Chapter 2

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"Oh my god, you are a live saver!", Seonghwa blurted out and put a hand on the boys' shoulder.

"Yeah, I can work on it today", he said with confidence and turned around to go check the music system in the corner of their practice room. He chose the song they had to dance to and just sat there, listening to the music. Everybody else packed up their stuff. They won't be needed today and practice was already over. Before he left the room, Wooyoung looked back at the boy again. He was still sitting there, but no longer without moving an inch. His body moved slightly in the rhythm and his head bounced to the beat. Wooyoung thought it would be better to leave him be for the time being.

Later that evening Wooyoung noticed that he was out of Ramen and had to go out to the grocery store if he wanted to eat something that day. He contemplated with himself and his angry stomach for a few minutes but the constant rambling in his insides won. He put on an oversized hoody before he left his apartment. The convenience store wasn't that far away and Wooyoung prepared for a short walk down the street, his hands buried deep in the hoody's pockets.

After turning at a corner, the dance studio came in sight and Wooyoung saw a light coming from one of the windows. He wondered who would be still in there and figured that it probably was one of the producers who usually work till late at night. But when he stood in front of the entrance, he noticed that it was the practice room of his class. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.

Did this kid forget to turn off the light?

Wooyoung swore under his breath and took out his wallet. He pulled out his ID to swipe it against the electronic lock and went inside. He went to the first floor and was a little startled to hear music coming from the end of the corridor. It was dark in the building, but Wooyoung could see the small brim of light from under the door of his practice room. Everywhere else the building was empty. And the music grew louder as Wooyoung walked slowly to the room.

He opened the door and looked inside.

Of course, he wasn't expecting it to be empty anymore. The sound of the music already told him, that the boy was still here. But still he was shocked by the scene unfolding in front of him.

The boy didn't notice him at all, even though the door was right at the opposite of the huge mirror wall. The boy was too immersed in his own dancing. And soon, Wooyoung was too.

Wooyoung now knew, why he felt like the boy didn't know where to put his passion, the first time he saw him dancing. The choreography he was dancing to the first time wasn't giving justice to his talent. The way the boy moved to the music now was the complete opposite. He wasn't composed at all, putting his all in every move, exaggerating the way his arms moved to the beat and giving his facial expression extra attention. Wooyoung felt stupid for thinking this boy wasn't experienced or that his dance was superior. It wasn't. And he noticed that immediately.

Wooyoung was stunned at this sight. He never actually saw someone dance like that before. The passion, the sheer talent and the perfect lines he formed with his body.

He had the perfect balance.

Wooyoung finally understood why his teacher always emphasized on balance.

The song ended and the boy stopped in his movements. Finally, he looked up and saw Wooyoung in the mirror.

"Oh, hi", the boy said out of breath. He took off his cap and ran his hand through his hair to get rid of his sweat before he put it back on. Wooyoung finally entered the room and closed the door again.

"You are still working on the choreo?", Wooyoung asked and walked to the boy who was nestling with the laptop.

"No, I'm already done with it for a while."

"Was that the choreo?", Wooyoung asked curiously.

"No, something else I was working on", the boy said without looking at Wooyoung. "Do you want to see our choreo?"

"Of course!"

"Okay ... wait a moment." The boy turned to Wooyoung and he noticed that they were the same height. The boy took off his jacket and threw it to the side. He only wore a black tank top with tight jeans now. Sweat was trailing down his neck to the crease of his shirt. Wooyoung stared at the sight, mesmerised by how attractive this boy was.

"I'm San by the way", the boy said and Wooyoung remembered, that this was their first time talking to each other. "Wooyoung", he introduced himself and San showed him a small smile. Wooyoung stared at the dimple that showed up in Sans cheeks and he was surprized by that. San wasn't the kind of guy he was expecting to have dimples.

But San didn't give him much room for contemplating about this, since he turned on the music again and walked to the middle of the room facing the mirror.

Wooyoung watched Sans dance and was speechless for a few moments even after San was done.

"You ... you came up with this?", Wooyoung stared right into Sans eyes. "Alone?"

San nodded and came back to the laptop. "It's not much", San said with a small voice. "I want to improve it more, but I don't really know what to do." He took off the cap and ruffled his hair again. In this movement his top slid up and showed his toned abdomen.

"Improve more?", Wooyoung asked bewildered. "This is perfect. I can't believe you actually came up with this by yourself."

"Really?" San showed a bright smile by this compliment and as his dimples showed his eyes disappeared in an eye-smile. Wooyoung felt something strange in his stomach area.

"Of course! Though I don't know if we would be able to learn that choreo. This is crazy!"

"Ah, don't worry. It's not that difficult. It just looks like it."

"I don't believe you."

"Want to try it?", San asked.

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Hello there,

first up I want to say, that english is not my first language, so please be kind about mistakes in spelling and grammar. And I've only written OneShots in english till now, so I don't know how it's gonna be.

Please tell me if you are interested in this story, since I haven't decided yet, if I will actually write it. It was just a crazy idea I had while watching a few WooSan compilations and reading some fanfics.

If I'm going to write it, it will have really slow updates.

For those of my readers who are actually waiting for my Hermine Granger book to finish, don't worry. I WILL finish Feder. But Feder is not actually a story I can write in small bits an peaces because I have planned everything out and have to actually care where things are going to and that usually comes with multiple chapters written at once. Because of my situation with my hand I just can't do that.

I started this story, because I wanted to write something for a long time so badly, but I couldn't do that with Feder. You guys are also welcome to read this one even if this isn't your fandom. I promise you, I will finish Feder some day. But I have to figure out my situation with my hand first.

This story I've been writing for a few days now. Only writing about 500-800 words at a time which not even concludes a scene. But here I can afford getting off track, because I have literally nothing planned out except for the overall story of WooSan dancing and coming together ^^'

So please don't be angry.

For everyone else, I hope you'll enjoy this story. Please talk to me in the comments. I really love reading those.

So far, till the next update;


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