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I walk down the crowded halls of Lakewood High. Fellow seniors gather in groups along the walls and nervous freshman pass by in search for a familiar face. I scan the hall for my best friends, Hannah and Brooke. I find them standing next to a vending machine with Brooke trying to get a snack.

"Brooke, it's not going to work. You've tried putting that dollar in 10 times now." Hannah says as Brooke puts the dollar in again.

"It's gonna work. It will work. I need it to work. I need my hot Cheetos." Brooke desperately whines.

"Those aren't even good for you. Plus, you'll get powder everywhere." Hannah says back. I look at Brooke's outfit; ripped jeans, white cropped hoodie, and checkered vans - nothing she wouldn't mind sacrificing a little powder for.

Hannah turns to me and asks, "Y/n, you ready for English with Jenkins? I hear he's a real bi-"

"Don't say it Han, they can hear you." Brooke says, looking up at the security camera above us. Hannah and I laugh at Brooke's ongoing conspiracy that the school's security system can hear and see everything we do, and can end up blackmailing us if ever they needed to. 

"I'm not that worried, my brother had him last year and said he wasn't as bad as he sounds." I answer. My brother, Ethan, ended up going to college in LA so I had to facetime him last night to ask about my teachers.

"How is your brother anyway?" Hannah asks. We all know she has this major crush on him since last year ever since he scored the winning touchdown at the state playoffs. She claims it's because of his charming personality and his love for movies, but we all know it's because of his genes. No girl could resist my brother's wavy hair, his strong built, or his famous mysterious eyes. No girl except me obviously. I on the other hand was dealt a whole different set of cards. Me with my (your hair), (your built), and (your eye color). Sometimes I don't see how we're related. Ethan says it's a good thing I don't look like him or else boys would be running after me and he'd have to fight them off. I couldn't tell if that was a compliment to him or me, but I guess that's Ethan for you.

"He's good. He loves LA, he plans to bring me there soon maybe." I tell her. He didn't exactly say that, I don't even know where he's staying to be honest. I remember him saying that he's staying with a friend, but I never remembered who.

"Good for him, if you go, would you take us?" Hannah says with a desperate look on her face. Brooke's attention leaves the uncooperative vending machine and joins Hannah with a pleading face saying, "Pleeeaaseee y/n?"

"If I can, I will. Promise." I tell them, and they both have the weirdest smiles on their face. "C'mon, we should probably head to class now." and we all head towards Jenkins room.

> > >  end of the day > > >

I speed out of my last period class to my locker. I waste no time trying to get home.

"Hey! Y/n!" a voice calls out from behind. I turn around, it's Mr. Jenkins. He catches a sweat trying to follow me, I stop and watch him walk up to me.

"Yes Mr. Jenkins?" I say, trying to make this as quick as possible. "Am I in trouble?"

"No no no no, y/n, your brother e-mailed me. He told me you'll be staying in LA for the rest of the semester. Some family thing down there, and I wanted to tell you that I completely understand. Just make sure that before you go you check in with your guidance counselor to sign you on to our online school program, okay?" Mr. Jenkins' words fly over my head. The last thing I heard was that I'm supposedly going to LA on my brother's request, but how?

"LA? When did he say this?" I ask.

"Oh, he told me during your lunch time. I'm sure he means well, Ethan was always such a good student." He then leaves me and returns to his room. I go to my locker and check in with guidance. I couldn't find Hannah or Brooke after school so I drove home.

> > >

Once I got home I went straight to my room and facetimed my brother. He didn't answer the first time, as usual, so I went back downstairs and got a snack. My parents are in the kitchen talking indistinctly.

"Hey hon! Cookies?" My mom asks motioning over to a tray of cookies. I take one, but can't help but wonder what's going on.

"So y/n, how was school?" My dad asks, while opening the fridge to get some lemonade.

"It was good I guess. Mr. Jenkins spoke to me today." I tell them truthfully, wondering if they knew anything about this.

"Oh! Mr. Jenkins talked to you? What'd he say?" My mom asks. Maybe they don't know.

"Um, he said-" Just then my cellphone vibrates in my back pocket. Ethan. I go to the living room and sit on the couch and answer it.


"Hey y/n! Saw you called, what's up?" He says, as if he doesn't know what's up.

"Um, did you call Jenkins and say I'm going to be at LA for the semester?" I ask. He doesn't answer for a minute. "E?" 

"Yeah, I did. I thought you'd maybe like it, especially since the school is cool with it." He answers, and he's not wrong. It's a great opportunity, but I'd be missing so much here.

"Yeah, it sounds great. But what about homecoming? Winter Formal?" There's some much more, but I couldn't think of them right away.

"Those are fun, but think about LA y/n. It's a whole new world here, so much different than our town." He says with a little pleading tone in his voice.

"Why do you even want me there? You'll be at school during the day and partying with your friends at night." I say. What could I possible be needed for there?

"That's not true. There's plenty of new stuff for you to do here. And colleges are always looking, it might be good for you to have a change of scenery." He replies. He does have a good point, but my plan was to go to college here, near home. My parents already said bye to one kid, I'd hate for them to say bye to another.

As if he read my mind, Ethan says, "Listen y/n, Mom and Dad will be fine okay. I already asked them if it was alright for me to take you, and they said "yes". Mom even said it was a good idea for you to go out of your comfort zone." I look towards the kitchen and my parents give me a thumbs up. They definitely knew what was going on. Maybe they're right and I probably should take this opportunity. It's not everyday where you're invited to stay in LA for a couple months, and who knows, maybe good things would come out of it.

"Fine, I'm coming to LA." I tell him, then a sudden rush of excitement fills my entire body and I find myself running into my room to start packing.


hey limelights! this is my first time writing in a while, so i might be a little rusty. this is my first x reader book so hope it's going well so far. i'm just doing this for two reasons; one, i love why don't we, and two, i'm trying to pass time during this chaotic time. i'm open to any suggestions - this is your story after all! this is a Daniel X Reader so this is for my Daniel girls out there. There will be more books with the other boys as well, just thought I'd start with Daniel since his birthday just passed. anyway enjoy! and stay safe!

xo, freebesson98

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