This Is What Happens When You Shower Together

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Kylo spent the evening cleaning up ash and molding couch parts. You tried to help him but he refused. You're stubborn, so you tried again, sneaking off to get another shovel. When he turned around and saw you scoop your first pile, he Force pinned you to the wall, took your shovel, and kissed you until you couldn't breathe.

You don't bring up his father again. You know he will when he's ready. For now, you want to enjoy this night in your home on earth. You've only been here a couple of weeks and you know you will miss it dearly.

It's where you met him.

The two of you shower together when he's finished cleaning. He lowers his head so you can wash his hair for him, then proceeds to shake his hair at you like a dog so water and shampoo goes everywhere. You try to stop him but he pins you against the wall instead and kisses down your body until you go limp.

You win the fight when Kylo gets shampoo in his mouth.

"That's what you get for being a butt to me," you tell him as he coughs and gargles with shower water.

He doesn't say anything back. You know your taunts drive him insane, so you continue.

"Next time, you're washing your own damn hair, mop head."

You see his skin turning red as he's rinsing his hair. Oh, you can win this.

"Fine! Ignore me. This ass is off limits until you learn to behave."

That's what does it.

He attacks you and you scream. He scoops you up in his arms and turns off the shower and carries you into your bedroom.

"No! No! Don't get my sheets wet!" You scream as he rolls on top of you and pushes both of your wet bodies into the bedding. His face is set in a determined expression, and you know you're in for it.

"Did you want to dry off first?" He asks with fake concern. You push his shoulders but he holds you down with his body. You laugh and whine as you thrash.

The next thing you know, he's off of you and the air hits your exposed skin, making you cold. You start to get up but he holds you in place with the Force. You try to fight it but you can't move. He lays your body back down on the bed and pins your arms above your head, then he pins your legs down so you're open to him.

"Ugh!" You groan as he just stands in front of you, staring at you while he licks his lips. You are already wet and ready for him, and he knows it.

"Quiet," he orders. His voice is strict and forceful.

"No," you quip. You shoot him a devious smile.

He moves closer until he's standing between your legs. His body seems to glow from the water trailing down his muscular frame. His eyes are black with lust. He crawls over you until he's touching his nose to your nose and grabs your jaw forcefully so you can't talk.

"I. Said. Quiet." His voice is low and threatening. You feel your abdomen flip as he holds your face tightly.

"And I said no," you talk back, but it's difficult to speak clearly when he has your mouth between his fingers.

You watch him drop his hand from your face and stand up slowly and calmly.

"Such a bad girl," he says, his voice like liquor and his face blank except for a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. You swoon as you think of where those lips have been.

You feel the Force binding tighten all around you so you can't move at all, not even a little. You feel Force hands pull your head back against the mattress so you're staring at the ceiling and can't see Kylo. You squeal as you feel your body grow more and more aroused.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now