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You're finally able to live almost normally after a soak in a bacta tank, and you're feeling awesome. You actually like your scar—it makes you feel tough. Kylo doesn't think it's funny, but so far it's been a great conversation starter.

It's been a week (well two if you count coma week) on base, and everyone is edgy with Kylo's presence. You bring him food in your room so he doesn't have to deal with the others, and you had another bed brought in for him even though it's cramped. He's in super overprotective mode after everything, but you can't blame him. You nearly died.

All week, you've searched for Poe, but he is nowhere to be found. You know he's avoiding you, and it makes you sick. You never intended to use him as a one night stand. Everything was so complicated, and he really did make you feel loved and accepted during a confusing time. You're thankful for him. He should know that.

It's the end of the week, and you finally corner him in the hangar while he's working on his X-wing. He turns red and looks back down at his work, but he knows you're not letting him get away this time. You walk cautiously towards him.

"Hey Poe," you say, quietly. You stuff your hands in your pants pockets nervously.

"Hey Y/N," he says back, stiffly. He still hasn't made eye contact with you.

"Whatcha working on?"

There's silence. So, he's not up for chit chat, which is fine because you aren't either.

"Poe, I need to talk to you. It will only take a minute."

Finally, he puts his tools down and looks at you. You see the heaviness in his eyes and feel your heart shudder. He doesn't speak, so you decide to just jump in.

"Nothing I say is going to make this any better, but you should know something. You saved my life in more ways than just on the Finalizer. I truly thought everything was over between Kylo and me. You were my hope during some of the darkest hours of my life. Please believe me."

Poe is looking down at his hands while you speak. You wait a moment, but he doesn't reply. So you continue.

"I'm so sorry."

He finally looks at you, and you notice his eyes. You don't see anger in them like you expected. You're confused as you watch him move closer to you. He puts a hand on your shoulder as he speaks.

"Y/N, I was never angry with you. You got tangled up in something you knew nothing about. I know you weren't using me. The only reason I've stayed away is to give you and Kylo space. I don't necessarily want to talk to the guy."

You huff a laugh, and Poe smirks.

"I don't understand what you two have, but I do respect YOU. I can't say I'm not disappointed, because of course I am."

He rubs the back of his neck nervously as he speaks.

"But I have to say...that guy never left your side. I don't even know when he ate or slept. He was always in there, always awake, even. I couldn't visit you because of him, but I'm not mad about it."

You smile sympathetically as Poe meets your eyes. You both take a big breath and let it out loudly.

"Poe, thank y..."

"No." Poe holds a hand up in front of you to silence you. "You don't have to thank me. I can tell he's going to take care of you, and that's all that matters. I don't have to like him."

He smiles widely and you laugh.

"I'll let you get back to it, then," you say as you turn to leave. Poe looks at you with genuine peace, and your heart soars.

"See ya, Y/N."

You walk back to your room feeling lighter and freer than you have in a while.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now