Earth Again?

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Kylo has been the perfect gentleman during your recovery. The doctor gave you a list of activities you can't do, and sex was one of them—one more week to go. He's been sleeping in his own bed while you sleep in yours, and it's been the longest week of your life. All you've wanted to do since you woke up from your coma is jump him, but you can't. You can't tell how he feels because he's constantly focused on your health and acting like you'll break into pieces if he breathes on you too hard. It's getting annoying.

You walk into your room and find Kylo waiting for you. He smiles at you from his bed on the other side of the room, and you walk over to him and sit down next to him. He kisses your temple and holds your hand gently.

"How did it go?" He asks, and you can tell he's fighting his jealousy. It's almost adorable.

"It went really well, actually," you breathe out. You lean against his shoulder. "We're fine, and he apparently admires you."

Kylo cocks an eyebrow. "Admires me?"

"Mmhmm," you grin mischievously. "Apparently you never left my side while I was in wonderland. I can't believe you."

Kylo blushes and looks down, squeezing your hand. You bend forward so you can see his face through his wavy hair, and he laughs when he sees you slide into his line of vision.

"Wonderland?" He asks, changing the subject. Wow, he really can't take a compliment.

"Yeah, wonderland. Like Alice in Wonderland."

He gives you a confused look, and you remember you're not in Kansas—you mean on earth, anymore.

Yet another reference you will have to introduce to him.

"Oh, right. You don't know this stuff." You giggle as he watches you, a small smile on his face.

"It's an earth thing?"

"Yeah, an earth thing." You laugh again. "I have so much to show you when we get back."

You notice his body stiffen next to you, and there's a long pause before he speaks again. You immediately start to sweat—something is wrong.

"Y/N," he says slowly. "I don't belong on earth."

Your eyes widen.

"What are you saying?" You wish he'd just spit it out.

"I've lost the First Order, everything I know. I can't just let the resistance win. I have to rebuild."

You're in shock. Absolute, total shock. Are you fucking kidding? After everything you two just went through, he has the nerve to suggest rebuilding the First Order?!

"So, you're saying you want to rebuild something that ate away at your soul day and night, something that kept you isolated for who knows how many years, and start another war?"

"I don't want to start another war," he says. He's getting defensive now. "I have to take back what is rightfully mine. I'm the only who can restore real order to the galaxy. It's what is expected of me."

You can't believe what you're hearing.

"You want to be Supreme Leader again..." you state.

There's a pause. "It's my destiny to lead, to rule. It's not about 'want'." He gestures towards the door. "They can't govern a galaxy—they tried and failed miserably when my grandmother was alive. A firm hand is needed, someone that can protect but also keep order when necessary. I am that person, Y/N. It is my burden to carry. I know what the people need."

"Oh, you do?" You say, getting off the bed and turning to face him. You notice him lean back slightly at your aggressive presence. "You know what they need? Have you thought about what YOU need? Have you thought about what..."

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now