Real Love is Letting Her Go

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"Y/N, I know things are really weird right now, a whole lot weirder than I thought they could be," Finn half laughs as he speaks. You're curled up in his balcony chair, gripping the edge of the seat tightly.

He turns to you. "I've wanted to tell you for years, but I was too scared."

You brace yourself. You knew this was coming the moment you saw his behavior in front of Kylo. You can't figure out how you were so blind for so long. You wonder if you should stop him, or maybe let him get it off his chest. You can't think at the moment.

"Y/N, I've been in love with you since the moment I met you," Finn confesses.

His words seep into your skin as you rock back and forth. You're staring at the ground, and all you can think about is losing the one family member you have in the whole world...well, universe actually. When did life become...this?

"Finn," you say softly, but he holds up a hand to stop you. You look at him, confused.

"I know that I'm too late—I get it," He says with more confidence than you could ever have in a situation like this. "I see the way you look at each other. I may think he's a psycho or whatever, but I know you're telling the truth. I just fucking levitated in my living room, Y/N."

You laugh as Finn makes a dramatic gesture imitating his floating Force experience.

"Can...can you come back? To visit?" He asks. You see the fear in his eyes.

"I don't know," you answer honestly. "I haven't even seen the ship yet, and I still have so many questions."

Finn nods. "Are you still going to leave with him not knowing anything about what you're getting yourself into?"

You ponder his question as you study the city line. You really don't know what you're doing.

"Kylo told me I can take as much time as I need before we leave. I'm taking him up on his offer, starting with this trip to see you."

Finn sighs in relief. "So you're not going to vanish into thin air in five minutes?"

You laugh. "No, I'm still here. And if he can travel here, then that means surely I can as well."

Finn nods. "That's true. It can't be forever. I can't go forever without you."

You grab his hand and squeeze as he leans over to hug you. You let yourself melt into the familiar scent of your friend, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. You know Kylo is probably staring daggers, but right now, you don't care. This is your family—the most valuable thing in your life, at least, it was until a few days go.

"Thank you for not kicking him out," you joke...well, sort of joke.

Finn shrugs. "I'm not an idiot. When I was floating in the air I figured I didn't want to piss this guy off."

Both of you laugh loudly as you stand and walk back into the living room. Kylo is waiting patiently on the couch, although you can feel his jealousy every time he looks at Finn.

"We have to get back now," you sigh. Finn takes your hand in his.

"I will see you soon, okay?" It's more of a statement than a question.

"Yes you will," you reassure him.

Finn shakes Kylo's hand again, this time with less malice and more acceptance. You walk out of Finn's condo knowing this could be the last time you see him for a very long time.

You feel yourself starting to cry. Kylo wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into him, and suddenly your sadness is bearable. You realize Kylo is also carrying your sadness through the bond, and it makes the load lighter. You smile through your tears.

There's so much to do, but you don't care right now. All you know is Kylo Ren has done something to you, and your life will never be the same again.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now