If All it is is 8 Letters...

688 27 34

daniel's pov

It's been a month since I left Y/n's place.

31 days since I told her I love her.

Almost 744 hours since she told me she loves me.

About 44,640 minutes since I shouted my love for her at the top of my lungs.

Approximately 2,678,400 seconds, and counting, since I've got to touch her beautiful face and hold her in my arms.

And I still miss her so much.


The next time I'm supposed to see Y/n is during her Spring Break. Which is at the end of March, beginning of April. It doesn't feel that long, but at the same time, it feels like an eternity away. I've been focusing on writing music, learning more instruments, and spending more time with the family. I've been hanging out with the guys a lot more since I cam back, which has also been nice. All of this stuff has been keeping me busy, but it just isn't the same.

I'm walking to my last period when Ms. Adams stops me in the hall. I've been ignoring her these past couple weeks, with the musical coming up so soon. I still didn't apologize for bailing so early. I know how unprofessional it was for me, and I know I should've said sorry, but I just never found the right time.

"Daniel, can you see me in my classroom? After last period?" She asks with that teacher look where you can't say no or else they'll keep bugging you. I nod my head and continue my way.

Her class was only a half-year course, so I haven't seen her since before Christmas break. It's sad yes, considering how much I liked her class, not that I don't love having a free period to do whatever I like, it's just weird having so much time to myself. Some days, I don't know what to do with the time. 

I finished up my last period and went to her classroom. I first had to stop by at my locker to pack some of my stuff so I can leave as soon as I talk to her. It didn't matter though, 'cause when I got to her classroom there was a note on her door to go to the auditorium, which is at the other side of the school. I roll my eyes at the note, making my way down the hall.

I eventually made it to the auditorium. I'm not even near the entrance, but I hear music from inside. I enter through the back doors, seeing the stage 100 rows ahead of me. I see Lovey and freshman Joseph, center stage. The props are scenery are everywhere, it looks great. I see Ms. Adams at her usual seat, taking down notes. I watch them rehearse as I walk down to where she is.

"But, I love you..." Lovey says quietly, fully in character, to the nervous freshman on stage. He replies shyly.

"I-I can't....Y-You can't...I-"

"Cut!!" Lovey yells, echos fill the room. "Ms. Adams, I can't do this." she walks to center stage, the spotlight shining on her. "We've rehearsed this scene a hundred times! And every time, he freezes up like this!" she turns to shy Joseph, his hands shaking in his pockets. "Just say the line, it isn't that hard!!" she goes backstage, taking five. I sit down next to Ms. Adams by her directors table, putting my bag down.

"I see things are going well." I say slightly sarcastic, situating myself in my seat.

"Oh totally. The whole thing has been perfect until this scene, I don't know what to do." She looks through the script, examining different spots. "I mean, Jo's a great kid, really talented. Except there's something holding him back every time we do this scene, but I don't know what."

"So why'd you wanna see me?" I keep my gaze at the stage ahead of me.

"I want you to figure it out."

"Figure what out?" I look at her surprised, she keeps her eyes on the papers.

"Joseph. Why he can't do the scene. Get to know him, help him out. The poor kid is probably a nervous wreck and just needs so guidance from a peer. He idolizes you." 

"Me?" I look at her wide-eyed. "Why me?" She smiles at me, then looks at the empty stage.

"I don't know honestly, but I always said there's something different in you. Now's your time to shine." I look at her as she nods her head towards the stage. "Go ahead, he's backstage."

I slowly make my way towards the stage. I don't think I've ever stepped foot on it since my audition. I remember that day so vividly. It was nothing like I have ever experienced before. It didn't feel like an audition, but like a moment. A moment I wasn't ever going to forget. Standing there, singing my heart out on that stage - it was magic. I walk behind the curtains, going backstage. I look around, seeing props be moved from place to place. Students, fitting their costumes and trying different makeup looks. And then I spot him, Joseph, sitting on the floor along wall near the exit. I walk over and sit down next to him.

"Hey." I say, putting my backpack on the ground next to me.

"Hey." He twiddles his thumb with his gaze far. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing much, just stopping by." He looks at me, laughing to himself.

"So, I'm guessing you saw me freeze on stage."

"Yeah, well it happens." He shakes his head, lowering his eyes to the ground.

"No it doesn't. The first 3 times, maybe. But 4 rehearsals later and a week before opening night? I don't think so."

"Nah, man, you're pushing yourself too hard. Look at you, you're a freshman. What are you, 14? 15?"

"15." he mumbles. I laugh to myself, he looks at me confused.

"Man, when I was 15 I was too scared to go to school in the first place. I'd just hide in my room all day, playing my guitar. My brothers had to drag my butt to class just so I'd pass." A small smile is put on his face, his eyes still glued to the floor. "Look, all I'm saying is anyone in this school would kill for your spot. Not just the freshmen, but sophomores, juniors, and even seniors. Did you know that some seniors that have been in the arts all 4 years have never gotten the lead? Not even an understudy for the lead? Look, all I'm saying is that you've got some big plans coming your way. Cherish it."

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can, what are you talking about?"

"I can't do the scene." I look at him confused, his gaze still low. "I can't say it..."

"What? 'I love you'? Isn't that the main part for the scene though?"

"Yeah..but I can't." he looks away, embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry, I don't understand. It is just acting."

"I don't get why it's so hard for me to say."

"Hey, don't sweat it man. After all, it's just 8 letters."

"Yeah, I guess. But, my dad, he grew up acting, he'll know the difference. He's the reason I auditioned in the first place. I didn't think I'd get the lead, but when I did, man you should've seen the look on his face. I just don't wanna let him down." 

"Yeah, I get what you mean. You won't let him down, okay? Not on my watch." We shake on it after that, I help him get up off the ground as we walk back out on the stage. I put my backpack on as I walk out of stage left. As soon as my foot steps in front of the curtain, a scream startles my presence.



𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮, djs ✓Where stories live. Discover now