Apollo 13 Was a Good Movie, Right?

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You can still smell burnt fabric as you run a brush through your hair. You're freshly showered and getting ready for your day.

You're also making every effort not to imagine Kylo in your shower.

You hear the water—you hear him using your shampoo as he places it back on the metal hanger. You hear him sigh.

You brush your hair furiously and try to think of anything other than him. Then you hear the water turn off.

He pulls open the shower curtain. He's using your towel to dry off. You lean against the doorframe and stand as still as you can, trying to take in every sound. Then the bathroom door opens, so you duck back into your room with your hair brush as your face flushes red. There's silence for a second, then he appears at your door, wearing your towel. Only the towel.

He leans against your doorway casually and watches as you attempt to curl your hair with a wand. His eyes are on you—you feel them traveling up and down as you stand in front of your mirror wearing athletic shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You risk a glance his way—his svelte body is still glistening with water droplets. His head is tilted slightly as he dissects you. There's the hint of a smile on his lips, but you refuse to stare.

"What is that?" He asks, pointing to your hair wand.

"It's a heated tool that curls your hair," you reply. You don't dare take your eyes off of your task.

He nods at your response, but he doesn't move. You finish the last piece of hair and turn off the wand. You run your fingers through the curls and shake them out, flipping your head upside down to do so. When you snap back up, you realize he is now standing right next to you. You gasp.

He takes a piece of your hair in his fingers and twirls it around, feeling the texture. Your feet are glued to the carpet, and you barely breathe as you let yourself look at his face.

"I like your hair," he almost whispers. You give him a shy smile.

Then he turns and walks out of your room to the guest room. You're left alone, going cross-eyed as you eye the piece of hair hanging between your eyes that Kylo Ren just held.


When you walk out of your bedroom, you're met with Kylo dressed in his many layers of black again. He's sitting in the kitchen, his body overtaking your poor mismatched, thrift store chair.

"I've been waiting for you," he answers.

"Waiting for me?" You ask, confused. Waiting for what?

"Yes. I plan to take you with me when I leave tonight. There is much I need to discuss with you."



Silence again.

Kylo rises from the chair and walks over to you—you're still standing in the middle of the hallway entrance, mouth hanging open. He kneels so he can meet your eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks with genuine concern.

You finally float back down into your body. This is your first out of body experience. It's also the first time a man has asked you drop everything and travel the world wi....no, to outer space. To another planet.

It's a "dear diary" moment.

"You're taking me back to the Order thing?" You can't hide the shock in your voice.

"Of course."

You bite your bottom lip as you chew on his words.

"You didn't even ask me if I want to go," you snap. You don't mean to be a brat, but you do kind of mean to be a brat. He just assumes you're doing this?

Kylo furrows his eyebrows. "That's because there is nothing to ask. I'm not letting you out of my sight now that I've found you."

You lean your head forward—your eyes wide. Let you out of his sight? Are you four?

"You don't want to come with me?" His voice has changed, and you recognize that sad tone.

"You're asking me to leave my home, my...planet, and fly a rocket ship into space to somewhere I didn't know existed until yesterday? How can I possibly do that? I'm not even an astronaut!"

"An astronaut?"

You sigh. "Yes, Kylo, an astronaut. Those people train for years just to be able to go to the moon and back. I don't have your training—I don't know anything about astronomy or physics. I've never tried Tang!"

You watch as he starts to smile, then he laughs. You furrow your brows and cross your arms in front of you.

"I'm serious! I saw Apollo 13 and what Tom Hanks had to go through. None of that looked especially fun."

You know he doesn't understand your references, but you can't help yourself. You watch as his eyes sparkle and crinkle at the corners, laughing again.

"Y/N, you don't have to be an 'astronaut' to travel with me," he says with amusement.

"I don't?" You are shocked again.

"No," He states. He pulls your arm away from you and kisses the back of your hand as his eyes reassure you. You decide that he's not allowed to do that ever again unless he plans to rip your clothes off right then and there.

"Is that what is worrying you?" His tone has changed again, and you can feel the desperation pouring out of him.

He looks so ethereal in the morning sun. All you want to do is make him smile again, but you know that would be a disservice to yourself. You have to talk this out.

"Let's sit down," you say as you pull out a chair for yourself. Kylo sits down hesitantly.

This is the first time in your life that you are scared to lose someone, someone you care about, someone you could possibly love.

This conversation has to go well.

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