Chapter 33

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Yixing clapped in his hands when the music was turned off and the producers and managers as well. Breathing heavily the eight boys went back into a straight line and bowed down to their superiors. The tension was evident in the room. Everyone knew what stakes were on for this performance – or so they thought.

Yixing and the producers discussed amongst each other for a few minutes while the boys were standing on the stage, too tense to talk to each other. San walked up to Wooyoung and hugged him from behind. Seonghwa put an arm around Hongjoong's shoulders. They awaited their verdict in silence.

Finally, Yixing took the mic and turned around to them.

"So, first I want to congratulate you. This was an amazing performance. I don't think this could have been any better. San, your choreography was mind-blowing. The way you used the back dancers to hype you guys up was really intelligent. I – we also liked the formations a lot. Usually idol groups tend to have symmetric pictures, but you broke that rule and used some asymmetry. Hongjoong, your performance doesn't need any more improvements. You and San are ready for debut.

With which we come to why we are actually here." Yixing paused and looked everyone in the eye. "Hongjoong, San, what have you decided? We are okay with anything." Yixing ended and San let go of Wooyoung, as well as Hongjoong shrugged off Seonghwa's arms. They both took a step forward. They looked at each other one more time to reassure that they were on the same page. Then Hongjoong took the mic and said: "We want them all."

"You want them all?", Yixing asked and looked back for a second to the producers and managers. "All 6 of them?"

"Yes", San said and took the mic out of Hongjoong's hand. "We don't want to leave anyone behind. We want to debut with the 6 of them. 8 makes one team, and we are a team."

"You realize that they are training to be back dancers?", Yixing asked again. "None of them has received any singing training until now."

"I know, but I believe in them", San answered. It went silent again and Yixing turned back around to discuss this with the producers.

On the stage on the other hand the trainees became uneasy.

"What do you mean you want us all?", Jongho asked Hongjoong.

"Why are you guys talking about singing training?", Wooyoung asked San.

"We'll explain later", San reassured them. "Just wait and see."

Yixing cleared his throat and everyone payed him attention again. "Well ...", he started, "we still need the final okay from the CEO but since he has put us in charge, we are pretty sure that it's going to be okay. If everyone agrees to it, you'll start your training to be idols starting tomorrow and maybe your debut will be in 3 to 6 months. Congratulations, again." Yixing turned off the mic and put it back on the table. He turned around to talk again with the producers, probably to make a schedule for the new team.

But on the stage no one noticed anything about it. Hongjoong and San jumped in each other's arms and celebrated their victory. "We did it!", San screamed. Then he let Hongjoong go and threw himself at Wooyoung. He picked him up and whirled him around out of joy.

Meanwhile Hongjoong explained the others the situation.

"This was never just a mission for you guys", he said. "This was a mission for San to find teammates for our debut."

"Your debut? As in you two?", Mingi asked.

"Yes, San and I were in a team of soon-to-debut idols from the beginning", Hongjoong explained. "He was put in your dancing class to find others that might be able to work with us. At first, we were only supposed to find one or two constant back dancers but soon we realized that you guys are cut for being idols. So, we asked if it was possible to add more idols to our group."

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