Now What?

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You finally wake up, and you're in your room on base, laying on your little bed. You feel like a train hit you, and you have no idea how you got here. The last thing you remember is Kylo telling you he loved you.

He loves you. No lies, no manipulation. Just love.

You smile at the memory, and you hear shuffling beside of you. You turn and see Kylo sitting up from the floor so he's closer to you.

"Y/N, how do you feel?" He asks with such a caring tone that you could cry.

"Pretty awful," you say with a laugh. Kylo smiles back at you and kisses your forehead.

"That sounds about right." He strokes your hair lovingly with his gloved hand.

You look around. You're the only two in the room.

"How are you here and not in chains right now?"

He sighs and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers absentmindedly. "I've never seen it before, but the Force only let one person near you after you collapsed, which was me. Poe and the general and John—they all tried to take you from me. Your body was emitting some kind of force field or something. Everyone was shoved back, except me. So they let me come in here with you."

Your eyes widen at this weird development.

"I'm pretty sure there are about fifty soldiers sitting right outside waiting for me," Kylo laughs softly as he kisses your fingertips.

Well, that's something new. "I forced people back? With my mind?"

"With your unconscious mind." Kylo smiles and looks away, deep in thought. "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's the dyad..." you whisper to yourself. Kylo looks at you curiously but doesn't speak. You meet his eyes.

"You're the only one who can be near me because you're my bond mate, like a type of protection."

"Like you only trust me?"

"Yes!" You say excitedly. "You're the only one who can get through the Force thing I did."

The two of you smile at each other. Warmth wraps around both of you as the information sinks in.

You're silent for a moment. You think of your father.

"Is my dad okay?" You ask, suddenly panicked.

Kylo shushes you, sweetly. "Yes, John's fine." You see sadness fill his eyes again. "I'm so sorry for threatening him."

You look at him cautiously.

He continues. "I got to him just before the shapeshifters killed him. I fought them off so we could get to my ship. I put the restraints on him as a precaution." He looks away sheepishly. "We're not necessarily friends."

You snort. "So you went to the First Order?"

Kylo nods. "Mmhmm. I was looking for you, but I found John instead. I'm glad."

You let out a long sigh. You lean over and kiss his lips gently. He returns the kiss delicately, as if you might break from the pressure.

"So the resistance is waiting for me to wake up so they can arrest you?"

Kylo nods solemnly.

"...and you stayed with me even though you know they are going to arrest you?"

He nods again, this time smiling.

You shake your head and give him a look. "You're crazy."

"Not as crazy as you," he retorts. "You almost took me out back there."

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now