Does Anyone Have Tissues?

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You can't see, but you hear people coming into your room and gathering around you. You finally peel your eyelids apart and see white while your eyesight tries to adjust. This is painful long has it been?

"A week."

You hear his deep voice answer your unspoken question.


"I'm here," he says softly next to your head. You turn your head to him, and for a second you don't recognize him.

He's dressed differently, you guess because he didn't have any other clothes. It looks like standard issue resistance clothing. His hair is messier and his beard has started coming in. His eyes are bright as they look at you, but you can see the bags under his eyes.

What have you done to him? He's exhausted...

"I'm fine, Y/N," he answers your thought again. "Don't focus on me. How do you feel?"

You scoot up so you can sit up on your elbows, and as you do, you notice multiple people standing around your hospital bed. General Organa, your father General Kenobi, Rose, and...what?

"FINN?!" It would have been a yell, but after a week in a coma, it came out more like a rasp.

"Hey, Y/N, long time, no see," Finn says with a huge smile on his face. You shake your head back and forth.

"How are you here?"

"I think I'll let your dad answer that question." He smirks.

You turn your head to General Kenobi, or John as you know him. You don't know yet.

"Hey Spark," he says quietly. Spark?

"," you speak hesitantly. You watch his eyes light up at the sound of his new title.


He smiles widely, and you see yourself in his face.

"That's what I always called you as a baby." He reaches over and puts his hand over yours and squeezes tightly. His eyes are starting to fill with tears, but he holds them back.

"Spark..." you mouth it to yourself. John takes his other hand and wipes away a few pieces of hair stuck to your forehead. You close your eyes and smile a smile you never thought possible.

"You really gave us a scare out there," he whispers. "I'm thankful you're both alive."

You squeeze his hand in return. You watch a tear escape and disappear into his beard, and you feel your own tears building up behind your eyeballs. The two of you stare at each other, neither one willing to break the gaze first.

You feel Kylo squeeze your shoulder. There's something precious in his touch.

"So Finn here," your dad starts, "Finn came from the First Order."

Your eyes widen and you look over at his mischievous face.

"My first name was FN-2187, but John decided to call me Finn."

You turn your eyes back to your dad.

John continues. "He was born into the storm trooper program, but I found him during a mission while infiltrating the Finalizer. He had separated from his group somehow, and I knew they would kill him when they found him. So I just took him with me."

You lay with your mouth open, looking back and forth between your dad and Finn.

"John brought me to earth so I could be adopted and also watch over you." Finn looks a little embarrassed at his admission.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now