with General Kenobi?" She's not even phased. What a woman.

"You have something I want," Kylo looks back at you again, and you know what he means. "I'm offering an exchange—John Kenobi for   Y/N Kenobi."

Poe gasps with the rest of the crowd and turns to you. His eyes are filled with horror. You place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze to assure him it's okay. He hesitates then takes hold of your hand, pulling you closer behind him.

It's barely noticeable, but you see Kylo's eye twitch. There it is—the jealousy. You almost laugh.

"We won't be exchanging anything today, Ben," General Organa replies. You whip your head around to look at her. Everyone else seems to be in shock as well.

Kylo tilts his head to the side as he waves his lightsaber dangerously close to your father's face. "That is not my name, General. You are on dangerous ground."

You feel yourself panicking. The general stays cool. John is looking at you, still smiling, as if he's perfectly content to look at you if that's all he gets to do before he dies. Another tear falls down your face.

"You will give us General Kenobi or we will take him by force. We know you don't have the First Order behind you, Ben."

Now he's angry. You thought he was angry before, but this...this is something else. He looks back at you and that a smirk? He's smirking.

"Very well, General. Any last words, Kenobi?" Kylo never breaks eye contact with you.

Alright then. If he wants a show, then you'll give him a motherfucking show.

"STOP!" You scream, breaking out of Poe's grasp and running towards the ramp. You feel the whole resistance staring at you, but you keep running. Kylo motions to the troopers to hold their fire.

Something about that rabid animal is changing again...

Kylo steps back only slightly at the force of your appearance, but otherwise he holds his ground.

"Y/N, I've been looking everywhere for you," Kylo purrs as he stares deep into your eyes. "Are you just a tease? You just fuck me then disappear without so much as a goodbye?"

You don't know how, but you feel Poe's reaction. It's absolute shock. You turn and look over your shoulder as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Apparently, neither of us are what we said we were," you hiss. Your father looks at you and tries to motion you away with his head. You shake your head no and go back to Kylo.

"You will let my father go," you demand. You don't quite recognize your voice.

Kylo cocks an eyebrow and takes a step closer to you. "Not unless you leave with me."

You step even closer. Your father starts to speak but Kylo shoves him down onto his knees, lightsaber so close it's starting to burn his clothes.

"I won't ask again," you speak through clenched teeth. That rabid animal inside of know what it wants now.

Kylo laughs in your face. You can see the pain behind his stoney exterior.

"You're not fooling me," you whisper. You watch his face twitch.

"Are you so stupid to think I don't know when you're bluffing?" Kylo scoffs at you and pulls his saber away from your father to point it at your chest.

"I said I wouldn't ask again." The wants to kill.

It happens in slow motion. You raise your hand and point it at Kylo, and the next second you see a rippling wave of pressure shoot from your hand. It hits Kylo square in the chest, and he lets go of his saber as he flies backwards off of his feet and back into his ship with a loud crash. Your father falls forward and rolls down the ramp, and you see the general and Poe, among others, pick him up and pull him inside the base as the troopers open fire on the crowd.

Kylo's retracted lightsaber falls at your feet. You reach down and pick it up, turning it around in your hand for a moment, studying it. You hear Kylo move within the ship, so you call down to a resistance soldier.

"Deal with the troopers. I'll take care of Ren."

You use the Force to pull the ramp closed behind you, trapping Kylo on the ship. Smoke is everywhere from burning circuitry, and metal litters the ground. You hear him again within the rubble.

You ignite Kylo's saber. The electric light makes your face glow red.

The animal is free.

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