The Show Must Go On

603 26 51

daniel's pov

"Daniel!!!" a loud scream comes from the other side of the room.


She runs across the stage welcoming me with open arms. "It feels like forever!!" She wraps her hands around my neck, pulling me into her embrace. I quickly hug back, confused.

"Um, Lovey, I saw you this morning."

"Really?" she pulls away, a big smile plastered on her face. "When?" 

I back up from her just a little bit. "Um, after first period. You were putting up posters for the play." she stares at me, expressionless.

"Why don't I remember that?" I shrug as she walks back to her place on stage. I begin to walk off the stage, but she calls my name. "Wait! Daniel! Stay right there!" I stop at the step I'm on, facing the her direction. "Ms. Adams? Since we have Daniel with us this lovely afternoon, maybe he could rehearse the scene and show Jo how it's done?" I freeze, turning to Ms. Adams, subtly shaking my head.

Ms. Adams looks at the three of us on stage, Joseph in between me and Lovey. Clearly she doesn't know what to say. "Um, how about we let Joseph decide, Jo?" Lovey immediately gives a threatening glare to him, he turns to me, my facial expression trying to tell him to say 'no'. 

"Um, do you think it will help me get better?" he asks sheepishly.

"Of course it will!" Lovey says before Ms. Adams can even get a word out. "Daniel was born a star, this'll be a piece of cake." she says, putting a script in my hand. She guides Joseph backstage, taking his shoulders and pushing him aside. She takes my hand and rushes to center stage. "Whenever you're ready Ms. Adams!" she says with a big smile on her face. 

We look at Ms. Adams, waiting for her cue, but she clearly doesn't know how to react. "Uh, yeah, let's just try this maybe. Action!!" 

Suddenly I feel my palms get sweaty, dampening the paper in my hands. Lovey starts the scene, running towards me from stage right.

"Nathan! Nathan please, I can explain." I quickly read the stage directions, turning my back on her.

"There's nothing to explain anymore." I say quietly, slowly getting into character. "I've seen all that I need to see." I hear her footsteps come closer, her hand going on my shoulder.


"No!" I yell, fully in character. I push her away as I walk around the stage. "You lied to me! You told me he meant nothing to you. Nothing! And then I find you two, in our hiding spot, talking about wedding plans of some sorts!"

"Nathan please! I can explain!" she says, begging, running towards me, going on her knees. Tears fall on the stage floor. Wow, she's really good. I look back at the script, reciting the next couple lines.

"You told me you loved me..." I say under my breath, looking at her on her knees by my feet.

"Because I do love you..." she says in a whisper.

"How can you love me and still be with him?" I say bitterly, looking at the top of her head as she's still on her knees. "Did what we have mean nothing? Am I nothing to you? How can you tell me you love me, and still lie like that to my face. I can't trust you anymore, Calyssa." I take a deep breath, tears brimming up. "I can't be with someone I can't trust..."

"But, I love you." she says, slowly getting up. She begins to pace back and forth, walking back to me, taking my free hand. I look away, my gaze to the ground.

"I know..." I look up, seeing her eyes look into mine. "And I love you; but I can't anymore, and you can't either." I let go of her grasp, walking towards center stage, my face shining against the lights. "You're going to marry's final. It's out of my hands...this is what is meant to's can't change fate." The lights go off, as we're left in the darkness. The lights slowly come back on as I see Ms. Adams on her feet, a standing ovation. She wipes the tears on her eyes with a tissue, I am stunned. 

"That was...beautiful." she gets out of her seat, walking towards us. "Daniel, the way you portrayed Nathan so well in such a short time, flawless. The emotion, the sadness, the anger, the heartbreak, it was all there. It was perfection. Well done. I knew there was something special in that shy soul of yours." she walks up the stairs to the stage, coming towards us. "And Lovey, as always, your emotion in this scene amazes me every single time. Beautiful work." Lovey turns to me, a huge smile on her face. We high-five in our accomplishment. I'm surprised with myself to be honest, I didn't know I could channel my emotions like that so quickly. Jo slowly walks out from backstage, walking towards us. 

"Well, clearly I can't top that."

"Jo," I begin, but he interrupts.

"No. There's no way I can top that. I know it, everyone in this room knows it. You should get your role back Daniel, it's only fair." My eyes widen, shocked. Ms. Adams has the same expression.

"But you've been practicing for months, I-I don't understand. What about your dad?" 

"I'll deal with him when I deal with him. You were meant for this role Daniel, it's the truth." I look at Ms. Adams, confused. Lovey looks ecstatic, not even trying to hide her joy. 

"Well, I think that's the best idea Jo's had all season. What do you say Daniel do you wanna-"

"Now hold on," Ms. Adam says, holding a finger up, stopping Lovey. "How about this, Jo, you perform at the matinee shows and Daniel, performs at night. That way, you both get equal showtimes and Daniel can practice lines during the day. What do you say?" I look at Joseph, talking with my eyes. He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Sounds good to me." he says. Ms. Adams, surprised. Lovey, very excited. They all look at me for my answer.

"The show must go on." I say, shaking his hand. Lovey screams in happiness as she hugs me, congratulating me. Ms. Adams claps as she explains the rest of the schedule for the rest of the week. My mind is racing, I can't focus. 

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

In 7 days, I'll be performing on this stage, in front of hundreds of people.

7 days...


hey! it's me! sorry i have been so inactive lately and been taking eons to update. but i'm back! hope you enjoyed this chapter :) just wanted to thank you for reading this far lol and just showing your support. you're a real one. anyways, until next time.

peace out, love ya


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