'Cause Baby You're My Inspiration

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"Thanks for this, I needed it." She says as she rests her head on my arm. When did I deserve this angel next to me?

"Of course, beautiful, anytime." I tell her, placing a kiss on top of her head. She smiles, and her smile is contagious, as always.

"I have some news," She looks up, intrigued, her eyes looking into mine. Oh those eyes, those beautiful, mesmerizing eyes.

"What?" I smile at her interest.

"So there's this musical in school, it's an original production, it seems pretty cool. It's not your basic, Romeo and Juliet play, you know?"

"Yeah, so what about it?" I look away, nervous to hear her reaction. What if she'll judge me and think I'm a total nerd?

"I think I'm going to audition." I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes light up as she goes out of my arms, sits down criss-crossed, and turns to face me.

"Dani! Really?! You're gonna do amazing, that's so great! I'm so happy for you!" She puts her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug, sitting on my lap. I put my arms around her waist, hugging her tighter as I sigh with relief. Her face is close to mine, her arms still around my neck as she says, "I'm proud of you, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

I keep her close, "Well, if this is how you're gonna react now, I can't wait to see how you react if I get the role." A smile stretches across her face.

"You mean, when you get the role." She says, correcting me. I roll my eyes at her, putting her back down on the blanket. She frowns, but I can't help but laugh. "Well, update me when you're at your audition okay? I want every detail." She narrows her eyes in a "threatening" way.

"Is that a threat Ms. y/l/n?" I ask, raising my eyebrow, which cause her to giggle uncontrollably.

One day, it'll be Mrs. Seavey.

My thoughts could be so annoying.

"So, it's a musical? What are you auditioning with?" She asks, while taking a drink.

"Actually, that's one of the reasons why I wanted you here." Her heartwarming smile appears again. "I'm singing my own song for my audition."

"Daniel, that's fantastic. I can't wait to hear-"

"I want you to hear it. Will you?" She straightens her posture and sits up, nodding her head with that gorgeous smile of hers. I take my guitar out of its case and start strumming.

I met her on a Monday evening
She was standing outside of the park and ride

And I said, "Hey ma, where you been?""Been looking for a woman like you for all my life"
And she said, "Hola, talk to me
"Before I have to leave"
And one day we could be
Maybe more than two lost souls just passing by

Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes

She said, "I know you are, but what am I?"Tell me, have you seen a sunset
Turn into a sunrise?
Kiss right through the night?
'Cause we should try that sometime
Hold you 'til the mornin'
And if I said I'm fallin'
Would you just reply
"I know you are, but what am I?"

I put my guitar down to see her reaction. Her smile is so big her eyes wrinkle in corners, water glistens in her eyes.

"Are you crying?" I ask, laughing a little while wiping the tears falling off her face. She laughs in her tears.

"Shut up," She says, putting brushing her hair away from her face. "It's that time of the month again, I'm emotional." I laugh with her as she wipes her mascara-stained cheeks.

"Well, I hoped you liked it. You're the inspiration behind the song anyway." She looks up, surprised.

"What do you mean?" She asks, softly chuckling.

"Well, the guys helped me write it, but you were on my mind while writing it." I hand her my tattered page with the lyrics. "Sorry about the eraser marks, but the highlighted lines are about you."

She takes the notebook and proceeds to read the highlighted lines.

"I met her on a Monday evening."

"The first night in LA is when we first met." I explain, watching her read intently

"And one day we could be, maybe more than two lost souls just passing by"

"After meeting you that night, I dreamed that it was fate."

"Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes, she said, "I know you are, but what am I?" A warm smile fills her face in realization.

"Tell me, have you seen a sunset, turn into a sunrise? Kiss right through the night? 'Cause we should try that sometime, hold you 'til the mornin'"

"Homecoming night, we stayed here all night. From sunset, to nearly sunrise, and well, you know what happened." Both our faces blush simultaneously, followed by smiles. I continue the rest of the lyrics.

"And if I said I'm fallin' would you just reply"

"I know you are but what am I" She finishes, her smile is infectious, especially with those dimples of hers. Her eyes water and sparkle as she looks at the lyrics once more.

"Daniel, this is beautiful. It's perfect for the audition." She hands me back the piece of paper, but I hand it back to her.

"Actually, it wasn't meant for the audition. It's yours, to keep." Her tears fall on the page, her cheeks a bright red, her smile a source of happiness.

"Dani, I don't know what to say, heh." She cries through her smile as she rereads the lyrics.

"Then don't say anything." I say, lifting her chin with a finger, planting a passionate kiss on her lips. She doesn't resist or hold back, it's perfect. I can't explain the feelings that are rushing down my spine even if I tried. We've never exchanged kisses like this before.

But it feels like we have.

Somehow, it doesn't feel new.

It feels right.

It feels it's been exchanged a thousand times between our eyes before it reached our lips.

A part of me wished I met her years ago, wishing I had the honor to do so.

But another part of me knows;

She's the best thing I've ever waited for.


okay, not gonna lie this chapter do be giving me the feels. thought this would be a cute way to put in some references. if you love it cool, if you hate it cool. honestly, this chapter might be one of my top 3, but i dont know. this story was just supposed to be for fun and something to do to pass time during quarantine, but it's become so much more. i found such amazing friends who motivate me to write this for you guys. you guys are a real one. 💗 anyway until next time, peace out ✌


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