It's Cold in LA, Every Time that You Leave Me Behind

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In exactly 1 week, it'll be Winter Break

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In exactly 1 week, it'll be Winter Break.

How did the days turn into months?

How did time fly so fast?

I don't know how time flew so fast, but it has and there's nothing I can do about it. Daniel's first day of his Winter Break started yesterday, giving him a head start on all the fun. However, this week I have Winter Formal. The second most cherished event in our school. All week, committees have been going around doing numerous things to raise money for the formal. In exactly 4 days, our senior class will throw the best formal in the history of our school.

Except, there's one con in the midst of all the pros this week has to offer.

I don't have a date.

As selfish, conceited, and bratty as that sounds, I don't have one. But, I don't need one. None of the guys here are a tenth of what I see in Daniel, therefore making it hard to accept any offers. Brooke and Hannah think I'm crazy for insisting on not having a date. They claim it's not cheating if Daniel's okay with it, but to be honest, I'm not okay with it. It doesn't feel right going to a dance with some other guy when I know I should be with Daniel.

But what can I do about it.

These past months, we've relied on our phones as contact. We've facetimed almost every night, with exceptions like late-night rehearsals or girl's night. But besides that, we've talked everyday. So why doesn't everything feel back to normal?

When I first came here, nothing felt right. And to be honest, it still doesn't feel right. Ethan has been in the rehab for a little over 2 months now, and nothing seems normal. My parents are worried more than ever, watching my every move, scared I'd pull off a similar stunt like Ethan. Which is stupid in my defense because I'm the one that brought him here. I'm the one that noticed that something was wrong. I'm the one that cared enough to do something about it. However, I can't let my anger control me forever, or else it could go the wrong way for everyone.

My school life isn't exactly normal anymore either. I wasn't even gone for a full month, but everyone seemed to forget about me. I had my 15 seconds of fame when I got back and everyone threw a party for me - even if they didn't notice that I left before the end of the weekend. Brooke and Hannah are still there for me, but we're distant. Sometimes I feel like we're closer when we were talking over the phone, a thousand miles apart.

My grades are getting better though. That's one bright side of all this chaos. My teachers have finally stopped giving me sympathy about my brother and have focused on my future. I've developed an interest in Journalism and I plan to major in it for college. On the down side, I have yet to decide on what colleges I'm interested in. I don't know how far I'll go, or what my limitations will be. Before living in LA, I was set on staying within state. But now, I feel like I'm ready to study anywhere, as long as it means achieving my goals.

I've visited Ethan about once every two weeks. It's hard seeing him in his state, but he seems happier there. It's like his own private world, away from the rest. I can't tell if he's taking this time as a 'vacation', but whatever they're doing to him, it's working. I just hope he turns out for the better and doesn't end up falling back in that hole of despair.

> > > the next day > > >

I walk down the same crowded halls on my way to first period. It feels more crowded than before, almost claustrophobic. It feels like there's more people here since I left. More unfamiliar faces. I meet Hannah and Brooke at our usual spot, usual routine. Brooke struggles to get another snack out of the vending machine, while Hannah tells her how it won't work. Except this time, there's two new additions to our group. Jock 1 and 2. That's right, Jock 1 and 2, I don't know their names. Hannah stopped trying with Brooke since she's too busy making out with Jock 1. Daniel's not even awake at this hour back in LA, so I can't even fake texting people. Jock 2 shakes the vending machine and all the snacks fall out into Brooke's reach. The 5 minute warning bell goes off and everyone rushes to class, I follow the crowd, leaving my friends behind. Hannah calls out my name as I walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going? Aren't you gotta wait for us?" Jock 1 kisses her neck as she talks to me. The PDA is really grossing me out now.

"I'm going to class, you should try it some time!" Both of them look at me, jaws dropped.

This is gonna be a long day.


I rush out of my final class, as usual, and try to get home as fast as possible. I don't bother waiting for Brooke or Hannah, I know they're riding home with their jocks anyway.

I throw my stuff in the backseats as I start the car. As I back out of the parking lot, my phone rings.


An instant smile appears as I put my phone on speaker and connect it to my car's Bluetooth speaker. I don't know why I end up fixing my hair when he won't even see me, but I do anyway. I answer the phone and hear his voice, my mood is lightened.

"Hi princess!" His voice is so happy, I almost cry tears of joy.

"Hey babe." I say as I laugh at myself.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. I miss you." I try to keep my eyes on the road, trying not to get distracted by his contact picture.

"I know, me too."

"It's been forever, like what? 2? 3 months?" I realize how short 2 months really is, but it has felt like an eternity.

"Actually it's 100 days, starting today." I'm shocked. 100 days? Already?

"Wow, 100 days. I'm not sure what to say about that. Is that a good or bad thing?"

"Well, I know it sounds like a bad thing, but it's actually a good thing."

"What do you mean?"

"This long distance thing, it's challenging, I know. But it proves that I can love, trust, and respect you from a distance. So just imagine what our relationship will be when we're no longer apart?" A warm smile grows on my face. How could he be so positive?

"Yeah, that's pretty cool actually. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see you again." I slowly make a turn and pull into the driveway.

"Well, you won't have to wait that long." He says quietly. I stop the breaks short as I park and stare at the garage door. My heart races.

"Dani? What are you talking about?" I turn off the engine and sit in silence. "Daniel?"

"Come inside."

𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮, djs ✓Where stories live. Discover now