Takodana It Is! Also, This is the End of the Story.

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Or not.

In the end, you and Kylo decided to leave earth behind. It was one of the hardest decisions of your life, but with everything you know now, it made zero sense to go back to a world that won't openly accept you and Kylo as Force users. You want to learn about your new calling, so a new planet was the answer in the end.

After being cleared to fly, you and Kylo loaded some things he picked up for you from earth onto his ship, and the two of you said your goodbyes. You were an emotional mess.

You hugged Finn and Rose, who had only grown closer during your time on base. It thrilled you to no end that there may be a wedding in the future. Of course, you wouldn't dare say that to Finn.

Your dad, John, let you know that he would visit every chance he gets. Now that the war is over, you will see him frequently. You talked with him extensively during your time on base, but you can't wait until you can have actual family time with him. Maybe you'll even get to watch him become a grandfather someday.

You hugged Poe goodbye, and the evil part of you laughed when you felt Kylo stiffen through the bond.

That man is going to be the death of you, constantly bringing out your version of the Dark side.

Then it was the General's turn, or Leia now. She asked you to drop the formalities immediately, and you were more than happy to do so. The two of you hugged for a long time, tears overflowing. Kylo had actually spent time with her and let himself open his heart to her again. It wasn't a whole lot, but more than you thought he could. It warmed your heart watching the two of them hug goodbye.

Your doctor cleared you so you could return to normal activities, so you and Kylo were eager to get to your new home. You ended up choosing a planet called Takodana, and you were excited to meet whoever this "Maz" woman was that you heard so much about.

You were worried about finding a job, and you suggested to Kylo that you work in Maz's cantina. He would have none of it—apparently being Supreme Leader of the First Order has perks, including having a ridiculous amount of "credits," which you found out later is money. In earth terms, you were extremely wealthy. It made you so uncomfortable. You're not a flashy person, never needed the finer things. Kylo, on the other hand, has hardly ever done his own laundry. He was too busy "royally brooding," as you like to tease him.

Your new home is modest, even though Kylo tried to purchase a very lux mansion near a lake. You absolutely refused, so he finally compromised and bought a medium-sized home on a pond. Lush forest surrounds your plot of land, and you have plenty of privacy. You cant draw attention to the fact that you are Force users because there are still many beings that want you dead.

You are finally moved in. A couple of droids are tending to your boxes and setting up the house for you. You could definitely get used to never having to unpack again.

You and Kylo are sitting on your new couch. You're wrapped in a blanket reading a book while he does research on his data pad. He has all kinds of plans to teach you about the Jedi and the Force—maybe even rebuild the Jedi Temple you had heard about from Kylo's past. He claims you would be an excellent teacher.

You hear him sigh, stretch, and walk over to you. Your face is bright pink as you blush, knowing what's going to happen. It's the first time you've been cleared for...physical activity, and the two of you are actually alone. You waited patiently all day for him to make his move, refusing to be the one to initiate.

He walks over to you and slides the blanket off your body. You shiver at the loss of heat, and he smirks as he scoops you up in his arms and carries you to your new bed. Everything is new, so it's only natural to break it in, right?

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