"Rooms To Go" is the Next Town Over

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You hold your breath as you wait for him to respond. His eyes shift from your eyes to your lips, then back to your eyes. You know what he's thinking, and you can't believe someone like this is looking at you like that. You're nothing, you're plain, you're damaged, you're not even close to a model. You're unsure if your instincts are correct, but the longer he looks at you, the more you feel it.

"Y/N, I don't think you're crazy." Kylo finally breaks the silence. He heard your thoughts again. "I believe I am the one who snuck into your house in the middle of the night. So who's crazy?"

You laugh, realizing he's right. He really is the crazy one. You take a deep breath and will yourself to think instead of drowning in his gorgeous eyes.

"What happened?" You ask.

"You fainted after I showed you the Force." He seems shy as he answers your question.

"And you brought me back here?"


You start to smile. "And you tucked me into bed?"

Kylo nods.

"Thank you..." you say quietly. You can see his lips twist in embarrassment. You decide to change the subject since your body is starting to respond to him again.

"Where were you taking me?"

"To my ship," he replies. "To prove I'm telling you the truth."

Well, that would have been wild if you hadn't bit the dust. Suddenly, you have a thought.

"Last night you said you are drawn to me. What did you mean?"

Kylo bites the inside of his mouth and hesitates. You could tell he was trying to find the right words.

"I felt your presence the minute I stepped off my ship," he begins. "It was overwhelming. When I found you in the coffee shop, I had to speak with you. Only Force sensitives have this type of power, so you must be Force sensitive." He ponders for a moment. "There's another part to this, though. I feel something even deeper with you."

Your stomach is doing flips. He goes on.

"I think we are bonded somehow."

The weight of the sentence hangs in the air like fog. You sit with your mouth open, unsure of what to do. Bonded? Mentally? Physically? Elmer's Glue?

"What do you mean?"

Kylo glances at your lips again. "I feel as if we already know each other somehow. It seems the Force is pushing us together."

You furrow your brows. Is this "bond" what you felt that night at the shop? Is it the reason you aren't scared of him? Is it the reason you're ready to ride off into the sunset with him even though you two just met?

You lower your head, feeling your blush hit hard again. Kylo tilts his head so he can see your eyes. You look sideways at him and watch his mouth as it moves.

"Don't be afraid. I feel it too."

His deep voice and his unbelievable words wash over you as you realize he is going through the same turmoil, the same confusion.

The same attraction.

You stand up—your heart is beating wildly as you turn to face him while pacing the living room. Everything you ever thought you knew about earth and the universe has changed within the span of a day. You've met a man that makes you lose every bit of sense, and now you know he has super powers on top of everything. You stop suddenly.

"What do you mean by Force sensitive? Are you saying I can lift trees like you?"

Kylo leans forward and sits his elbows on his knees while he looks up at you, thoughtfully. "Not right now, no. But you could. You could have the ability to use the Force in your own unique way. You just need a teacher."

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now