Alexa: Order More Chocolate

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Spoiler alert: the conversation went well. You addressed the whole possessive thing, and even though you didn't totally win that argument, you did get the point across that you have your own ideas and own ways of doing things. He respects you, but he is also insistent that you stay near him now that he's found his "bond mate." In a way, you like how he's overprotective—it was something you never had growing up.

Otherwise, he actually listened to your concerns and agreed to give you more time on earth. It was never that you didn't want to go with him—you just want to see Finn first and quit your new job the proper way before you frolic into a galactic happy ever after.

You're so relieved that you fall down on your bed, exhausted. This must be what it's like to care this much about someone—constant tension and a headache. You feel cheated—this isn't what it's like in your dirty romance novels. You're supposed to feel feelings of euphoria, breathlessness, constant arousal. Okay well, that last part is true.

You listen as he rummages around in your kitchen, then you hear him walk to your door. He looks in sheepishly, and you motion for him to come in. You can't be bothered to lift your head up to eat food right now, so you stay on your stomach with your face pushed into your pillow.

You feel him sit down next to you and start chewing. You laugh into your pillow at the sound.

"What's so funny?" He asks with his mouth full. You raise your head up so you can see him.

"You found my fancy chocolate," you say, surprised. Now you're laughing harder. He looks at you incredulously and eats another piece. This sends you over the edge, and you have to roll over on your back so you don't suffocate.

"Now what?" His voice is louder as he watches your every movement with a look of awe.

"I don't know—you're eating chocolate for breakfast. And you'"

You start to laugh again but are silenced when you feel him jump from his side of the bed to yours and land on top of you. He hovers over you, his hands on either side of your head. Your laugh sticks in your throat at the sight of him.

"Are you insulting me?" His voice is low and threatening, and he's baring his teeth like a wild animal. Uh oh.

"Uhhhhh," you start to respond, but he lowers his face to yours, making you

"You are being disrespectful to your Supreme Leader, Y/N," he says with a snarl. Now he's just downright menacing. Where did this come from?

You think about the sparkly glow stick (light saber, you know what it's called, but it will forever be sparkly glow stick to you) and how much you would prefer that over being beaten to death.

However, your stubbornness wins again as you refuse to apologize. He's glaring at you so intensely that you turn your head away. You feel an invisible hand turn your head back to him so you're face to face.

Damn you, Force hands!

'Murdered by the real Emperor Zurg,' you think to yourself. What a way to die.

You feel Kylo shift his weight quickly. You marvel one last time at how lithe he is with all of that muscle and clothing. You squeeze your eyes shut and wait for the pain.

The pain never comes. Instead, Kylo Ren is kissing you—kissing you so aggressively and with so much passion that you see stars.

You've never been kissed like this before. Hux would give you a peck on the lips but that was all you could stand. You managed to hold him at bay and told him you were waiting for your wedding night to take things further. You were definitely waiting for something, but getting married to Hux wasn't it.

You grab Kylo by the hair and pull him closer. You feel his hands slide under your thighs as he whips you around so you're straddling his lap, never breaking the kiss. You don't know how he was able to do that, but you aren't complaining one bit.

He pulls away from you, and you both try to catch your breath. The front of you is pressed against the front of him, and you have your arms wrapped around his neck while he holds your ass in place. You realize you were mistaken about the romance novels. In fact, they downplayed everything.

Kylo leans his forehead against yours, and you close your eyes as you try to commit every second of this experience to memory.

"Wow," you whisper. You open your eyes and see a smug look on his face that drives you crazy. He kisses your neck and your jaw roughly like he's trying to devour you, and you yelp and squeal and try to block him with your shoulder. He's too strong though and holds you in place with his hand on your upper back. Then he settles on your lips again. You can't stop your breath from catching in your throat. He pulls away and looks at you. You're so flustered that you have no words. His expression is more smug than ever.

"Now I know how to shut you up," he gloats. You make a face at him, then he grabs your body and throws you back on the bed as you shriek. You watch as he makes his way back to your box of imported chocolates.

You lie on your back and stare at the ceiling, listening to him chew loudly on purpose. You realize, for the first time ever, you just might have met your match.

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