Home Alone

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It was almost midnight by the time we got to the house. After the beach we went to get dinner at In N Out and hung out there for about an hour. We opted out for some ice cream or froyo, but Ethan and Christian were too full. I didn't feel like going out for more food either and was getting tired. Actually, I was getting so tired I fell asleep in the car. I can't imagine how that turned out.

I manage to wake up from my sleep a little after 1. Surprisingly, I'm wide awake now and find the energy to take a shower and get the sand off me. I'm certain that everyone else is sleeping by now, but when I get out, I see Daniel playing the piano in the living room.

He seems so focused and peaceful, I don't want to bother him. I try quietly going to my room when I end up tripping on my doorway. He immediately stops playing. Yep, that definitely got his attention. I try to help myself get up, but I can't so I just watch him watch me. It was definitely another awkward moment for sure.

"Whoa, you alright there?" He asks, getting up from the bench. He rushes over to me and helps me up, my right ankle extremely hurts. I can't seem to apply pressure on it or walk on it. I start to be filled with worry and anxiousness. "Y/n, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. My right ankle," I say while pointing to where it hurts. "It just feels sore, but that's it." Just then Daniel picks me up and puts me on the couch and goes into the kitchen searching through cabinets. He comes back with an ice pack and some medical wrap.

"Here, hold this." He says, handing me the ice pack. I take it from him and watch him unravel the medical wrap. He proceeds to wrap my ankle in different directions. "You sprained your ankle." He says quietly, then he looks at and takes the ice from my hand and puts it on top of my ankle. He then props my foot up onto a throw pillow and moves down.

"How'd you know?" I say with amazement and shock. He leans back lazily against the sofa and keeps his eyes distant.

"Growing up there were a lot of sprained ankles shared between me and my brothers." He explains, "My mom taught us all about first aid the more we broke things."

"That's good." I say, I can't really relate to the subject as much as I should.

"Your mom has never taught you stuff like that? With your brother being a football player growing up?" He asks, seeing the expression on my face.

"No, not really. She didn't come to much of his games. Too scared to see him get hurt. My dad's the one who's into football, maybe even more than my brother." I tell him, surprised that I did. "You know, you're the first person I've ever said that to."

He looks up his face with a warm smile, "Really?"

I nod back, "Yeah, really. My friends back home think my brother's all that you know? Back home he's this football star and hometown legend. But here,"

"Here, he's just your brother." He says, finishing my sentence. Now I have a warm smile.

"Yeah. It's kinda nice actually. It's different. It's new." There's a sweet silence between us. Like we both know exactly what we're saying without having to say it. Daniel then gets up from the sofa and makes his way to the piano in front of us; I turn my head to his direction.

"This might sound super weird and out of topic, but can I play something I've been working on?" His feet shuffle against the peddles and he starts twiddling his thumbs.

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