Uh Oh, He's Charming

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You wake up suddenly. You don't know how much time has passed. You sit up on your cot and try to stretch with what little mobility you have. You look around and listen for a moment—silence.

You look down at your restraints. Didn't Kylo say you have the Force? That has to mean you can get out of this situation somehow.

You close your eyes and think about breaking your restraints. Nothing happens.

You huff and decide to try again. You think about the metal breaking, which seems impossible, but you try it anyway. Again, nothing happens.

Maybe that was a lie too. Maybe Kylo just blew up your ego when in reality you're just simply good at sensing people's emotions.

You hear a noise coming from the hallway and jump back so you're covered in shadow. You hear shuffling and whispers coming closer and closer. You brace yourself.

"Y/N?" A deep voice says your name. You lean out of the shadow slightly.

You see a man wearing an orange jacket and brown pants with black boots. He's older, gray-haired but still very vibrant in the face. When he locks eyes with you, you somehow know.

This is your father.

You run, well hobble, forward as he bypasses the security system so the bars open. Once they do, the two of you just stand there and stare at each other. You see yourself in his face, in his eyes, in his bone structure.

Suddenly, he runs to you and embraces you tightly. You begin to cry. You're so happy to finally meet him, but you know what the reptiles intend to do.

"You can't be here. It's a trap," you say as you sob. Your father looks at you and shakes his head.

"You don't think I know that already?"

He smiles and you suck in a breath.

"You know?"

"Of course. That's my job," he says with a cheeky smile. You can't stop staring at his face. His grey beard gives him a distinguished look, and it makes you smile.

"I'm John," he says quietly. You blink a few times as you process the new information.

"John Kenobi?" You ask.

"Yes. And you're my daughter, Y/N Kenobi."

You swallow another sob and he hugs you again.

You hear noise come from the hallway and jump, but John isn't phased. You see a younger man come running down the hall followed by a giant hairy monster making guttural noises. Tailing them is a little round orange and white robot that rolls like a ball. It beeps happily when it sees you.

"Poe, Chewie, BB-8, this is Y/N," John introduces you.

The monster named Chewie bellows what you assume is a hello. You nod your head to him. Poe seems taken aback by you, but you don't know why. He stares at you with wide eyes.

"Is there something in my teeth?" You attempt a joke, and Poe breaks out of his trance.

"Ha! No ma'am, just...I don't know what I expected but you aren't it," he says nervously. You notice him blushing.

"Poe, save the charm," John scolds him.

"Ah, c'mon General, you know I can't resist a pretty face like that."

John gives him a look but smiles in spite of himself. Poe is quite handsome with his dark complexion and brown curly hair. You smile slightly and he flashes you a big, toothy grin.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now