Nothing Says Love Like Murder

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You wake up to an empty bed. You're not surprised—you know Poe has to prepare for what's coming, but you're still disappointed. You liked how his body felt next to you. You felt safe and wanted.

You notice a piece of paper on the table next to you. It's a note from Poe.

Hey gorgeous, gotta run. Last night was incredible. Don't go running off, alright? I want a lot more than just one night with you.


You swoon at the sweet message. Finally, someone who is real, who doesn't lie, and is straightforward with his feelings. You just had to go to outer space to find him.

Eh, minor details.

You get ready and go to meet General Organa. You'd scheduled the meeting yesterday, so you've had plenty of time to get nervous over it, which you are.

You make your way to a conference room. A resistance soldier gestures you in, and you're met with a small committee, three people total. There is an older woman at the head of the table with grey hair and lavish robes. Next to her is a short, dark headed girl who looks about your age. Then on the other side is Poe, which surprises you. He never mentioned he would be meeting with you.

He winks at you as you make your way towards them. The black-haired girl glares at him for a second, making Poe shrug his shoulders and smirk. The girl can't help but smile at his antics.

"Y/N Kenobi, I presume," the older lady greets you. She holds out her hand, and you take it, remembering your manners.

"Yes ma'am," you respond.

"I'm General Leia Organa," she says with a quiet confidence. She motions to the girl next to her. "That's Rose Tico, and you know Poe."

Poe smirks but the general doesn't see.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you after all these years."

You furrow your brows. "You knew about me?"

General Organa laughs warmly. "Of course. We just didn't know where you were. Only your father knew that."

You look at her with wide eyes. "Why didn't he tell you?"

General Organa's face grows serious. "He couldn't risk anyone else having information about you that could be taken by the First Order. You've been hunted for years, but only within the past year did Supreme Leader Ren issue an official manhunt for you."

You don't know what to think. You feel tears forming, but why? You know what Kylo is now. You know what he did to you. What are you even upset about? Poe and the girl eye you curiously as you fight to hold back your emotions.

"So, those two pieces of scaly scum were originally sent by Kylo?"

General Organa gives you a funny look, and you realize you spoke too casually about Kylo.

Oh no.

You have a strong feeling that you shouldn't tell them about what happened on earth, especially in front of Poe.

"Uh, I mean Supreme Leader Ren."

General Organa eyes you closely. You feel like you're going to puke.

"Yes," she says, masking her concern from the others but somehow showing it to you at the same time. Wow, that's impressive military stuff right there.

You decide to skate past it.

"So, Supreme Leader Ren sent out more than just those two?"

General Organa nods solemnly. "I'm afraid so. It looks like Jaygrin and Grinja found you first. Even the Supreme Leader himself went on a mission to find you, but no one has heard back from him since."

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