That's Borderline Illegal

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You gasp awake and sit up in your bed. The sun is starting to rise, and you're safely tucked away in your sheets. You feel of yourself with your hands to make sure you're really there, then you start to laugh.

"That was one wicked nightmare," you snort. You actually thought it was real! 

"I must be losing touch with reality or something," you muse out loud, throwing your legs over the bed. "Or maybe I need to throw away that herbal tea."

As you stand, you realize you aren't wearing your pajamas.

"Huh?" You touch your top and jean shorts—it's what you wore in your nightmare.

"I must have sleep walked," you say, still speaking out loud. "That's kind of scary. I hope I didn't walk outside or anything."

Slightly rattled, you walk into your kitchen and turn on the Keurig. You yawn and stretch your body. Why are your legs so sore?

As you turn to reach for a K cup, you see him.

He's sprawled on your couch, too long to fit within its length. His knees are bent and his head is on the arm of the couch like it's a pillow. He has one arm draped across his stomach and the other hangs down to the floor. You also notice his clothing has changed—black pants and a black muscle shirt. His hair is tousled and messy across his forehead and face. You hear him snore lightly.

You find yourself paralyzed in your spot in the kitchen. It wasn't a nightmare. You didn't sleep walk. You don't have to throw away your favorite tea.

It was real. Kylo Ren, First Supreme Leader of the Galactic Planet Order or whatever, is laying on your couch.

You slowly walk over to him as quietly as you can. Once you're next to him, you stand over him and let yourself take the image in. There's really a man under all of that black. You study his body, which isn't a chore by any means. Then you step closer and study his face. He looks almost boyish with his face so relaxed. It makes you smile—the big bad space emperor is not just intimidatingly handsome, he's also cute in a sweet way. Dark eyebrows, full lips, a larger nose that makes him even more appealing, a bit of scruff forming along his jaw.

You can't help yourself.

You kneel down next to him so you're sitting on the floor facing him. He stirs in his sleep, so you hold your breath to make sure you don't wake him. Once he is still again, you reach out and touch his cheek with your fingers. His skin is rough but soft in that masculine kind of way. Little moles dot his face and his eye lashes are long. Men always have the best eye lashes.

You move your hand to his forehead and gently brush his inky hair out of his eyes. It's wavy and thick, and you let yourself linger while you feel the texture between your fingers. You lean down and inhale his scent—it smells like some kind of peppermint and spices—you've never smelled anything like it before. He must have a great shampoo.

You pull your hand away and bring it to his shoulder. You drag a finger down from his shoulder to his elbow, then from his elbow to his wrist, tracing the muscle lines. His gloves are off, and you can finally see his hands. They are definitely big. You can tell they're strong too—mighty, even. You remember the feeling of his hand holding yours in the woods, and heat fills your cheeks.

You look up to explore the rest of his upper body. The build on this guy is like something out of a movie. Every inch of him is muscle. His chest is sculpted and broad. You watch his chest rise and fall while he breathes peacefully. You notice that his shirt has wrinkled upwards, exposing a little bit of bare skin between the rumpled shirt and the belt of his pants.

You know what you have to do, and you definitely have the strength to do it.

You place two fingers against his exposed skin. His body is hot, radiating the heat as if he's a flame. You allow yourself to indulge while you slip your fingers under his belt slightly, fighting hard to stop yourself from exploring further. You feel the hardness of muscle mixed with the softness of dark hair. You glide your fingers across his skin and try to memorize every feeling because you know you'll never see a man like this again.

Apparently men like him only exist in a galaxy far, far away.

You pull your hand away and drop it in your lap, willing yourself to behave. You refuse to look at him any further because you know it will be the end of you. You are already so infatuated with this emo space stalker, and it's so unhealthy. If Finn knew what you were doing right now, he would hose you down with a water hose, then take you to get a CT scan.

You smile at the thought of Finn. In all the years you have known each other, you have never done anything too crazy. He always said you're the responsible one, but after you left Hux at the alter, something snapped inside of you. It was as if an animal was dormant for so long, then it finally roared to life. You realized you don't want "average." Kylo's mystical appearance only solidified that fact. You smile as you think about how far you've come within the past year and a half.

You glance up to Kylo's face and are met with his eyes studying you.

You freeze.

How long as he been awake? Does he know that you just spent the last ten minutes drooling over him? Is he going to run away now? Should YOU run away?

Before you can decide, he takes your hand in his as he sits up. He pulls you up off the ground and has you sit next to him. Your thigh touches his and your breathing is staggered. The closeness of his body makes your vision blurry. He turns his head to look at you from underneath that mop of black hair. You feel goosebumps when you see his expression.

His eyes are glowing golden in the morning sun. He's staring right into yours, and you can tell that he is debating something. He doesn't smile, but there are sparks traveling through his gaze. He is still holding your hand. You're too embarrassed to speak, so you wait for him to say something. He must think you're crazy. You just hope you didn't ruin whatever this is before it has even started—if there was anything to begin with.

You decide then and there that you want him in your life for as long as you can have him.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now