Certified Pre-Owned UFOs

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You pull up to Finn's condo and turn into the parking deck. Kylo is next to you wearing a black button-up shirt and black pants. Every time you look at him you can't help but smile. He even picked out a pair of Raybans to wear during the car ride and is proudly showing them off. He looks like a movie star.

You text Finn letting him know that you're in the parking deck, and he tells you to come on up. You and Kylo get in the elevator and ride to the tenth floor of the building. You secretly watch as Kylo studies everything—Raybans still on. You touch his arm and tell him to take them off now that he's inside. He folds them and hangs them from his shirt, then looks at you as if to say "I know I look good." You shake your head.

All you told Finn was that you have a new friend that you want him to meet. Of course, Finn wanted to see you and for you to come to Atlanta, but you heard his voice and knew something was off when you spoke on the phone.

You walk up to his door having no clue how this is about to go.


Finn opens his door and freezes. You reach out for a hug, but he doesn't take his eyes off of Kylo. You look back and forth between the two, and you notice Finn looks almost...angry. His normally gorgeous smile is replaced with a scowl, but it's not a normal scowl. He looks Kylo up and down, and you notice when Finn seems to flex his muscles as he pulls the door open. Then it hits you.

Finn is jealous.

Finn, jealous? You've known him for fourteen years, and he's never made a move on you. There has never been a hint that he had anything other than platonic feelings. You grew up together going on double dates, and when you worked at the dentist, you hooked him up with a couple of the girls there. You even lived with him for a year with no indication he was attracted to you.

You swallow and grab Finn's face so he looks in your direction. He blinks, realizing he isn't hiding his feelings very well, then grabs you in his arms and twirls you around.

You feel Kylo stiffen behind you while Finn holds you. He puts you down as you kiss him on the cheek, then he reaches for Kylo's hand. Kylo is still staring at you, so you make a face so he knows to shake Finn's hand in return. Kylo meets Finn's eyes and takes his hand forcefully. You watch as the two silently fight to see who's handshake is stronger.


You're curled up on Finn's familiar couch with Kylo beside you. You can feel the tension running through Kylo's body. Finn is in "his" chair, as he always calls it, and hasn't taken his eyes off of you while you've told stories about your first week in farm country. You're trying very hard not to get sick as you brace yourself for the next conversation.

"Finn," you start. You can't even believe this is happening. "Kylo and I have to tell you something really important, and I know you won't believe me at first. Please, just try to remember I've never lied to you."

Finn is leaning forward now, nervously listening. "Go on..."

You proceed to tell him who Kylo really is, how you met him, and that you plan on leaving with him within the next few days—to outer space. You want to die as you watch his face twist into every emotion possible.

Finn is silent for a long time as he stares at the floor. You can see his wheels turning as he tries to understand everything. You can already tell he doesn't believe you.

"Y/N," Finn speaks slowly and cautiously, "you're telling me that this guy," Finn nods towards Kylo, who is emotionless, "is going to take you to another planet because you are his bond mate? Y/N, do you hear what you're saying and how irrational it is?"

"Yes, I hear myself, and I reacted the same way you're reacting now, at first." You try to sound loving instead of defensive, but you can tell you're losing your battle.

"Okay, but," Finn stands up and runs his hand down his face, "for whatever reason, you believe everything this random guy has told you, a guy you've only known for three days? This isn't like you."

You sigh. You can feel the anger starting to pulse through Kylo and feel yourself start to sweat.

Finn pushes further. "Frankly, I'm extremely uncomfortable having him in my home right now!" Finn's voice raises, and you flinch.

"Finn, please," you try begging him. "You haven't seen what I've seen."

"What—you saw his UFO? Oh, I'm sorry, 'space ship'?" Finn asks sarcastically, making air quotes with his fingers.

You can't find words for a second because you realize no, you haven't. You take a shaky breath.

"I haven't seen his ship, but that's only because I passed out before we got there."

You watch Finn's face turn red under his smooth, dark complexion.

"So you passed out with a guy you don't know, then you let him stay in your house alone OVERNIGHT. He tells you he's a space emperor and it's destiny that you two be together, then you have the audacity to drive down here and tell me you're leaving with him forever? That's what you're telling me?"

You're angry now. "Yes, that's EXACTLY what I'm telling you! Finn, he's my soulmate." You start to cry. You know your words sound insane, but you've never been more sure about anything in your whole life. You can't figure out how you know, but you chalk it up to the Force. "When have you ever heard me talk like this? Never! So please, give Kylo a chance to prove himself."

"He's drugging you or something." Finn glares at Kylo. "You know that none of this is possible. Y/N, he's brainwashing you!"

You squeeze your eyes shut at Finn's accusations. You take a glance at Kylo, and what you see shocks you.

His eyes are shiny with adoration, almost as if he could cry. You can feel his affections pouring into you. His expression tells you that no one has ever stood up for him like this before, and he can't believe he's lucky enough to watch you, someone he adores, defend him.

You instinctively take Kylo's hand in yours. Finn watches the two of you for a second, then starts pacing the room, shaking his head and mumbling to himself.

Suddenly, Finn rises off the ground and levitates across the room and over to his chair. His eyes look like they might bulge out of his face as he watches the floor move beneath him. He's panicking and stares at Kylo's hand that's stretched out in front of him. Kylo's eyes are closed, and you see the familiar beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Finn is silent as he gently floats back down into his chair.

No one speaks for what feels like an eternity. You fidget with your summer dress and squeeze Kylo's hand as hard as you can.

"Alright," Finn finally speaks. His lips are quivering, and he can't look you in the eye. "Maybe it's possible that he's telling you the truth."

You let out a loud breath and smile. You feel Kylo squeeze your hand knowingly.

"That's the Force, Finn," you tell him. He finally looks at you. You get up and walk over to him and sit down on the arm of his chair. You wrap your arms around him as if he's a scared child. His body trembles. "I know, Finn. I know..."

Finn looks up at you, and you know he believes you now.

A few moments go by as you hold him tightly. Finally, he can speak again.

"Before you leave, I need to talk to you in private," Finn says quietly. You nod your head and end your embrace. You look over at Kylo, letting him know you'll be back soon. You walk with Finn to his balcony overlooking the city.

Finn slides the glass door shut behind you, and you hope against hope he's not about to tell you what you already know

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now