Guess Who's Back, Back Again

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You put the last bit of makeup on your face to cover up the fact that you've been crying. Kylo never did ask about you, never did check to see if you were alright. That's fine, though. You're used to doing life alone, and you're used to people being dicks. It's just a normal Friday.

You grab your bag and walk out of your room. The house is quiet save for the music playing quietly from earlier. Kylo is nowhere to be found.

That's okay. You expected as much. Your keys are laying on the kitchen counter, so you pick them up, slip your shoes on, and open the door to your garage. As you get in your car and back out, you notice something off to the side of the house.

It's Kylo. He's swinging his glow stick of doom around and around as if he's attacking someone. He stops and looks at you as you're pulling out of your driveway. He looks tired but otherwise shows no emotion. You on the other hand are hurting, so you glare at him for a second before you hit the gas, making your tires screech against the pavement as you zoom off.

You bite your lip to keep from crying off your makeup. You look in the rear view mirror, but he's not behind you. He doesn't have a car of course, so you don't know what you expected. Maybe he could fly like Superman—fly to you and reverse time so you never have that conversation.


Friday afternoons are busier than your other shifts, which means more tips, which means more to keep you distracted from the devastating pain throbbing in your chest. You happily work your ass off behind the counter, and you're pretty sure you're making the best drinks of your life today. Everyone seems pleased.

A young teenage couple walks up to the coffee bar and orders a couple of iced coffees. They're holding hands and making eyes at each other, and you have to hold yourself back from throwing their coffees at their faces. You wear a fake smile as you hand them their orders. They don't even say thank you as they try to walk and kiss at the same time.

Maybe they'll get herpes and realize how much life sucks.

A couple of elderly women walk in, and you immediately recognize them from the Big n'Tall store debacle. You turn bright red as they both study you over their metal walkers.

"You're that girl that was with the tall gang member!" One of them says. She turns to her friend. "Margaret, you see that's the same girl?"

The other woman adjusts her glasses and has the same realization. "Myrtle, you're right. Now they're serving us coffee and God knows what else."

You roll your eyes. Today is not the day.

"He's not a gang member and neither am I." Your voice is severe, and both women jerk their heads up in shock at your tone.

"Young lady, do not use that tone with us," the one named Myrtle says. You realize she's the leader of the two. "You should know better than to hang out with boys like that. What would your parents say?"

You snap.

"Well, they don't say shit because they're not around, so I guess I'm on my own."

The two women stand with their mouths hanging open. This is probably the most excitement they've had in years.

"Now, what do you want?" You ask aggressively.

The one named Myrtle tells you her order while the one named Margaret doesn't say a word.

"Have a seat and I'll bring your order to you," you say as you motion over to a table next to a window. Without a word, the two ladies walk away, and you're thankful you didn't have to clonk their heads together.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now