One Leggy Boi

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Just as the large group of soldiers turns to address you, a large boom rocks the entire base. The soldiers look at you and Kylo, then back at each other, than towards the sound of the explosion. They decide the explosion is more important and run in that direction. You and Kylo are left standing there, your hand still on the door.

"The First Order," Kylo says out loud. "They're here."

This is really happening. Just what you wanted to do this summer—fight an intergalactic war.

"Come on," Kylo grabs your hand and pulls you. You stop and wrench your hand out of his grip.

"What are you doing? We need to go this way." You point where more soldiers are running towards the explosion.

Kylo turns and walks up to you in a dominant way. "You're in NO condition to deal with this right now, Y/N. I just got you back—now I'm taking you somewhere safe."

He pulls your arm, but you stop him. "No! They need our help. We can't just leave like cowards."

"I'm coming back, but not before I get you away from here." Kylo jerks your arm aggressively and pulls you down the hallway.

He's too strong for you in your weakened state (and frankly, he would be too strong in your good state so who are you kidding.) You both run full speed towards the back of the base, weaving in and out of hallways that are empty. All of the soldiers have moved to the other side of the base.

You come to a door, and Kylo opens it cautiously. After a moment, he pulls you forward.

"Move, go," his commanding voice orders as you scramble past him. He points at a grassy hill in front of you, so you run to it, Kylo right behind you.

Once at the hill, Kylo starts digging around in the grass and dirt. You're pretty sure he's lost his mind now.

"Kylo, what are you doing?!" You whisper-yell at him, looking all around for anyone to see you.

"There is a secret shelter down here. I remember from my time here as a kid—I used to sneak down there. It's the safest place for you right now."

Suddenly, he finds a door handle and pulls. It's locked. He holds out his hand and uses the Force to unlock it, then props the door open for you.

"Get in," he orders.

"What's down here though?" You are completely creeped out by how dark it is down in the hole.

"Ahead of you will be a lamp attached to a cement wall on the right. Turn it on and you'll see a room with a few chairs and a table. There are also blasters down there but DON'T touch one. You don't know how to use it and could hurt yourself."

You roll your eyes as you swing your legs into the hole. The first thing you think about is snakes. Kylo hears your thoughts and blows air out of his mouth in an exasperated manner.

"Is that all you think about? Snakes?" His voice is harsh.

"Oh, so sorry that I have normal fears and not fears of random planetary invasions."

He rolls his eyes and shoves you down without warning. You yell as you roll and hit the bottom hard. You stand up and look back up at Kylo, who is still watching you, a small smirk on his face.

He WOULD think you falling down a hole is funny.

"I'm going to find Jaygrin and Grinja and end this thing. I'll come back for you."

"No, wait, Kylo!"

But he's already closed the door and locked it. Everything is pitch black.

This is probably the scariest thing you've ever done. You hold your arms out and try to feel where the walls are, and you swear you hear the sounds of creatures crawling around you. You shudder with fear but force yourself forward.

You finally hit concrete with your feet, so you feel around the wall for the lamp. You find it, and just as you're flipping it on, a giant alien centipede falls onto your arm from its place atop the lamp. You scream and fling it off and run forward so you're completely off the dirt.

"SHIT!" you scream. "NONE OF THIS IS OKAY!"

You watch as the minion from hell crawls away, annoyed that you invaded its home.

You try to slow your breathing and walk towards one of the chairs. After a thorough inspection for anymore leggy surprises, you sit down. It's chilly and slightly damp in the room. You rub your upper arms with your hands and look around the bunker. You notice a cabinet, and you assume that's where the blasters are. There's another cabinet—this one is refrigerated. Must be for food if you get stuck down here.

No. Can't go there. Stuck down here with something ten times worse than a snake forever? You'll shoot yourself with a blaster first.

You feel the earth shake, and you assume something has exploded close by. You worry about Kylo. You know he is the most powerful dude in the universe or whatever, but still. The thought of him dying is too much to bear. You'd rather let that five hundred legged demon crawl on you again.

Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you walk over to the blaster cabinet. Inside you find an array of blasters, some bigger than others. You assume bigger means better and start to reach for one before you remember Kylo's warning. You shift your weight back and forth as you think through the possible consequences of disobeying his order. Another explosion rocks you even worse this time, and you decide you'll risk his anger.

You grab the biggest blaster there—what? You really thought you'd go for the safe option? Have you been reading this story at all?

You hold it up and admire the futuristic weapon. It's green inside, and you assume that's where the laser-maker stuff is. That's the technical term, by the way. You laugh at yourself like a dork.

You put your hand around the trigger and notice a button on top of the gun. It must be the safety. You press it, and the blaster starts glowing and vibrating slightly. Ah, yup, that's the safety. You feel powerful as you hold your new glowing blaster.

You were made to hold this thing.

Clicking the safety back on, you walk back over to your chair and hold it in your lap. More explosions. They're getting faster and more violent. You bite your lip as you worry yourself senseless.

You're feeling better now—you could fight, but he said not to leave. But you're being a huge baby sitting down here with a blaster bigger than your arm. You could help somehow. But Kylo...

As you're arguing with yourself, you hear a noise back at the door of the shelter. You decide to reach out with your Force sense and see if you can feel Kylo's presence again. High five for Force training.

You gasp. You definitely feel a presence, but it's not Kylo.

It's Hux.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now