You And Me At Christmas

782 31 17

y/n's pov


Winter Formal.

3 days until Christmas.

Daniel and I got ready for the dance around 3 o'clock. We didn't have a day date this time; none of us were in the mood to go out with everyone else. Instead, we stayed at the house and watched some of our favorite Christmas movies. I requested to watch The Polar Express while he opted for A Christmas Story. We started around 10:30 in the morning, had a lunch break in between, and then finished up the rest of the movie.

This time, my mom got to help me get ready. It was nice having her zip me up and do my hair, it's been a while since the last time we've done something like this. We're in her bathroom, she's doing my hair while I do my makeup.

"Thanks for helping me, I don't know what I would do without you." I tell her as I watch her curl the last piece of hair.

"Oh, don't worry honey, that's what I'm here for. You look beautiful, sweetie." She puts her hand on my shoulder. I put my hand on top of hers as we stare at our reflections in the mirror. "You know I'm so proud of you and the young woman you have become. The way you brought your brother home so he could get the help that he needs even if it meant making sacrifices of your own. I just wanted you to know that, I am so proud of you and how mature you are getting to be."

"Thanks Mom, I had a good teacher growing up." we both laugh as we walk out to the living room to meet up with everyone else.

Daniel and my dad stand by the fireplace, just talking. I see Daniel in his suit, trying to contain myself. He looks very handsome and charming, it's almost overwhelming. They watch me walk down the stairs. It'd be really embarrassing if I tripped right now. I hold on to the railing as I slowly walk down in the new heels I didn't bother to break in first.

Daniel takes my hand, helping me down the last steps.

"You look very beautiful." He says, linking my arm into his.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mr. Seavey." I tell him as we walk back to the fireplace for pictures. He proceeds to put a corsage on my wrist.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know what I'm doing." he whispers to me. I smile at his honesty while beginning to put his boutonniere on.

"Don't worry, I have the hard part." we both look down at his suit as I try to put the boutonniere on, "Don't move, I don't wanna hurt you."

"You could never hurt me." he whispers back. I can feel his eyes on me as I put the boutonniere on. I look up at his eyes, his ocean eyes.

Brooke, Hannah, and their dates arrive for the group picture. I didn't even know we were doing group pictures, but it feels nice to be a part of something. We all do different poses, at my mom's demand, until we finally go to the venue.

Hannah's date, not Jock 1, but a different guy, he offered to drive everyone in his 7 seater. It seemed like the best choice, each pair had a row to themselves. Me and Daniel took the back row, watching Brooke and her date fight like it was a reality show, pretend popcorn and all.

We finally got to the place, it was different compared to Homecoming in LA. For starters, it was indoors 'cause no one would want to dance in the cold. Also, the atmosphere felt lonelier. In LA, Daniel knew a couple people, he had some friends. But here, I have 2 friends whose dates almost left us in the car and that's it. The rest of my classmates know my face, and I know theirs, but it doesn't make sharing a table with them any easier.

We entered the ballroom and found our tables. Brooke and her date went straight to the dessert bar while Hannah and her date went straight to the photo shoot area. Daniel and I sat down for a minute, I watched Daniel look around in awe. The banner of white balloons in the front of the room, as high as the ceiling, it was a lot. Especially the use of fairy lights and streamers in the room, it's a little much.

"You're not planning on sitting here all night now are you?" he says, standing up. He holds out his hand for me to take as we walk to the dance floor. He puts my hands on his shoulders as he puts his around my waist. From then on, we danced the night away.


After the dance, we all went our separate ways. Me and Daniel went back to the house for some alone time. My parents went on a date night of their own, so we had the whole house to ourselves.

We agreed to finish watching some more Christmas movies after changing into some pajamas. I put on some flannel pajama pants and a grey hoodie while Daniel wore a red hoodie with black sweatpants. When I went back downstairs, I find him on the couch, hood on, on his phone. I lie down on his lap, getting his attention. While staying in this position, I reach for the remote to look for a movie to watch.

The movie starts, and I'm still on his lap. He flips my hoodie over my head, placing his hands on top of my hip.

"Are you sure you want to watch another movie?" He whispers, keeping his eyes on the TV. I turn my head in his direction.

"What do you want to do?" I smirk. I get up and sit up next to him.

"Well," a small smile appears on his face. "Don't think I didn't notice the piano in the corner there." he nods his head to the grand piano in the back of the room.

"Oh, yeah, it was my grandma's and after she died, it went to my mom." I say, looking at the lonely piano in the room. My body goes numb for a minute. He takes my hand, interlocking it with his.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Do you know how to play?" He asks as we walk to the piano. He lifts the cover, revealing the dusty keys. He sits on the bench, I stay standing.

"No, my mom kinda stopped playing since she died, so she never got to teach me." I keep my distance from the piano. He nods his head to me to sit next to me. I walk over, sitting on the bench next to him.

"I'll teach you." he says, looking right into my eyes. I can't help but smile back. "Here, you do the left hand and I'll do the right hand." he plays a couple notes in order, I play back. "See, you're a natural."

He continues to play with his right hand, we ended up playing 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas', my favorite Christmas song. I wouldn't be surprised if he started singing. A part of me wants him to sing. But at the same time, it'd feel too Glee-esque, but then again, I'm down.

"Anything in particular you want for Christmas?" he asks, still playing. I turn my head to his, look at him right in the eyes.

"I got everything I need right here." a warm smile grows on both our faces. We each lean in, pressing our lips together.

Just then, the light goes on.

We pull away.

I turn around to see a figure at the entryway.

"Merry Christmas."

𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮, djs ✓Where stories live. Discover now