The Villians Tell You Their Plans

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You wake up in a dark, cold cell. Metal bars and concrete floors add to the coldness. There are restraints wrapped around your wrists and your ankles. Your body aches as if it has been dragged across the ground. You raise your head and realize you're laying on a cot in the back of the cell.

You don't know how you know, but you realize you're no longer on earth. You hear engines humming in the background and movement above you on the next level of wherever you are. You blow air out of your nose in annoyance.

Well this is great. Kylo's a liar, you've been abducted by talking lizards, and Hux is somehow wrapped up in all of this. You wish it was anyone but Hux.

You let out a loud groan and fall back down on the cot and close your eyes. There's no point to anything now. You're a prisoner—they will do what they want with you then most likely kill you. The only person who will miss you is Finn. It comforts you that you at least got to have a proper goodbye.

Suddenly, you hear the bars of your cell slide open. You look up to see the two dinosaur rejects and Hux walking towards you. You don't bother to sit up.

"Looks like you're awake now," Hux says smugly.

"Wow, you're so observant!" You mock him. You hear the male lizard man, Jaygrin, laugh again at Hux's expense. Hux comes forward and grabs you by the hair and pulls you up so you're face to face with him.

"When we're finished with you, your sorry sense of humor will be long gone."

You narrow your eyes as you look at him, never wavering. Even with the upper hand, your unflinching stare makes him nervous. He drops you back down on the cot and walks towards the front of the cell.

The female, Grinja, comes forward and kneels in front of you.

"We thank you so much for providing us the location of the resistance," she hisses.

It's appropriate at least, you know, since she's a lizard.

"I still don't know what you're talking about. I don't know where the resistance is or what they're even resisting." You explain, hoping they realize they got it all wrong.

"Silly little mouse, the card! From your father. It has the star system on the front. We just needed this last piece."

Grinja shows you the birthday card left by your father on your tenth birthday. The hand-drawn constellation...

Holy shit, that was a map for you to find your dad and you never even knew it. You feel your face go pale.

Grinja waits patiently as the information sinks in. You decide to get more information. The more, the better, right?

"Where are we?"

"You're on the Finalizer, precious one," she says as she strokes your cheek. "Kylo's ship."

You grimace at the mention of Kylo. Grinja notices and huffs.

"You really thought that man cared about you? He doesn't care about anyone but himself," she continues. "He came looking for the map and ended up finding a pretty little whore instead."

You fight to keep your face even. She keeps going. "He was stupid to leave the map unattended. Now he's map-less and whore-less."

"Where is he?" You ask. You know you shouldn't, but you have to know.

"Oh, we're keeping an eye on him."

You sit up abruptly, causing Grinja to jump backwards.

"What are you talking about? Isn't he the Supreme Leader or whatever?"

"Ah, sweet little angel," she strokes your cheek again and her tongue flicks out. "Kylo Ren is weak. He doesn't deserve to lead." She tilts her head towards Jaygrin. "He and I are taking over the First Order."

You gasp. Jaygrin laughs loudly as Grinja continues stroking your cheek, her long talon pressing into your face threateningly.

"Ren trusted the wrong people," Jaygrin says, his tongue flicking out and back in. "There's been a mutiny growing for a year and he didn't even suspect it."

Your eyes go wide.

"We had to find the map to prove that we are worthy of the title: Supreme Leaders of the First Order," he continues. "We will take down Ren and the resistance with one sweep—all because of you. It will be glorious."

"Why do you need me if you have the map?" You're confused now.

"Pretty flower, you're the bait," Grinja purrs. "We kill your father and Ren ourselves because they will come without armies. Meanwhile, an attack is already being launched on the resistance."

You sigh wearily. You look over at Hux, who is uncharacteristically quiet.

"What the hell does he have to do with any of this?" You can't stop your sarcasm.

Grinja glances at Hux. "We found you on the day of your wedding. When you ran away, we had the next best thing—him."

You notice Hux's face isn't so cocky anymore.

"We killed his parents, took on their human forms to lure him in and made him an offer to help us find you and join the First Order..." Grinja pauses.

"Or we'd kill him and try living in his skin for a while," Jaygrin finishes her sentence. The two laugh.

Hux gathers his nerve to speak again. "You never should have come back to Atlanta. I didn't even know Finn lived there until the day before you showed up."

"Well you never really took the time to know anything about me," you snap.

Hux moves to stand next to Grinja and snarls at you sarcastically. "And that makes you sad, pet?"

You spit in his face. Jaygrin loses it, slapping his leg and laughing so loudly that it echoes through the hall.

"Now Hux, let's not antagonize our special guest," Grinja shoves Hux away from you. He wipes off your spit with the back of his sleeve. "You'll have plenty of time to torture her once this is over."

You look at Grinja in disbelief. You turn to see Hux grinning at you, a grin so evil that your skin crawls.

"No one leaves me at the altar, especially not a lower-class rat like you," he says as he turns to leave.

You watch as the three depart from your cell.

"You'll be hearing from us again shortly, darling," Grinja calls out as the cell bars close.

You sit in silence, your face unmoving. There are no tears, no fear. You expected your life to end horribly, and this just happens to be how it happens. Alone, in space, betrayed by the love of your life, with alien lizard people.

You hang your head. You're the reason everyone is going to die, including your father. You've always wanted to know him.

Now you are his doom.

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