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You hear laughing coming from the smoke inside the ship. You crouch into a fighting position and hold Kylo's lightsaber in front of you defensively.

Kylo's dark form takes shape in the smoke as he walks forward. He stops, careful to avoid the reach of your arm.

"Bravo, Y/N" he says as he claps his hands. "I knew you had it in you."

You don't move. You don't even blink. Kylo notices.

"Ah, look at you. Look how strong you've become," he speaks smoothly. "All it took was a little push."

You're still unmoving.

"How does the Dark side feel, Y/N? Do you feel powerful?" Kylo takes a small step forward.

You blink, but that's the only movement you are willing to make.

He takes another step forward. "All that anger flowing through you, anger towards me, anger towards Hux and the shapeshifter scum—you feel it racing through your veins."

He takes another step closer.

"It's intoxicating, isn't it?" One more step closer.

Alright, that's enough, you lying dick.

You let out a yell that sounds inhuman as you run towards Kylo. You swing his saber towards his face, then his torso. He is taken aback by your ferocity but is still fast enough to dodge every hit. You grow more and more frustrated as he jukes you out.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" You scream, aiming at his arm. You miss by an inch.

"And you lied to me from the looks of it," he snarls. Another swing—you barely miss his head, and you notice you singed some of his hair. The smell fills your nostrils. Kylo looks royally pissed now.

"Oh, oops, I ruined your perfect hair," you mock him as he seethes. You swing again, aiming for his neck, but he dodges you gracefully while you struggle to stay upright.

"That's how you want to fight me? With childish insults?"

Swing, miss. You see sparks shoot up from the floor where you just dug a nice lightsaber-shaped trench. You clench your teeth.

"You didn't come to me because you were 'drawn to me' or whatever mushy shit you said. You came for the map. I know everything now, Kylo. I KNOW YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME!"

Another swing, another miss. You know he could Force freeze you at any moment, so you wonder why he hasn't.

"It's true, I did come for the map," he confesses. He almost looks sad. "But I didn't expect to find you, my bond mate, with it."

You swing again and hit the wall sending sparks flying through the air.

"Bullshit! You only wanted to fuck me. You got a map with a bonus whore to play with until you were bored enough to kill her."

You hit another wall, more sparks. Kylo's eyebrows are furrowed now.

"I never thought of you as a whore!" He yells, dodging you yet again. "The bond is real, Y/N!"

"I'm sure you tell all your sex slaves that." You jump and try to hit from above, but instead you slice the captain's chair in half.

"What does it matter? You're fucking that pilot now. You never cared about me in the first place!" He looks hurt again.

"That pilot saved my life when YOU WERN'T THERE. And yeah, I did fuck him! And it was good. REALLY good."

You see red flare in Kylo's eyes, and you can't tell if its the reflection of his lightsaber or if it's coming from within him. Either way, it's enough to make you pause, which turns out to be a horrible mistake.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now