Hux is Back, Tell a Friend

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You hear the clank and know exactly what's happening. Hux has broken the door open. You never thought those expertly groomed hands would ever touch anything like dirt. You're mildly impressed with his personal growth.

You click the safety off on your blaster and move to stand between the two cabinets with the chair and table between you and the entrance. You listen as he shuffles through the dirt and curses to himself.

"Y/N!" He yells through the cavern. "I know you're here. I watched Ren stow you away like the treasure that you are."

You roll your eyes.

"What do you want, Hux?" You ask, your voice echoing against the walls.

"You know exactly what I want, babe." You hear him moving closer. "I want you."

There's a loud scuffling sound and another string of curses.

"Son of a bitch! Get off!"

He must have discovered your wiggly little friend from earlier.

"Damn alien bugs," he mutters. He's in the room now, but he can't see you squeezed between the cabinets.

You feel it, the Force. It's wrapping around every part of you, filling you with power.

Suddenly, Kylo's voice is in your head.

'Y/N?' Well this is odd.


Hux is brushing himself off violently, clearly freaked out by Lucifer Long Legs.

'I'm coming.'

He's coming? Here? How does he know you need help?

...the bond.

That's where the surge is coming from. You can pull power from Kylo. Your confidence soars as you step out from between the cabinets and point your large blaster right at Hux's chest. He freezes.

"Having some trouble over there?" You ask. You smirk as he glares at you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he says, taunting you like you're a child.

"And miss out on the fun? Nah, that's not me."

You take a step forward. Hux doesn't move.

Well, well, well...maybe he does have a set of balls after all.

He laughs. It's the first time you've ever heard a true villain laugh. If you didn't know any better, you would think you're in a Disney movie.

"I'm serious. That blaster might cause more trouble than it's worth."

You furrow your brows. "Watching you explode would definitely be worth the hassle of scrubbing the floor afterward."

You're grinning now, but you notice Hux is still cool and collected. Something about his stance worries you. He knows something you don't.

"There wouldn't be any floor left," he snarls.

"What?" You wrinkle your forehead. Where would the floor go? What is he talking about...?

He stares at you with his jaw jutted out in arrogance. You can actually feel his satisfaction as you realize...


The shelter is rigged. You feel the blood drain from your face. And Kylo's coming...

Hux grins, baring his teeth.

"Ah, you're not so stupid," he spits. "A blast from that thing would trigger some serious fireworks."

Sweat starts beading on your forehead.

"If this place is about to blow up, why are you down here with me?"

Hux laughs like an evil maniac again.

"My sweet little pet. I had to figure out a way to get you and Kylo in the same place at the same time. It's so easy—just threaten his 'bond mate.'"

Hux makes a disgusting sexual gesture with his hips, then laughs even harder.

You almost drop your blaster. No. No. Kylo, go back.

'Kylo don't come here! The place is rigged!' No response.

Hux nonchalantly walks up to you, swinging his blaster around his fingers. You feel your eyes burn with salty tears, but you sniff them back. You will not cry in front of this piece of shit.

'Kylo, PLEASE!'

"You had so much potential," Hux speaks quietly as he holds a piece of your hair between his fingers. Your nose wrinkles at his proximity. He looks down and stares at your face. There's nothing there, just emptiness behind his eyes. He's not human anymore.


You hear scuffling back at the entrance, and you know Kylo is there. He didn't heed your the anti-Superman he is.

Just as you turn to scream at him, Hux knifes you in the stomach. You choke and look at his face in horror. He places his blaster back onto his belt and caresses your cheek with his hand.

"By the way, you surprised me. After watching you give yourself over to Kylo Ren, I have to say I was quite aroused. Little innocent Y/N with a cock in her mouth. I'll remember it fondly."

You cover your wound with your hand, but the blood is starting to seep through your shirt. With a slap across your cheek, Hux runs past you and disappears through a secret exit.

You fall to your knees. You're fairly certain he pierced a couple major organs. You taste blood in your throat and mouth and notice it starting to dribble off your lips. You try to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding, but your arms have no strength.

Your hearing isn't all there, but you can still make out the sound of Kylo screaming. You see him running to you, eyes blazing, tears falling freely from his eyes. Your vision is blurry but he still takes your breath away even now.


You smile as his perfect face leans over yours. You never thought you would be given such a gift, but here he is, loving you. He has always loved you.

The last thing you remember is the sound of bombs detonating throughout the tunnel. Flashes of light and fire burned your eyes while Kylo covered you with his body.

Then everything went dark.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now