The Boy of Your Dream(s)

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The realization that Kylo was the boy in your dreams hits you like a lightening bolt. It all makes sense now. Why you would sleep at random hours just to dream of him again, to hear his voice and see his face. Why you stopped your suicide attempt that one Friday night when you were seventeen—you saw him, you heard his promise in your head. Why you left Hux at the altar—Kylo's voice echoed in your head, and you had to run.

He is the reason you have held on for so long.

"It was you..." you whisper. Kylo strokes your cheek with his hand.

"And it was you..." he whispers back.

He pulls your body into him, and you kiss each other delicately, taking the time to savor every movement of each other's lips and tongues. His movements become more aggressive, and Kylo pulls you on top of him, your bare sex straddling him. You unbutton his shirt and he raises up to slide it off his broad shoulders and rippling, muscular arms. He in turn takes your dress skirt in his hands and pulls it up. You lift your hands over your head so he can slide your dress off easily. He pulls you down on this chest so he can unhook your bra and drop it on the floor.

You're completely naked now. You straddle his torso and look down at his perfect face. His hands wonder your body, touching your breasts, your hips, your stomach, your arch your back and roll your hips, sliding on his stomach, heat radiating against your body. Each breath he takes raises you higher and presses against your clit. The intense pleasure produced by his hot skin on yours is overwhelming.

Kylo flips you on your back without warning, and he covers your mouth with his before you can scream in surprise. You reach down and unbutton his pants and slide them off, pulling his boxers with them. You feel his body under your fingertips as you bite and suck his lips. You see his long member spring to life, and you feel your mouth salivate at its size and girth.

He wasn't kidding when he said he was supreme.

You manage to flip him onto his back, but you're pretty sure he let you win that one. You kiss his mouth, then his neck, his chest, his stomach, his hips, and stop to admire him, exposed and vulnerable. You hear his breathing become labored as your face moves closer and you're able to take him into your mouth. His body jerks in response.

You take your time. You want to taste all of him, so you pull him further in with each movement. He's watching you with fire in his eyes, and it thrills you. You pull him into your throat, then pull him out while sucking him. You swirl your tongue around his tip and catch his eyes. He's groaning with every movement you make. He grips your hair tightly, spurring you on. You can't explain how you know how to do this—the truth is you've never been with a man.

Kylo stops you suddenly. He pulls you up to him so you're nose to nose. He's heard your thoughts.

"You've never been with a man?" He looks surprised.

You shake your head. "It just never felt right."

"Weren't you almost married?"

"I never let it get too far even while we were engaged. He would get mad or whatever, but he never could convince me. It's like I knew you were waiting for me."

You watch his eyes turn glossy at your admission. He kisses you hard and runs his hands through your hair and down your back. He flips you over again and smiles into the kiss, which causes you to smile in return.

He puts his palm over your eyes, signaling you to close them. You feel his face and shaggy hair start to move down your body. He kisses a trail from your neck to your breasts, stopping to attend to each hardened bud equally. The sensations are double the intensity with your sight gone. You let out a breathy squeak that seems to drive him wild.

He continues his kisses further until he reaches your sex. You're trembling, knowing what he's about to do.

"Open your eyes, Y/N." He speaks against your folds and the vibration of his baritone pierces your naval. He looks into your eyes as he starts to work on you. You shudder as his tongue teases you. He stops to admire you and runs his fingers down your front and down the sides of your thighs, then kisses you up and down your entrance. He swirls his tongue around your clit and sucks gently. You scream his name in ecstasy. He enters you with his tongue, and it's as if he knows every little spot that drives you out of your mind. You grip his hair tightly and pull, and he moans against you, vibrations hitting you again. You're close.

"Kylo..." you breathe. "I need you. Now."

He stops and raises himself above you. "Do I need to..."

You stop him. "I'm on birth control."

He wipes his mouth with the back of his arm, nods to you, then reaches down to line his member up to your entrance. You shiver as his tip presses against your clit.

"Are you sure?" He asks. You hear his uncertainty, and his caring tone pushes you even closer to the edge.

"Yes, please," you reassure him.

He doesn't hesitate and pushes into you, slowly and gently, as if he's rocking you to sleep. He pauses with each thrust to let your body adjust to his size. Your muscles spasm against him and you can tell he's working hard to hold himself back. It turns you on even more, like you've captured a wild animal.

He presses farther and you feel the stinging pain as he crosses the threshold. He pauses, but you claw his shoulders to communicate you want him to move. His thrusts start to increase in speed and pressure, and you feel the stinging pain slowly disappear. His body is on top of you, his elbows by your shoulders. You look into his eyes as he slides in and out. Those eyes tell you everything you need to know.

The pressure starts to build in your naval as he comes more and more undone, his thrusts become erratic and a moan escapes his throat. You pull him onto your chest and run your nails down his back. He bites your neck, then slides his hand between your bodies to stroke your clit with each thrust. You feel a release, a detonation, and scream his name again.

It starts at the apex of your thighs and rushes through your body. Your eyes roll back in your head as he thrusts with the pulsing waves of pleasure, intensifying your orgasm. You feel him swell and lose control, and he shakes above you. He growls in your ear as he releases his pleasure into you until every bit of him is spent. He falls to the side of you, careful not to crush you. Sweating and panting, you both lay still for a moment while your muscles twitch in response to the stimulation.

Kylo rolls so he's laying on his back. He puts one hand behind his head and uses the other to carelessly caress your arm and naval. You're on your back with your head pressed against his shoulder. Neither of you speak for a while—you just listen to each other breathe. You can't believe that sex could be this way. You've read about it in books and heard women gossip, and it was quite built up in your mind...but not like this. Kylo took your soul and joined it with his. You're bound forever now and you couldn't be happier.

"Y/N?" Kylo speaks quietly.


"Are you alright?"

He's such a gentleman. "More than alright."

You can hear his smile plaster itself on his face. "Good."


"Mmmm?" He hums. Your heart flutters.

"Please don't leave me."

You don't know why you say this to him. You've never said it to anyone. An overwhelming fear hits you that he could disappear, and you're sure it would physically kill you.

You feel him roll over to face you, and he wraps his strong arm around your waist.

"I will never, ever, leave you," he assures you, emphasizing each word.

You hold his arm and press your forehead against his. Eventually, your eyelids start to close.

You realize for the first time in your life, you don't need to dream any longer.

You're whole now.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now