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y/n's pov

I landed back home the next day around lunch time. Today at school, we had a half day due to college tours and such so lucky for me, I didn't miss much. Brooke and Hannah called me as soon as I landed, filling me in on every non-academic thing I missed while I was away. Nothing out of the norm, just a couple post party breakups and hookups was all I seemed to miss this weekend. I got back, seeing everything same old same old. Bailey and Ethan are still on their honeymoon in Greece. They're supposed to be back this weekend. Only about 1 more month until school's over and a chapter is closed. But a part of me doesn't want it to end...

"So, have you told Daniel the news?" my mom asks while serving breakfast. It's been a while since we all sat together for breakfast, but it's a nice change. "Yeah, I told him on Sunday."

"And how'd he take it?" she asks, passing me the bagel basket. "He was really happy, I mean, I think happy is an understatement for the way he reacted." she finally sits down, beginning to eat her breakfast. "Aww that's amazing hon, I'm happy for the two of you." After that, she didn't speak much, she just continued to poke around her food.

"Mom? Everything alright?" I ask, putting my fork down. She does the same, letting out a breath of air. "Yeah, I'm alright." she says as my dad puts his hand on top of hers. "Mom, I'm gonna be okay, you don't need to worry about me."

"I know, I know. That's the thing though, you're not only gonna be okay, you're gonna do great...and then you won't need us anymore." she says with a shaky tone. I look at her with some empathy, knowing exactly what she's scared about. "I'm not Ethan Mom..."

"And I know that, just, I'm gonna miss you." I walk over to her side of the table, pulling her into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you too." I tell her, keeping her in my arms. I then grab my backpack, ready to head out the door. "I love ya Mom." 

"Love you too hon." she says, waving me goodbye. I drive off to school, meeting Brooke and Hannah at our usual spot by the vending machines. "Hey how was your weekend?" Hannah asks as I walk towards them. I see that something has changed. There are no boyfriends this time, and Brooke isn't trying to get anything out of the vending machine. "It was great, how about you guys?" 

The two exchange looks, not sure who's gonna talk first. "What? What happened?" I ask, seeing their expressions change. "Okay I'll go first." Hannah says, holding on to her backpack strap. "I didn't get into NYU..." she says, her eyes shifting to the ground. "Oh Hannah, I'm sorry, I really am, I knew how much you wanted to go there." She's been talking about NYU and studying in New York ever since we were 6 and took ballet classes together. "Yeah...I don't know what to do anymore. And on top of that, Luke broke up with me." I had to think about who was Luke for a second. I thought they already broke up, but I guess that was a different guy. "Aw Hannah, I'm sorry." I tell her, pulling her into a hug. How many more hugs do I have to give today?

Brooke then speaks up and tells me her news. Hopefully it's not as sad as Hannah's. "Well...I got into Texas Southern University." she says with a smile. I think it was me who screamed this time, pulling her into a big hug. "Brooke that's amazing!" Brooke's been dying to go to Texas and live with her aunt, and now she can. "My parents didn't think it was possible, they're really happy for me." she says with a soft smile. Brooke can come off as a nutcase sometimes, but beneath all of that, she's really bright. "And...guess who asked me to prom..." she says, trying to hide her blush. I look at her and Hannah.

"Promposals already? Who?" Hannah looks at Brooke, who looks at me. Then, they both look at someone beyond me, I turn around and see a familiar face. He walks up to Brooke, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Y/n..you remember Max right?" I look at the pair blankly, seeing if the name rings a bell. Max, Max, Max. And then it clicked. Max was a summer camp counselor with Brooke last summer, some might say he was her summer fling. "Happy Springs summer camp counselor?" I ask Brooke, who has the biggest grin on her face. "Well, I'm happy for you. This is great." I say honestly, seeing a new wave of happiness in Brooke. If only Hannah were the same. 

The day went on, going through each class was unbelievably boring. Regardless, I know I'll be missing them when the year is over. After my last class, I go to the library to return a DVD I borrowed for my history class when I run into Mr. Jenkins. "Oh Y/n, I didn't see you there." 

"Mr. Jenkins, nice to see you." I tell him as I drop the DVD into the return box. "The same for you too. How's Ethan? I heard he got married!?" Mr. Jenkins, he's pretty old. I'd say about late 60's the most. He's basically my grandpa with how close he is with my family. "Yep, he's in Greece right now actually."

"I see I see. Well, I'll see you tomorrow okay? Enjoy the rest of your day." he says, leaving me to it. But before he leaves, I call his name out, "Mr. Jenkins?" He turns around before exiting, "Yes?"

"Thanks." I tell him gratefully. His famous grandpa smile takes over his face as he walks out of the library. Feeny. That's who he reminds me of. As silly as it sounds, he's our very own Feeny. (a/n iykyk, i stan Feeny. if you know who im talking about, hi yes, ily)

I got back home to see something I wasn't expecting. It was Bailey at my front step, bags in hand. I guess my parents weren't home to let her in, but my question is why she's here, and where's Ethan? "Bailey?" I say, walking up the driveway. "What are you doing here? I thought you're supposed to be back on Monday." She looks at me with worried eyes, she's tense. It takes her a little bit before she can get her words out. 

"We've got some news." 

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