Don't Talk About Your Exes

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You awake before Kylo so you can do laundry before your afternoon shift. You pop your Air Pods in and play music while you start washing towels and then start the hanging and folding process. Part of it includes hanging and ironing Kylo's new clothes from yesterday, and you smile as you hold his black shirt in your hands.

Soon you lose yourself in your task and your music, and you start dancing while you work, something you do often. Music has always been your solace. You wonder if Kylo listens to music where he's from.

A Beyoncé song comes on, so you dance while folding garments in the laundry room. It's the best part of the song, so you forget and start singing to yourself while you swing your hips around.

The next thing you know, Kylo's big arms grab you from behind and you jump. You glance over your shoulder, and he has the funniest expression on his face, like he's never seen anything like you. You turn red and pop out your Air Pods so you can hear. He holds you from behind and kisses your neck while you drown in embarrassment.

"Good morning," he says against your skin with a tone that says "I caught you." You shiver.

"You snuck up on me. That wasn't very nice."

"I wouldn't dare interrupt you," he grins in your ear. "You put on quite the show."

You cover your face with your hands, but he pulls your wrists back down so he can hold you captive.

"I get carried away with the music," you sulk.

"Can I hear?"

You look over your shoulder at him with wide eyes. "Yeah!"

He releases you and you run over to your Echo dot, a gift from Finn. You pair it with your phone and start a fast-paced dance song and turn up the volume. Kylo is watching you with eyebrows raised. You jump over to him and grab his hand.

"Does your music sound anything like this?" You ask as you pull him into the living room. It's spacious now that the couch is missing.

"No, not exactly," he says, wide eyed as you feel your embarrassment melt away. You decide you don't care—you want to dance with this man. You grab his other hand and try to force him to move with you.

"You're as stiff as a board!" You say over the music.

"I'm not the dancing type."

"You are now!"

You pull him to you and start moving his arms with you. The look on his face makes you laugh. He's looking at you like you've completely lost your mind, and there's a small hint of a smile on his lips.

"Dance with me," you command. Kylo tries to hold his ground, but you're persistent. Finally, he starts to sway to the music with you. You grin from ear to ear as you watch his walls come down.

"This is...interesting," he says as he twirls you around with his hand. You spin back into him and throw your arms around his neck and dance against him.

"But it's fun," you retort. He can't help but smile at your free spirt.

"I like you moving against me," he says, his smile turning into a sexy smirk.

"I'm sure you do!" You laugh as you sway back and forth with him. You sing loudly along with the song as if you're singing to him. You swear his eyebrows can't go up any higher in surprise.

You're in pajama pants and a t-shirt—Kylo is shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants you bought for him. You both feel so comfortable with each other—you don't have makeup on or your hair done. It's the most fun you've ever had with someone, being able to let yourself go completely. Kylo grabs you around the waist and hoists you into the air and spins around while you scream. Damn, he's so strong.

That One Crazy Summer-Reader X Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now